Archons As An Instrument Of Secret Power - Alternative View

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Archons As An Instrument Of Secret Power - Alternative View
Archons As An Instrument Of Secret Power - Alternative View

Video: Archons As An Instrument Of Secret Power - Alternative View

Video: Archons As An Instrument Of Secret Power - Alternative View
Video: New Version Special Program | Genshin Impact 2024, September

In a recent article "Archons" we considered the origins of such a phenomenon as the Archons (from the Greek "rulers of the world") or, more readily, secret owners of money. It also considered the goals and meaning of the existence of the Archons, the facts testifying to their "stormy" activities and some of the obvious results of such activities on the scale of our civilization. In the next article, we will try to understand more substantively the instruments of power of the Archons, with the help of which they strive to realize their plans for world domination, that is, to finally enslave you and me, dear reader.

For those who still “collect dandelions” or doubt the purposeful destructive activities of the Archons, I will give a small number of statistical data, as of the state of affairs on planet Earth in 2016:

- according to various sources, the population of the earth at the beginning of 2016 amounted to 7.3 billion people;

- over the past few years, the growth of financial inequality in the world has reached staggering proportions. The state of 1% of the world's population is greater than that of the remaining 99%. Such data was released by the British charity Oxfam, timed its report to the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. The 85 richest people have capital equal to the wealth of the world's 3.5 billion poorest people;

- Representatives of the charity organization Charity: water have estimated that around 800,000,000 people in the world do not have access to potable water;

- according to the UN, as of December 2008, the number of hungry people worldwide exceeded 960 million;

- in 2000, UNESCO specialists counted 877 million illiterate adults around the world and 113 million children, which is almost 1,000,000,000 people who cannot read and write, and literacy is the basis for sustainable development and peace;

- in the twentieth century. more than 100,000,000 people died during wars, and this was before the mass production of nuclear weapons began;

Promotional video:

- according to the Stockholm Peace Research Institute, military spending in the world in 2011 amounted to 1.74 trillion. US dollars;

- at the beginning of 2016, there are about 40 points in the world where destructive military conflicts are taking place.


And this is a small part of what allegedly "accidentally" happens in the world, because there are only some general data, not to mention what is happening in the field of ecology, medicine, culture, education, science. It will not be difficult for smart people to find and match the information they need. However, all this is just the consequences of the purposeful actions of a group of people who call themselves Archons and claim total domination over their own kind. This article is not intended to list and analyze the consequences of their activities, but pursues the task of disseminating information and the desire to get to the bottom of understanding how this is possible in a modern, developed society living in the 21st century? Also, we will modestly try to find an answer to the question - is it possible to change anything and return the development of civilization to a creative channel?


What is a person? What is the meaning of his life? What is the world around you? Self-determination of any person, the foundation of his worldview and life values begins with these questions. And if we transfer this to society as a whole, then, accordingly, all processes of the life of society will be formed from the values of each individual. In addition, it should be noted that in this process there is a continuous, mutual influence of each individual on society and society as a whole on each individual. Therefore, we can single out one of the main points of reference for the formation of society and the individual - these are the values that each person lives individually and society as a whole. It would be logical to assume that for an organization striving for world domination, one of the important vectors of influence is the influence on human values. Is this true and if so, how does it happen? Let's look at what people who are clearly familiar with this state of affairs in the world say and write about it.

For example, in the books of the author A. Novykh “Sensei III. Primordial Shambhala "and" AllatRa "have such moments:

“… A lot in people's lives, their spiritual development depends on who controls them. In the countries that are tacitly ruled by the Archons, lies, deceit and material principles reign, which actively replaces the spiritual aspirations and values of peoples. Against the background of beautiful words, people are made into stupid, obedient idiots. And the more such countries become that are under the rule of the Archons, the more humanity gets stuck in the mud of matter, tipping the bowl of its choice towards the Animal nature. And, naturally, the faster civilization is approaching its own destruction. But the main meaning of human existence is in the perfection of the spiritual principle, in the chance of each individual to become a Human. And a herd of obedient two-legged animals, preoccupied with matter, is needed only by the Archons and then for purely selfish, ambitious purposes. But I emphasize again:every person has the right to make his choice! …"


