Astral Attacks: Psychoenergetic Strikes - Alternative View

Astral Attacks: Psychoenergetic Strikes - Alternative View
Astral Attacks: Psychoenergetic Strikes - Alternative View

Video: Astral Attacks: Psychoenergetic Strikes - Alternative View

Video: Astral Attacks: Psychoenergetic Strikes - Alternative View
Video: William Walker Atkinson Psychic Influence 2024, September

Psychoenergetic blows are inflicted either by ordinary people who aggressively manifest themselves in relation to us in the process of psychological communication and possess natural powerful psychoenergetics, or psychics, magicians, sorcerers who are in direct contact with us in a given situation, or who are at a considerable distance from us and act remotely.

1. Psychoenergetic blow - a short-term forceful effect on a person's aura, dictated by negative emotions or calculation and aimed at weakening his will, decreasing strength, disturbing emotional balance.

2. Psychoenergetic pressure - continuous forceful impact on the human aura with the aim of deforming it, subordinating the will, suppressing activity or reducing the impact on the environment … It can be carried out both with psychological pressure, and without it, at a subtle level.

3. Astral - energetic attachment - a subtle effect on a person's aura, aimed at attaching a foreign aura to it in order to gain access to energy reserves and control someone else's will.

4. The formation of the astral cord is the final stage of the astral-energetic attachment, which implies remote control of another person due to the abduction of his energy.

Through the channel of the astral cord, a person who gravitates towards energy vampirism is fed by the life force of another person and thus makes him dependent on himself, his will and inclinations.

5. Psychoenergetic vampirism - a system of various influences on the human aura, suggesting a combination of various methods, from aggression to skillful flattery, and aimed at stealing someone else's energy. In fact, it is a manifestation of subtle energy manipulation of another person.

6. Psychoenergetic penetration (evil eye) - penetration into the aura of another person with the help of a blow, attachment or other vampiric technique that destroys the protective network of a thin shell.

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Sometimes the evil eye occurs at the level of superficial visual contact between the aggressor and the victim, during which the attacker breaks through the weaker aura and injects his own energy into it.

7. Psychoenergetic infection (damage) - deep penetration into the aura of another person and disorganization of his subtle field structure due to the spread of negatively charged energy inside it.

If the consequences of the evil eye, as a superficial damage to the aura, can be eliminated quite easily, then the damage is difficult to overcome.

8. Induced trance is a subtle psychoenergetic effect on human consciousness in order to weaken its clarity and adequacy of perception, to introduce it into a special state reminiscent of a hypnotic trance.

At this moment, a person becomes especially suggestible, gullible, highly emotional, and at the same time weakened in terms of volitional self-control.

The introduction into a trance state is best done by professional hypnotists, politicians, showmen, people with strong bioenergetics, strong-willed concentration, natural magnetism, among whom there are often scammers and adventurers.

9. Zombie - a subtle psycho-energetic effect on human consciousness and will with the aim of completely suppressing and destroying the ability of a person to be a person, to control himself and adequately assess the world.

The concept itself came from the lexicon adopted in African magic, however, as a phenomenon, it was applied in a variety of magical systems from ancient to modern times.

At the moment, in addition to black occultism, the zombie method is widely used in the practice of special services, in political pre-election technologies, in show business, in the work of the media and the press, in advertising magic, in the activities of various dark sects.

10. Love magic (love spell, lapel) - a purposeful subtle impact on the emotional-volitional nature of a person with the intention of influencing his attitude towards a particular person in the direction of sympathy or antipathy.

For the success of the impact, it is assumed the use of a variety of magical methods, most often working with a subtle “double” of the person being exposed.

11. A curse is a subtle psycho-energetic effect that programs failures, illnesses, and in extreme cases, death for the one who is chosen as a target, and possibly for his children, close and distant relatives, or even for the whole family.

This type of attack or strike occurs in two forms:

a) the usual curse, expressed by words of hatred thrown by one person to another, and

b) a special occult technique designed to destroy the enemy and even people associated with him - relatives, friends, descendants, the whole family.

Its implementation requires not only emotional rejection of the enemy, reaching the point of hatred, but also a trained will, the ability to concentrate and knowledge of magical techniques and rituals.

Moreover, we are not talking about an everyday threat permeated with negative emotions that can penetrate the aura, not about ordinary magic, but about black magic.

According to immutable occult laws, a curse inevitably leads to a reverse blow, because a person who uses this method consciously, as a rule, seeks to protect himself from retaliation and crush the return blow, softening and weakening its power.

He tries to translate this back blow to some other object (sometimes even inanimate), sometimes using an animal or a person as a shield.

A curse is the most powerful method of inflicting blows, the consequences of which even very tall and advanced people can experience, and the person who sent the curse is not always able to change it.

Thus, Ramakrishna, one of the greatest spiritual teachers in India, was cursed in his youth by his cousin Haladkiri, a follower of the tantric teachings. The author of Ramakrishna and His Disciples, Christopher Isherwood, describes the story as follows:

“Haladkiri was one of those who suppress those around him, and not many believed that he possessed some special power, that his curses would come true.

When we reached Ramakrishna, he immediately went to Haladkiri and, with his usual directness, told him about them. Haladkiri flared up strongly:

“You are my cousin and you are younger than me - how dare you talk to me like that? Look, you bleed!”

Ramakrishna was frightened by these words and began to calm Haladkiri, convincing him that he only wanted to warn him, to keep his good name.

But Haladkiri did not lift the curse. Soon after that, one evening Ramakrishna felt a tingling sensation in the palate and blood in his mouth. Here's his own description:

“The blood was dark and so thick that only a few drops fell to the ground. It immediately curled up and stuck to the lip, hanging from it, just like a banyan root. I wanted to stop the bleeding with the edge of the dhoti, pressed it to the sky, but nothing helped. Then I got scared.

People came running to me. Haladkiri was worshiping in the temple when he was told what was with me. He got scared himself, and rushed to me with all his might. I saw him and with tears I say: look what your curse has done. He cried too."

12. Involation is the most dangerous for a person's life procedure of occult-magical influence, as a rule, accompanied by certain rituals and pursuing the goal of physically killing a person with the help of a concentrated negatively charged flow of energy. An involition directed against the spiritual principle in a person is stronger than the astral one.

It is impossible to learn how to make an involutation from books. Only a person specially trained in the practical application of techniques and methods of black magic can effectively influence.

Of course, in the case of the use of an involute, the return blow will be even stronger than with a curse. And only the one who owns the methods of protection, moreover, the protection of the spiritual, the Highest, can successfully defend himself against purposeful involutation.

It is obvious that the listed types of psychoenergetic attacks, depending on the source, are applied in different ways.

As a rule, people who by nature have strong psychoenergetics and are in conflict with us strike us in ordinary contact with much stronger blows that emotionally touch us than psychics and average bioenergetics can do.

On the other hand, the latter, acting on us, hit our health much harder than ordinary people.

S. Klyuchnikov