What Is Forbidden For Gypsies To Do - Alternative View

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What Is Forbidden For Gypsies To Do - Alternative View
What Is Forbidden For Gypsies To Do - Alternative View

Video: What Is Forbidden For Gypsies To Do - Alternative View

Video: What Is Forbidden For Gypsies To Do - Alternative View
Video: The Struggle for Survival of the Roma People: Europe's Most Hated 2024, September

There are many myths about the Gypsies, including they are often tried to be presented as a completely uncivilized nation, mired in crime and debauchery … Meanwhile, this people has a rather complex system of cultural, moral and ethical values. Various taboos occupy a significant place in it.

Filth concept

First of all, the concept of "filth" is associated with the lower part of the female body. And we are only talking about married or sexually mature women. It is believed that below the waist a woman is "unclean" and any contact with her can defile. Even if she just walks over something or over someone. The only exception is the performance of marital duties.

In no case should you touch the clothes that the gypsy wears below the waist, or her shoes. If the family lives in a two-story house, then women cannot go up to the second floor - only girls and girls are allowed there. If a gypsy woman has visited the top floor of a house, gypsy men should not enter this house, so as not to be defiled.

For men, everything below the waist is also considered "unclean," but the area of spread of "filth" is less than among women.

"Desecrated" are things that women use during pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period. They are subsequently destroyed. They try not to contact pregnant women and women in labor.

If a person dies, then all the things he touched are also declared "unclean". They are buried together with the owner.

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A priori, the meat of dogs and cats is considered unclean, since these animals have a habit of licking their genitals. Gypsies cannot eat horse meat, as they consider horses to be their "brothers". But no one forbids eating beef, pork, lamb, chicken.

"Desecrated" gypsies become outcasts. You cannot touch them, eat with them at the same table. After some time, it is decided that the "filth" from such a person disappeared and he was purified. But not in all cases the matter ends so well. If one gypsy “desecrated” another on purpose or tried to hide his “desecration”, he can be expelled from the community forever.

Sometimes they are sentenced to "desecration" for any wrongdoing. Most often this applies to men. Such a gypsy is cut off his hair, mustache and beard, and then one of the gypsies hits him on the head or face with a specially brought skirt. He becomes "defiled" until he is forgiven. The verdicts are passed by the “gypsy court”, which consists of the most respected people in the community.

Such punishment can follow for theft from one's own people (as a rule, this does not apply to theft from non-Roma), rape, murder, betrayal of the interests of one's clan.

Marriage and sex life

Attitudes towards marriage and sexuality differ in different Roma communities. Some of them are allowed to cheat on their husbands, but not their wives. Others discourage infidelity at all. Somewhere prostitution is not allowed at all, somewhere - only for men or only for women. Somewhere gay relationships are prohibited, but somewhere they turn a blind eye to them …

Gypsy law requires adult gypsies to hide their hips and knees (which is why they wear long, wide skirts). But the demonstration of the breast by nursing mothers is usually not prohibited.

In most Romani communities, a girl must marry chaste. The next morning after the first wedding night, it is customary to show guests a nightgown or a sheet with blood stains. Then the young woman is dressed in a red dress. By the way, although marriages between Roma are concluded at a fairly early age (14-16 years old), it is a prerequisite that both the bride and groom have reached puberty by this time.

Drinking traditions

A special etiquette is associated with feasts and receiving guests. Women usually sit separately from men - on opposite sides of the table, at a different table, or in a completely different room. At the same time, women are not recommended to pass in front of a seated man, it is prescribed to bypass him from behind or stand with his back to him.

Younger family members (even if they are already adults) are prohibited from drinking alcohol with their elders, or they must ask their permission.

It is considered extremely impolite to refuse a treat. If the child liked a thing at a party, it is given as a gift, with the exception of expensive items such as household appliances or jewelry.

For different situations, certain speech formulas are used. They must be used, and certainly in the Romani language, even in conversation with people of a different nationality.