“… Through the media (primarily television, the Internet), a myth is created, actively supported and cultivated for the mass consciousness, which forms a certain attitude, creates attitudes and, in its diversity, contributes to the mutual reinforcement of information. This myth fixes in the consciousness of the individual, in fact, fictional cause-and-effect relationships between real objects, generates legends about events and public figures of the past and present, forms or presents in a finished form a fictional model of attitude to reality. This fragmentary knowledge about the world, but presented in a beautiful wrapping of such a myth, gives the masses the illusion of a comprehensive knowledge of the world and the events that occur. They use the same principle of false perception as the audience at a magician's session: “I saw, then it’s true.” Although in fact,people on their own do not even analyze the information received, do not bother to understand the reasons for whom and why it is necessary for the masses to pay their attention to this information, looping it on such a narrow spectrum of matter in the three-dimensional world. With all the external variety of information, in fact, people are weaned from thinking independently, rebuilding the perception and thinking of the audience in their own way. Just what is the clip nature of the flow of different messages, where the main goal is to emotionally excite, draw attention to this or that message … "(AllatRa book, p. 864)With all the external variety of information, in fact, people are weaned from thinking independently, rebuilding the perception and thinking of the audience in their own way. Just what is the clip nature of the flow of different messages, where the main goal is to emotionally excite, draw attention to this or that message … "(AllatRa book, p. 864)With all the external variety of information, in fact, people are weaned from thinking independently, rebuilding the perception and thinking of the audience in their own way. Just what is the clip nature of the flow of different messages, where the main goal is to emotionally excite, draw attention to this or that message … "(AllatRa book, p. 864)

And here is the wonderful analytics from the participants of the Teach Good Internet project called “A Systematic View of Modern Cinematography”, which adds a few more missing parts to our picture.


“… - Quite right,” Sensei confirmed. - By the way, remember, this is one of the favorite techniques of the Archons to substitute illusion for what people want. And behind the beautiful phrases of the Archons, in fact, there is a change in the direction of movement of the person himself in the opposite direction, towards matter. A person may not even notice this due to lack of knowledge and think that he is on the spiritual path, just like many people, for example, praising the same "hermetic science." After all, he does not even know who the organizers of this process are, which Archon organizations they are part of (and what are the real goals of those organizations), and also why they need this massive dissemination of this very point of view among people …"

The harm of alcohol

“… Indeed, at the time of Jesus' sermons, in order to be His disciple, one did not need to burden oneself with performing special rituals, or profess any creed, or limit oneself to far-fetched rules and orders. You just had to be a Human with a kind, loving heart, sincerely striving for God. Jesus taught man to feel God inside himself, for every man is the Temple of God, He taught to feel his soul and live for its salvation. And people from the Archons turned the inner work of a person on himself into an outer formal worship. Moreover, the Archons made it so that their people became "mediators" between God and man, and introduced the assertion that without their participation man allegedly will not be saved."


“… What then, what now. Look at the way the consciousness of people is being processed, including through the newly emerged religions and sects. What are the characteristics of these religions and sects? First, the persistent suggestion for their flock that only they will be saved, and all the rest will perish. Secondly, those who are outside the given religious organization or put up resistance to it are announced only as those in the power of Satan. Thirdly, as a rule, a person is placed at the head of the organization, who is declared for the flock to be the "Prophet", "Father", "Savior" and so on, and a special attitude of the flock is specially formed based on fear and slavish love for him. Fourthly, they are tightly controlling the consciousness of their followers, often appropriating the property of these people. Fifth, as a rule, they arrange a whole hierarchical ladder,giving metered information about the organization and according to its doctrine, in accordance with the level of initiation. And if you look at the real reason for the creation and spread of such newly-born religious organizations, then everything turns out to be quite simple: expanding the sphere of influence, which means an additional political electorate, power and money. The Archons simply play with people's faith, using it as a fig leaf to cover their true intentions. What is now, what in those days, the same principle. Elementary, compare and analyze. "power and money. The Archons simply play with people's faith, using it as a fig leaf to cover their true intentions. What is now, what in those days, the same principle. Elementary, compare and analyze. "power and money. The Archons simply play with people's faith, using it as a fig leaf to cover their true intentions. What is now, what in those days, the same principle. Elementary, compare and analyze."

Orthodox joke

Human values are the foundation of society, manipulating, replacing these values, the Archons skillfully guide society in the direction they need. The world community is in every possible way pushed to reduce the intellectual level of development, diminish moral and ethical values, propagandize unnatural models of human behavior and consumer thinking. The purpose of this whole process is the transformation of a rational person into a thoughtless and inhuman being, and society as a whole, into a herd of weak-willed slaves, governed by the laws of the animal world.


At the current level of materialization of social consciousness, the domination of material values, the meaning of an individual's life is consumption and money, and all processes in society are controlled with the help of capital. A few examples of the level of globalization of world capital. So, the 10 largest corporations, namely: Coca-Cola, Nestle, Procter & Gamble, Unilever, Kraft, Pepsico, Hellogg's, Mars, Johnson & Johnson, create demand, control and produce almost everything that we buy on the market. And under the control and enormous influence of such giants as Apple, Google, Facebook, Yandex, VKontakte, all private life becomes the property of a global process. Today 90% of America's media companies are controlled by just 5 entities. The financial sector is controlled by multinational banks such as BankofAmerica, JPMorganChase, CitiGroup and WellsFargo.

