When Will Global Famine Hit The World? - Alternative View

When Will Global Famine Hit The World? - Alternative View
When Will Global Famine Hit The World? - Alternative View

Video: When Will Global Famine Hit The World? - Alternative View

Video: When Will Global Famine Hit The World? - Alternative View
Video: 10 TIMES THE EARTH WAS ALMOST DESTROYED | History Countdown 2024, September

With the beginning of 2019, changes in land taxation entered into force in Russia, which were immediately dubbed by the people “the vegetable garden tax”.

Since gardening legislation interests all preppers no less than firearms legislation, we were forced to slightly fan this topic on YouTube, as a result of which, with great surprise, we found the following video for ourselves:

Since we very rarely take YouTube's word for it, we had to dig even deeper into the raised topic of seeds and find the original of this strange article of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation:


We categorically disagree with the author of the above video, because, although he is a guy and smart, he still thinks rather flatly, talking about some candy wrappers that someone takes from the people and puts in his pocket. People who rule global politics do not need candy wrappers and will draw as many of them as necessary, and rather the explanation of what is happening lies in something completely different.

Moreover, in fact, the situation is much darker than it might seem at first glance, which once again confirms the attempt to discuss this topic on the forums. As soon as someone somewhere makes a post about this new administrative code, a dozen trolls immediately run up, who start screaming about distorting facts, about stuffing and about an attempt to slander the beloved leadership of the country. That is, the trolls were given the command "face!" And this once again speaks of the importance of the topic of globalization of the food market, which, it seems, has already entered its final stage and there are almost no alternatives to wax apples in stores anywhere on the planet.

Although the story of squeezing smallholders out of the food market began at least forty years ago, antiglobalists only sounded the alarm in the late 1990s, drawing public attention to the collapse of the ruins of small farms around the world. And each time the official reasons for this were different.

Promotional video:

In developed countries, the globalists acted softly, very gradually tightening the nuts and from year to year doing so that the maintenance of the farm became unprofitable for people. The latest example is Europe, where from time to time some "supervisory authorities" begin to closely monitor the eggs, for example, finding salmonella or something else there. As a result of eating these Salmonella, several dozen people across Europe get, as it should be, digestive disorders, which the entire press immediately begins to scream about, describing in detail the suffering of those infected. And as a reaction to these angry articles, the supervisory authorities immediately offer all farmers to buy some kind of installation for 100,000 euros that sterilizes poultry products. And since one hundred thousand euros is too much money for most farmers, the farmers who supplied eggs to the market go bankrupt. And according to the same scheme, the "supervisory authorities" are leading, slowly, the fight against people who grow cows and corn, encouraging them to do other things.

However, the soft destruction of business was only in Europe and the United States. In Argentina, for example, which flooded the world with food in the second half of the last century, in the late 1990s, globalists muddied an unprecedented economic crisis, as a result of which someone bought almost all agricultural land on which practically nothing has been grown for 20 years. And why they were bought then is not even clear. In South Africa, another farming country, the massacre of white farmers suddenly began - and the country also left the food market. And in Australia, for some unknown reason, from year to year droughts have gone and even the most stubborn farmers there go bankrupt.

As a result of all these manipulations, a situation has developed when some large offices are engaged in food production globally, which allows them to use, for example, GMO products to their full extent. Don't like GMOs? So buy where there is no gene modification. But there are almost no such places on the planet.

The situation itself is sad because people were deprived of their choice. However, what is even worse - by depriving people of the choice of an alternative food source, they were exposed to the threat of global hunger.

Tomorrow, for example, some Monsanto Company will announce that it will no longer sell seeds to farmers for a new crop. Or he will increase the price for them, as for diamonds. And what should the farmers do then? Sow your own? But almost nowhere has anyone of their own, since globalists around the world are systematically introducing one or another “administrative code” that prohibits farmers from using their seeds. At best, they will be fined for this, and at worst, they will be banned from farming altogether and the land will be taken away.

In this threatening situation, some countries somehow stood apart, in particular Russia, which at the western blodrome was considered as a kind of ark that would not let the planet die out without food. In the United States, for example, the ban on the use of their seeds by farmers has been in effect for a very long time, while in Russia such an idea has traditionally caused laughter. But now, as we see, there is no laughing matter. The administrative piece of paper has been printed, and on its basis, officials can easily begin to fight the recalcitrant gardeners. Don't want to take the chips and think to leave the cities? So we will get you there too, since there is no GMO food in the world state.

In all, without exception, the testimonies of the mystics who described the onset of the era of the New World Order, world hunger is described as one of the most important episodes and tools of its threshold. And this is understandable: as soon as you stop bringing food to stores, the people will happily accept any government that will solve this problem.

In past centuries, during wars and revolutions, the village was a refuge for many residents of megacities, where everyone who did not want to work for the occupation power fled. For example, when the Third Reich captured France, half of the French, who did not want to build submarines to the Reich and receive nutritious bean soup for this, fled to their relatives on the farms, where they waited for the allies to arrive.


However, the victorious allies seem to have taken into account the sad German experience and now, with the monopoly of Monsanto and Co. on the products, there will be no village anywhere and hunger in the world can be easily arranged with the push of a button. All the more so when Russia, where food can now only be grown by people with a "certificate", has joined the general global scheme, with a slight delay. This suggests that the button will be pressed soon and world hunger is not far off.