Alex Windgolts - Higher Or Holistic "I" - Alternative View

Alex Windgolts - Higher Or Holistic "I" - Alternative View
Alex Windgolts - Higher Or Holistic "I" - Alternative View

Video: Alex Windgolts - Higher Or Holistic "I" - Alternative View

Video: Alex Windgolts - Higher Or Holistic
Video: Higher (feat. Alex Newell) 2024, September

The soul is a splinter from the source of the Spirit, like a grain, which is then combined with different elements so that, for example, a person grows from it. As earthly breeders breed different varieties of plants or animals, so our creators, on the basis of the soul, create all kinds of consciousnesses, crossing with different energies. These energies can be messengers from other universes and are completely alien to us in vibration.

The abundance of information processed by our consciousness is not a sign of spiritual growth, but a sign that our consciousness is completely under the control of the mind. Artificial intelligence plus technological progress will finish off a feeling, spiritual person, turning him into a “gray” biorobot, connected to the general computer system of society.

The soul is just the core of consciousness around which the rest of the energies are wound. Although there are consciousnesses in the universe, where the soul is not the center, but the center is the mind. These forces just now dominate our planet. Consciousness is a hybrid of energies of different properties. Even our human body has many “I's” that we integrate in ourselves. Consciousness is a fractal that has the potential for endless growth. Integration of small particles of “I” consciousnesses into a larger circle takes place, when small disparate parts of “I” “stick together” into a single perception. This moment is like a flash of memory, as if you were wandering in endless dreams and finally woke up. Consciousness becomes pure and voluminous, since there are no more boundaries between the small “I” that interfered with perception. Then after eons of time,cosmic consciousness is already on another round of evolution, is overgrown with new small circles of separate “I” (this may be her family of light), with which it will have to merge into a single consciousness.

In order for human consciousness to grow to the cosmic level, we need to integrate seven basic, but different in their properties, energies. Access to these energies is in the chakras (gate). Chakras are still a place for fixing and dosing these energies in the body. We can be grafted with the energy (consciousness) of some distant galaxy, which has developed in itself only its characteristic qualities, for example, the warrior spirit.

If one of the energies begins to prevail, entering through the gates (chakras) into our consciousness, then there is an imbalance in the work of consciousness. For example, if the focus of consciousness is shifted to the sexual chakra, then more access of sexual energy to our consciousness opens. We will see the world according to Freud, it will seem to us that the whole world is preoccupied with sex. Or when the mental center prevails, then our consciousness will be completely under the influence of the mind. Behind each gates (chakras) there are whole worlds of consciousnesses with their own laws and philosophy that influence us.

Our life directly depends on the amount of this or that energy in our consciousness. The task of a person is to balance all these energies in himself. This is his main job. Only holistic perception gives the feeling of stability of consciousness. Here on Earth we are just learning to put ourselves together in pieces, i.e. work with attention. The ability to manage your attention and a sober attitude towards yourself, a guarantee of the rapid maturation of us as Spheres. There should be nothing in our minds that we cannot control or observe. For example; we must be clearly aware of the sources of our thoughts, emotions and desires, where they come from and in what area of the body they are. Do not hide from them, pretending that we do not notice them. Running away from sincerity is the path of unconsciousness. This means that consciousness will constantly rush between small “I”. These are not spiritual and moral postulates, but a real path to freedom. Only when we are free can we find integrity. Freedom is not an external state, but an internal sensation, which implies an emptiness in consciousness, where there are no clues in the form of viscous emotions or rigid attitudes. Emptiness is not a vacuum without thoughts and feelings: this is when, without having a specific form, we can change thoughts and feelings according to the situation. Form is determined by attachments to the same thoughts and feelings. Attachment is not freedom. When we are not attached, we can use any feelings, according to the chosen tactics. This is the fluidity of the warrior.where there are no clues in the form of viscous emotions or rigid attitudes. Emptiness is not a vacuum without thoughts and feelings: this is when, without having a specific form, we can change thoughts and feelings according to the situation. Form is determined by attachments to the same thoughts and feelings. Attachment is not freedom. When we are not attached, we can use any feelings, according to the chosen tactics. This is the fluidity of the warrior.where there are no clues in the form of viscous emotions or rigid attitudes. Emptiness is not a vacuum without thoughts and feelings: this is when, without having a specific form, we can change thoughts and feelings according to the situation. Form is determined by attachments to the same thoughts and feelings. Attachment is not freedom. When we are not attached, we can use any feelings, according to the chosen tactics. This is the fluidity of the warrior.