- Is it true about the Archons? - asked Stas.

“Yes,” Sensei answered.

- That is, they are shamans, healers, priests?

- No, it was they before, in ancient times, were such, and then not all of them. And now these are the people who weave world capital, politics and religion together in their lodges and secret societies.

- World bankers, or what? - Volodya was surprised at his guess.

“Those who manage them,” Sensei specified …

This video provides analytical information on the capitalization of the modern world: Archons. Who are they, the masters of the material world? Myth or Reality?


Politics, politics, but what about without it? Recently, walking down the street, I heard how the children, playing some kind of game, assigned themselves roles according to the names of famous politicians in the country, and it would be funny if it were not so sad. Even children from an early age know this word, together with their parents, they watch the development of events in this series for years. It is very similar to the soap opera Santa Barbara, the essence of which is to keep the audience's attention on the fact that in no way depends on them, the illusion of involvement is created, while all real events take place outside their window. And after all, in this series for the viewer there is even freedom, you can swear on TV or the newspaper as much as you like, tell the politicians - "servants of the people" what to do and marvel at their stupidity, enjoying their participation and the illusion of their influence on these processes. But only the goal of the actors and directors of the series is not to improve the life of the viewer, in no case, their goal is to improve and ensure their life. Therefore, we are watching this endless series called - politics, which has little to do with what is really happening, and as long as this series has a sufficient number of viewers, it will continue. Let's take a deeper look, but what is politics really?But what is politics really?But what is politics really?


“… Anastasia: Tell us, please, what should be the model of society? Today, there are many forms of state-political structure (management of society), political regimes, ideologies. True, when you begin to carefully study each individual ideology or such form, you understand that everything is built on Zhivotinka, not humanly. If somewhere the theory was beautifully painted, then in practice, judging by the historical events, it turned out, as in that proverb: "painted on paper, but forgot about the ravines."

Rigden: Yes, because everything that you have listed is built on politics, that is, on governance, power, the undivided domination of politicians and priests over society. …… Do you know how the word “politics” came about?

Anastasia: Well, as far as I know, from the Greek words "politike (techne)" - "the art of leading the state." And then some refer that these words, in turn, originated from the Greek words "poly" - "many", "techne" - "art", "craft". Others, that from the Greek word "polis", which the ancient Greeks called their city-states.

Rigden: This answer is quite predictable. This information is introduced into the human mind, thanks to many textbooks and books. But let's dive into the details. Where did Ancient Greece get such a form of social management, and even with the self-designation of the highest official in the ancient Greek policies - archon? From Ancient Rome - from this support "nest" of the priests of free masons, which was still just forming in those days, who were just engaged in establishing religious cults, forms of managing society for their own purposes, creating craft workshops, and so on. Where did the Greeks get such a form of government as democracy (from the Greek words "demos" - "people", "kratos" - "power", that is, "power of the people")? From the same place where the Romans got a republic (from the Latin words "res" - deed and "publicus" - public;"Respublica" - "public (common) business"). All these forms of government were developed by the priests of free masons (Archons) and popularized among the peoples through public figures.

Do you think why under these so-called "popular" forms of government, political regimes, which the republic and democracy are in the world today, the peoples themselves are actually removed from the management of their state. Although everything is beautifully written on paper, the laws take into account methods of collective decision-making, including "equal opportunities", "endowing citizens with personal and political rights and freedoms" and so on. But in fact, the real occupation by local and central priestly and political elites of the governing bodies of the “people's power” and their arbitrariness. These self-appointed "elites" almost openly share the common property among themselves, exploit people, neglecting their interests, and use the state's resources for their own or clan selfish purposes for banal profit. And the masses, as always,feed with promises from elections to elections. In practice, there is an ordinary undercover struggle between financial and political groups, semi-feudal "princelings" and "gray cardinals" fighting to expand their spheres of influence, that is, their "trough". This happens all over the world and primarily in "civilized" states. The same applies to ideological models of political power, for example, the same liberalism (from the Latin word "liberalis" - "free") with its implementation of individual freedoms, socialism (from the Latin word "socialis" - "public"), based on public ideas social justice, freedom, equality and the like. I no longer take aggressively directed ideologies, political regimes, forms of power based on one-man rule - tyranny (monarchy) or the rule of a minority - oligarchy (aristocracy). In practice, there is an ordinary undercover struggle between financial and political groups, semi-feudal "princelings" and "gray cardinals" fighting to expand their spheres of influence, that is, their "trough". This happens all over the world and primarily in "civilized" states. The same applies to ideological models of political power, for example, the same liberalism (from the Latin word "liberalis" - "free") with its implementation of individual freedoms, socialism (from the Latin word "socialis" - "public"), based on public ideas social justice, freedom, equality and the like. I no longer take aggressively directed ideologies, political regimes, forms of power based on one-man rule - tyranny (monarchy) or the rule of a minority - oligarchy (aristocracy). In practice, there is an ordinary undercover struggle between financial and political groups, semi-feudal "princelings" and "gray cardinals" fighting to expand their spheres of influence, that is, their "trough". This happens all over the world and primarily in "civilized" states. The same applies to ideological models of political power, for example, the same liberalism (from the Latin word "liberalis" - "free") with its implementation of individual freedoms, socialism (from the Latin word "socialis" - "public"), based on public ideas social justice, freedom, equality and the like. I no longer take aggressively directed ideologies, political regimes, forms of power based on one-man rule - tyranny (monarchy) or the rule of a minority - oligarchy (aristocracy).

