The Devil's Trap. Italy - Alternative View

The Devil's Trap. Italy - Alternative View
The Devil's Trap. Italy - Alternative View

Video: The Devil's Trap. Italy - Alternative View

Video: The Devil's Trap. Italy - Alternative View
Video: Devil's Trap: Sowing the Seeds & Actions in the Last Days - Hamza Yusuf 2024, September

The Devil's Trap is a chrono-anomalous place located on the island of Sicily in the city of Tacone. According to history, a rich and respected man named Alberto Gordoni lived in the city and one day, one spring morning in 1753, walking through the courtyard of his estate, he simply disappeared.

This phenomenon happened in front of 12 people, including his wife, who fainted from horror. No depressions, holes or hatches were found at the place of his disappearance. One got the impression that the person simply disappeared into thin air. They searched for Alberto Gordoni for several days - without success.

Rumors on the island spread very quickly and soon a lot of people knew about the cursed estate where the owner had disappeared. In the future, it was this notoriety that did not allow Gordoni's wife to sell the ill-fated mansion. No one wanted to repeat the sad fate of her husband.

22 years after the events described above, Alberto Gordoni suddenly appeared in the same place where he disappeared. He was instantly surrounded by amazed people and began to ask about where he disappeared for more than two decades. Since Alberto firmly insisted that he did not disappear, he was soon placed in an insane asylum, where he spent 7 years.

On the 8th year of his imprisonment, Dr. Mario, who had recently arrived on the island, became interested in his problem and began to conduct health talks with him. From them, he learned the story of how Alberto, 29 years ago, suddenly found himself in a bright tunnel, which took him to a dark and strange place.

In front of him was some kind of incomprehensible small picture, covered with various dots and stars, each pulsing in its own way. In the place where Alberto got there, there were no things, only strange devices. Also, the man met an unknown hairy creature there, which informed him that he accidentally found himself in a crevice of time and space, from which it is very difficult to return back. While awaiting his return home, the newly made prisoner learned from the creature about the holes piercing the darkness; about thoughts moving in space at the speed of light; about souls without a body and about soulless bodies; about flying cities with immortal inhabitants.

Trying to grasp at least some sense of the knowledge that had befallen him, he unexpectedly found himself again on the territory of his estate. By Alberto's standards, everything that happened lasted no more than 2 hours.

The doctor believed the patient's story and asked to show him the exact location of the incident in order to study the anomalous zone in detail. The next day they went to his estate and when Alberto again approached the mysterious place, he disappeared again. This time forever. After this incident, Mario, believing in the existence of the devil, ordered to enclose this place with a reliable wall and named it the Devil's Trap.

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It is known that there are zones on our planet where the usual course of time is disrupted and scientists cannot explain this phenomenon. Needless to say about the paradoxes of other worlds, which are generally beyond our understanding …