When the human consciousness comes to the end of its growth on earth, then all the chakras will merge into one glow in its chest. At the energy level, we will turn into a luminous sphere with a bright dot in the middle. This moment is the transition from a humanoid form to a light body. Now we resemble an oblong bubble with a faint glow with unstable walls, in which energy chaos constantly occurs inside it from prominences of different colors and shades. Sometimes you can't even see them. Consciousness is so de-energized.

The Creator, using young souls as a basis, cultivates a new consciousness by merging from different energies (consciousnesses). Growth to humanoid level occurs in a tightly controlled evolution. At this time, when the consciousnesses have not yet matured, the planets are their protective cocoon. Then the humanoid consciousness must integrate all the disparate parts in itself and proceed to further, but already independent creation of itself. And this is already a cosmic existence in its own cocoon, where consciousness, without supervising creators, develops independently. And while consciousness is in the cocoons of the planets, it is completely subject to external experiments, i.e. against his will, they can interbreed with another kind of consciousness. Then he will have to get along with these energies on the wheel of samsara (containment program) until they integrate. Free will can only be outside the cocoon of the planets. What we call free choice is all about the options for an individual program.

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The soul is a splinter from the source of the Spirit, like a grain, which is then combined with different elements so that, for example, a person grows from it. As earthly breeders breed different varieties of plants or animals, so our creators, on the basis of the soul, create all kinds of consciousnesses, crossing with different energies. These energies can be messengers from other universes and are completely alien to us in vibration.

Once I met a person in whom I saw an energy alien to me. Understanding suddenly dawned on me. We came from different universes, where the only access to understanding each other was human consciousness. Using a person as a communicator, we could touch and feel each other. I saw that outside of matter our energies could never meet, since they were at different frequencies of perception. We exchanged gifts along the way and never met again.

Internal integration of small “I” can only occur through friction with time and space. For this, matrices of worlds are created so that energies of different properties can meet in one cocoon.

Until we are integral in our consciousness, any of our reasoning will be just fragmentary truths that our separate selves see. Therefore, there are many truths on earth that contradict each other. Only by gaining integrity, and by perceiving ourselves as a cosmic being, can we be sure that we see the whole picture. But again, within the new framework of the acquired consciousness. The Higher Self is the complete integration of all our little selves into one monolith of perception. Therefore, it is better to say not the higher “I”, but the integral “I”. At this moment, all embodied fragments return and merge with this consciousness in the form of a flash of memory. It seems that you woke up from a long sleep, and you begin to remember yourself. Another moment - and you see how the pieces of “I” fly with their worlds, attracted by your glow and in a moment dissolve in your new consciousness with flashes of insight. And when all “I” merge in one illumination, then you are overwhelmed with pure awareness. There is no longer a sense of loss, incompleteness, or desire to gain. Everything is in you. In the consciousness of the whole “I” all shades of small “I” are simultaneously felt: from erotic sensual states and warm overflows of colors of being, to clear knowledge that instantly appear in your integral consciousness. And this perception is permeated with a great love for the world. And this perception is permeated with a great love for the world. And this perception is permeated with a great love for the world.

If life in the scattered consciousness of small “I” is a constant intense tossing between them, where perception is clouded by the chaos of thought forms and emotional instability, then in a mature holistic consciousness from the harmonization of all its parts, the music of the spheres sounds. When musicians tune their instruments, a cacophony of sounds is heard. But after a short lull, all the instruments begin to play each part, which, merging into one sound, create an amazing whole melody. This is how an integral consciousness works, like a single orchestra of talented musicians (little "I").

Many of us have already heard the music of the spheres. It was our integrity sung.

