Chief On "skeet" - Alternative View

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Chief On "skeet" - Alternative View
Chief On "skeet" - Alternative View

Video: Chief On "skeet" - Alternative View

Video: Chief On
Video: Skeet Truth 2024, October

How the CIA unsuccessfully searched south of Volgograd, at the Kapustin Yar test site, a base with broken UFOs

Kapustin Yar, located just 90 km from Volgograd, is rightfully considered one of the most mysterious places on the planet. It is known that the first American U-2 spy plane was tasked with photographing the most secret Soviet base from a height. Later, based on these images, modern photos from space and reports from CIA spies, the Americans shot the film “The Truth About UFOs. Russian Roswell.

Downed pilot

The film claims that 400 meters underground, right on the territory of the Kapustin Yar guarded test site, is a top-secret base - an analogue of hangar number 18 (a secret NASA base, which is rumored to contain the wreckage of an alien ship). There, allegedly in a huge, divided into compartments, similar to an underground shopping center, are stored five broken UFO vehicles. It was the study of alien space technologies, according to the filmmakers, that gave the Russians such a significant superiority over the Americans in the space exploration program.

On June 19, 1948, the most unusual air battle in the history of mankind took place directly over Kapustin Yar. A silvery cigar-shaped object suddenly appeared above the base. The pilots, raised by alarm, chased the departing UFO for three minutes. Then one of the MIGs managed to knock out the silver "cigar" with a rocket. But at the same moment, the UFO released a bright beam at the attacking aircraft. MIG crashed, the pilot was killed. And the fallen UFO, along with those who were in it, according to American spies, were carried away to an underground hangar.

The order was given by Khrushchev

Promotional video:

Later, in the summer of 1980, another battle took place in the skies over Kapustin Yar. A retired test pilot, retired Lev Vyatkin, told about the collision of his plane with a certain "solid beam" emitted by an unknown aircraft. He managed to land the plane. The wing of the plane, which had to touch the mysterious beam, glowed after the incident for several more hours.

As Professor Sergei Khrushchev, the son of former secretary general Nikita Khrushchev, who had worked at the Kapustin Yar base for a long time, told in an interview with the authors of the scandalous film, his father personally ordered Soviet pilots to shoot them down for further study if UFOs were found. And it is possible that what? then the downed objects were actually investigated at the base.

What is stored in Zhitkur?

Zhitkur is a small town next to the cosmodrome, which is still 50? e years of the last century from? for the dangerous proximity to the secret object was razed to the ground. All residents were previously evacuated and then relocated to different regions of the country. According to rumors launched by Ukrainian ufologists, it is in Zhitkur that a base is located, which is engaged in the study of downed and fallen alien aircraft.

“Nearby, behind the rows of barbed wire, through which a current is passed, there are about a dozen large hangars on the surface, one of which contains the bodies of aliens,” writes Crimean ufologist and contactee Anton Anfalov in his book. - The most interesting thing is located underground in the northeastern part of the base, where the railway and automobile tunnels lead. There, in an underground bunker with its own life support system, with the observance of all conceivable precautions, fragments and entire UFO structures are stored. At 50? meter room, if you enter it from the side of the western winged gate, there are at least five such devices: on the left are two disc-shaped civilizations of the Sonneri and one "sports model of a flying saucer" EC Tron-Sonneri (Sirius A - Sotis system), on the right, almost the entire length of the room - cigar-shaped UFO,and far in the corner - an aircraft-like device "Dolphin" from the Sirius system with an engine running on a transuranic 115? m element …"

Bad looking?

And this legend about the underground bunkers of Zhitkura has been stirring the minds of researchers of the unknown for decades. However, the Volga ufologist Gennady Belimov and his comrades from the "Cosmopoisk" group, having gone to the place, found only dilapidated buildings in the steppe and three soldiers, toiling from idleness. Agree, not too strong security for a top-secret object.

However, Anfalov is not appeased. “At present, the main and only storage place for intact UFOs on the territory of the MCMP No. 4 is located in an underground bunker at a point northeast of Kapustin Yar south of the Akhremkin settlement, east of the RS-12M Topol training center (about 32 -33 km to the south of the now destroyed village of Zhitkur, but not in Zhitkur itself, where Belimov and ufologists Drozdovs from the UFO-center "Genesis" were mistakenly looking for this place, distorting and discrediting the very fact in the bud).

I would like to emphasize that it costs nothing to hide an underground bunker with two UFOs on the territory of the State Medical Center No. 4, since the entire Kapustin Yar training ground occupies two Luxembourg areas.

Was it really bad looking?..

Tailed astronauts

Meanwhile, in addition to nuclear and ballistic tests, this base has become famous as the world's first cosmodrome. It was from here, and not from Baikonur, that the first living organisms, the dogs Dezik and Gypsy, were launched into space. But these tailed cosmonauts are not as famous and "untwisted" as Belka and Strelka, since they were not destined to return alive. And no one likes to admit their failures.

In total, 48 dogs were launched into space from the Kapustin Yar cosmodrome. Studies on the effect of penetrating radiation on the body, changes in pulse and pressure, carried out thanks to the animal cosmonauts at this base, made it possible to prepare the flight of Yuri Gagarin and the subsequent long-term flights of Soviet cosmonauts. It is expected that soon Kapustin Yar will once again become famous as a cosmodrome and become the first World Center for Space Tourism.


It is planned to launch tourists into space using a reusable suborbital rocket and space complex - the launch is expected to take place already in 2020. It is planned that a small light rocket will deliver a capsule with 200? kilometer height, and there will be "sightseers" what? then soar in zero gravity for a short time, after which they will land. The Kapustin Yar cosmodrome is now considered by Roscosmos as the most likely option for such space excursions, since it is located closer to the European part of the country and it is not so difficult for space tourists to reach it on their own, as it is to the Vostochny cosmodrome or to Baikonur.

For the Volgograd region, such a development of events could be beneficial. What if wealthy space tourists also have enough energy and money for tourism in our region, for fishing on the Volga or visiting memorable places in Volgograd? In addition, "tourist" rockets will need to be supplied with oxygen. And this can be done by one of the Volgograd factories.

Olga Poplavskaya