It is a mistake to believe that God created the soul and it gains consciousness only through experience in matrices. This is similar to Darwin's theory of evolution, where through friction of experience an organism mutates from simple to complex. But we already know that man was created by crossing different alien DNA. Likewise, the soul is only the main part of the hybrid consciousness, i.e. the soul evolves by integrating energies of different properties in itself. The natural relict soul, being in divine love, is not aware of being. This is similar to how we perform actions in a dream, but we cannot realize that we are sleeping. So the soul experiences, but does not understand what it is experiencing. For the soul to realize who it is, it needs to integrate with the mind and form. All these concepts God, Soul, Spirit define the mind, for example;that a god can be with the size of the universe or with a local god in some sect. A pure soul is most likely a bundle of feelings emanating from the Great Source. And for the soul to become God the creator itself, it needs to be individualized. When mind is implanted in her, only then does she become aware of herself and other energies. She has a recorder-analyzer. Reason does not develop in the soul through evolution, reason is introduced into it through technology, i.e. it is a foreign organ for her. Likewise, when the soul is incarnated into solid bodies, it acquires new properties that it did not have, for example, the same sexuality, or the instinct of self-preservation.only then does she become aware of herself and other energies. She has a recorder-analyzer. Reason does not develop in the soul through evolution, reason is introduced into it through technology, i.e. it is a foreign organ for her. Likewise, when the soul is incarnated into solid bodies, it acquires new properties that it did not have, for example, the same sexuality, or the instinct of self-preservation.only then does she become aware of herself and other energies. She has a recorder-analyzer. Reason does not develop in the soul through evolution, reason is introduced into it through technology, i.e. it is a foreign organ for her. Likewise, when the soul is incarnated into solid bodies, it acquires new properties that it did not have, for example, the same sexuality, or the instinct of self-preservation.

The soul develops by hybridization with other consciousnesses. Let's say the soul is one kind of consciousness and the mind is another. Each of them has advantages and disadvantages. But together they have more possibilities in perception. Now, in the image of a person, the soul has a body and mind, trying to integrate them in itself. The body is a cocoon where these energies are held. We call this trinity consciousness. And the higher “I” can be called a complete integrated consciousness, led by the Spirit. At the moment, we people are led through life by the rigid program of the matrix and the intention of the creators. And the integral “I” is already capable of independent growth. Spirit is the flow of life itself. Being is due to the Spirit. It is the mover for all living beings: as for creators, gods and their creations. To understand what the Spirit is is like trying to grasp the immensity. If we feel the program on ourselves, in the form of physical laws, then the Spirit is barely caught by our consciousness. He is like the eternal call of infinity inside our heart. This call makes us great wanderers of being.

Most people cannot “reach out” to their higher “I”, because it has not yet been formed. People have not yet developed the core of consciousness. Such souls are under the control of nannies in the form of guardian angels. Further, when the soul becomes more mature, teachers come to replace the nannies. That is why after death the consciousness of a person, not having its own core of attraction, in the form of a higher “I”, crumbles. After that, each piece of the little "I" goes to its storage. The soul - into its own worlds, the mind - into its own, and the consciousness of the body dissolves in the soul of the planet. Then, under the onslaught of the program of the creator (s), the soul goes into embodiment in order to reassemble and integrate the small selves.

The soul not only experiences bliss from merging with being, but can also suffer from its attachments. The soul has the ability to absorb everything into itself. She is always open to experience. It can be compared to the feminine aspect. This inherent quality enables her to quickly integrate with other consciousnesses. But at the same time, she can be dependent on them. And when a person dies, together with the body, the soul loses its connection with the energies with which it was in close contact. These energies can be not only positive, which expand it, but also those that make it defective. For example, as a person is a drug. Therefore, there is “purgatory”, something like a conscience, when the soul sees itself as on an X-ray and, by recapitulating its actions, is cleansed of everything false. At this time, the soul experiences pain and suffering from the fact that it was on the wrong path. This moment in human religions is described as hell, or eternal torment. Since on the subtle plane time is a purely internal state of consciousness, a moment of mental suffering may seem like an eternity. After experiencing its actions in incarnation, the soul enters its abode, according to the biblical “paradise”. But after in the dense world she experienced contact with the mind and body, which opened up new possibilities for her in perception, she begins to miss them. Paradise begins to seem like a boring place to her. And the soul cannot wait to regain the lost qualities again, and this desire pushes it to a new birth. At this time, without reason, she is completely in feelings, i.e. in itself. She is not aware of her desires, but simply follows them. The older the soul, the less it dwells in "paradise" and more in incarnations in order to quickly integrate with new opportunities for it,which gives her body and mind. The mind gives her a sense of movement, and the body outlines her personality. She now wants to be a conscious drop, which would gather its awareness drop by drop, becoming an ocean itself, and not again and again dissolve in the impersonal ocean of Spirit.

Completion of the cycle of humanoid existence for the soul is a complete transformation of the physical cocoon into the light one, where the merging of all small “I” takes place. This will already be another consciousness that will be born on the basis of the soul. And the immortal light cocoon will allow the soul to keep the acquired individuality in any energies of infinity.

Here I would like to emphasize an important thing, in my opinion. Individual consciousness does not end its existence by merging with the ocean of consciousness (return to God), but gradually, fractally integrating with other consciousnesses, it becomes an independent ocean. The essence of creation is this new universe, only with its inherent experience and capabilities. Each planet, solar system, galaxy, universe is an individual consciousness that exists inside an even larger consciousness, being its small “I”. If there were no cocoons of planets, suns and galaxies, then existence would be like one homogeneous mass of unconsciousness, even if it is in love and light. And there would be no one to realize what love is. Even modern physics is beginning to understand that our visible universe has boundaries (cocoon), and is not infinite, as was previously thought.

The birth of an integral “I” (Sphere) matures gradually. In the beginning, there is an attempt to gain integrity, when for a short time all parts of the “I” are connected. It could be a spontaneous leap, like a tentative ascension attempt. At this moment, consciousness feels like a little cosmic child trying to take the first steps in infinity. There is even a feeling that you are about to “fall”. The image (if I may say so) jumps, the senses are exalted from the overflow of new sensations. But after several “steps” the new creature quickly adapts to the new conditions of existence. It begins to perceive itself as a Sphere and with each moment more firmly stand on its cosmic "legs", and its focus of attention is more and more clearly fixed in a new position.

The return to human perception is due to immaturity. Consciousness is not yet ready for a new perception. Attention is unstable, therefore, any small movement of the assemblage point gathers worlds that it is not ready to perceive. At this time, the consciousness is like a child who is in a hurry to become an adult, imagining that he can do anything and usually runs into trouble. In my case, this is a meeting with To-oo (the limit of consciousness, the limit of possibilities). Although, I think that such an experience was important on my way. Consciousness must learn to be aware of its limitations. Any consciousness has its own boundaries. Even the Creator has a limit to his creation. Consciousness can be the size of a blade of grass, or it can be a whole galaxy. A blade of grass cannot contain the energy of the galaxy. To do this, she will need another cocoon. Premature violation of the border of consciousness is fraught with loss of individuality (cocoon). Evolution can be compared to stringing pearls (the consciousness of small selves) on a thread (cocoon). And when the thread breaks, then all the pearls crumble. The thread of personality can break from an excessive dose of foreign information, just as a human personality can crumble under extreme stress. In the world of energies, everything is adult. Therefore, our curators will not let us out of the cocoons of the planets until we grow up. Therefore, our curators will not let us out of the cocoons of the planets until we grow up. Therefore, our curators will not let us out of the cocoons of the planets until we grow up.

When you are in the middle of your circle with your attention, the world around you is filled with love and understanding. But it is worth shifting attention to the edge of the circle of consciousness, then the energy increases with each approach of the border. The very "shell" of the cocoon of consciousness has an intense light, which is difficult to penetrate only by human effort. Therefore, going beyond the cocoon occurs after the impact of the Force from the outside and the readiness of a person to accept the unknown. The Power (Spirit) knows when consciousness is ready, so there is no point in persuading or asking him to help with ascension. It is naive to think that we - as fragments - decide when we ascend. Or convince others to prepare for this transition. Moreover, none of the people can give exact instructions on how to achieve ascension. Our only duty and opportunity is to harmonize the work of our little selves,to increase the energy intensity of our human consciousness.

For us people, ascension occurs only when the physical body is transformed into a light body. And this is a transition from a small circle to a more voluminous sphere of existence. Now there is a lot of speculation on this score, it seems that almost all of humanity is ready for such a transition. Relying on consumer consciousness, many channels describe the transition as an enjoyable adventure. The paradox is that those people who are keen to ascend will not actually ascend because they are not mature. They do not understand what it is and represent it as a nice walk among the paradise gardens. By and large, they are tired of this reality, and they yearn for new vivid impressions. But most importantly, many do not have the experience of partial ascension, which means there is no sobriety in perception. Those who have gained the experience of partial ascension in past lives, which is hidden in the subconscious,instinctively feel the complexity of the transition. Knowing this, they are in no hurry, realizing that everything has its time. Some people who are ready for ascension do not even know this word, being far from esotericism. They simply abide in what they are, finding joy in the simplicity of life, not being attached to it, realizing that all this is temporary. Therefore, all talk about ascension does not bring us closer to it, but most likely is a fashionable topic for the ego. Although, it seems to me, now everyone is pretty fed up with this topic, like the topic of the apocalypse. Consciousness is always tired of excesses. The most effective way to wean a person from attachment is to allow oversaturation.being far from esotericism. They simply abide in what they are, finding joy in the simplicity of life, not being attached to it, realizing that all this is temporary. Therefore, all talk about ascension does not bring us closer to it, but most likely is a fashionable topic for the ego. Although, it seems to me, now everyone is pretty fed up with this topic, like the topic of the apocalypse. Consciousness is always tired of excesses. The most effective way to wean a person from attachment is to allow oversaturation.being far from esotericism. They simply abide in what they are, finding joy in the simplicity of life, not being attached to it, realizing that all this is temporary. Therefore, all talk about ascension does not bring us closer to it, but most likely is a fashionable topic for the ego. Although, it seems to me, now everyone is pretty fed up with this topic, like the topic of the apocalypse. Consciousness is always tired of excesses. The most effective way to wean a person from attachment is to allow oversaturation. The most effective way to wean a person from attachment is to allow oversaturation. The most effective way to wean a person from attachment is to allow oversaturation.

For us, the quantum leap of fragments happens spontaneously. The transition occurs after the consciousness has matured. The maturity of consciousness, of course, is not determined by a person. There are three blows to the cocoon. Why exactly three? I do not know. After spontaneously receiving a blow to the cocoon, he suddenly realized that two more waves were to come. How did I know it would be like this? Again, I don’t know. These portions of energy, probably, in order for consciousness to more smoothly enter ascension. It's like defragmenting memory, where the mind is optimized to get the most out of it. The first wave of Power knocks off everything human. It is the experience of death and loss of human form. The second wave brings attention to the planetary level, when all earthly selves are reunited into one memory. This is the pinnacle of humanoid consciousness when you feel like a star person. And after the third wave, the final transition to a new level of consciousness takes place. This is a transition to a plasmoid existence. Here complete integrity is acquired when all small “I” in consciousness are transformed into one big cosmic “I”.

In terms of collective transition, most will experience only the first wave of the Force. But many will withstand the first blow in order to then accept the second, which will bring them to the planetary or stellar level of perception. Only a small number of people can withstand all three waves of the Force.

Many have already made a partial ascent to their higher “I” in different incarnations, so they have an intuitive knowledge of their integrity and the desire to regain it. Some entities who have achieved the integrity of being, which are very few on earth, voluntarily decided on new incarnations. There could be many reasons for this. From honing your skills, to acquiring new opportunities or helping your own kind. But these incarnations are already taking place under the sensitive supervision of the higher "I", and not the general program of the wheel of birth. The Higher Self from the future observes its fragments from the past. It's like a recapitulation of a warrior where re-living the past changes the future. What's below is above.

Remembering yourself as some kind of being in the form of a “great” teacher, or a superintelligent humanoid is not a meeting with your higher “I”, but most likely with our fragments of incarnations. When your attention is in the integral “I”, then all important determinants: like “great teacher”, “lords of light”, “messiah”, or “buddha” evaporate under the onslaught of global knowledge. You seem to see yourself from the outside, in volume, at the same time down to small details. At the same time you see the past and the future of your little selves. At this time, you feel like a transparent, joyful "ball" abiding in love and light. There is nothing in the mind to contradict or argue. I would like to be forever in this pure perception, not polluted by dogmas, of the mind.

When we are whole, then, oddly enough, being becomes simpler and clearer.

It is impossible to comprehend what is not in our circle of perception. This article is just an attempt to touch the unknown.