So why does this phenomenon take place in the modern world? Yes, because all this was originally developed on two incentives for controlling the masses - faith and fear, according to the laws of materialism, or rather the Animal mind, for the sake of the lower instincts of a person, his mundane self, where the spiritual goals declared on paper served (and still serve) only a cover for the actual undivided power of politicians and priests. Therefore, even today everyone is only talking about an ideal, humane human society. But does anyone really create it, in practice? And the very formulation of the question of creating an ideal society is invariably connected not with society as such, but with what kind of form of state power over that society will be, while maintaining the same global system of governing nations by the same priests and politicians."


“… The same smart politicians who manage to unravel this global bluff and understand the current destructive direction of the movement of world society along the“reverse swastika”, to realize where the root of the evil of the formation of negative world events grows, in turn, also do not know what to do. They are looking for an answer to the question of how to really get rid of this "old, sick tree" of the system of power of the world priests, whose infected roots, like an octopus, have entangled the whole world.

In fact, there is nothing complicated here if you understand the very tools used by the Archons, in whose hands most of the earthly capital is concentrated. The task of the Archons is to impose the next illusion, the ideology of the Animal Mind, on as many people as possible, so that the masses would believe in it. For example, to convince society of the advantages of the material way of thinking, the consumer format of social relations, to scare people with the next world crisis, to convince them of the need to unleash a particular war or ethnic strife, or to knock the followers of different religions head-ons, to arrange bloody feuds, conflicts, color revolutions, etc. etc. And then, when the masses of people become infected with these ideas, then they themselves materialize, starting to create all this disgrace, with their own hands.

The main thing for the Archons is to activate the Animal nature in people, or rather their collective Animal mind. After all, they only write scripts and sponsor their politicians. And their common world political web is just an active tool for influencing the masses. After all, who is a politician? The actor, the one who performs the prescribed role. His task is often to appear on the television screens of his country, in the press, to speak beautifully and convey certain ideas to people. Politics is the art of lies from Ahriman, it was originally formed in this way by the Archons and still continues to exist in this form in world society. So, a politician is essentially an actor. On the public stages of their country, politicians working for the Archons convey the ideas of their priests "scriptwriters" and "sponsoring producers", the existence of which people do not even suspect. Public,listening to the speeches of such "actors", he thinks that everything said is a "great idea" of these politicians themselves, which so convincingly calls for war or national strife, allegedly in the name of "the happy future of this people." But none of them mentions that war brings death, and any strife is instability and economic decline in society. The crowd listens and listens to illusions, becomes infected with ideas that activate the Animal nature and, by and large, emanate from the programs and attitudes of the Will of the Animal mind.becomes infected with ideas that activate the Animal nature and, by and large, emanate from the programs and installations of the Will of the Animal mind.becomes infected with ideas that activate the Animal nature and, by and large, emanate from the programs and installations of the Will of the Animal mind.

Imagine if the Archons to each sane person on the planet separately expounded the idea that he needs to go to fight with his brother so that the Archons live well. Where would everyone send them? That's right, at a specific well-known address. What intelligent person wants to destroy the peace and quiet of his family, relatives and friends? What is war for most people? This is death, destruction, grief. And what is a provoked war between nations for the Archons? This is not so much a method of getting rich quick as a political game, creating conditions for strengthening control, expanding and asserting one's power over the population of the belligerent countries. Indeed, during a war, opposing states not only deplete their resources. After its end, the surviving people still live in fear,and states - in political and economic dependence on the "powerful". The peoples on both sides continue to fear each other, to feel hatred even towards their new generations born after the war. In other words, the masses live in constant fear of the threat of a new war. That is, any war is a method of division, fragmentation of society, a method of intimidating peoples. Not people want war, but politicians and priests. Not one country attacks another, but a handful of politicians and priests play their game at the expense of the lives of millions of ordinary people. But, if friendship between peoples flourishes, and people themselves actively contribute to this, then the process of uniting the entire world community will begin. By uniting, people will be able to prevent any war, because all conflicts in the modern world are initially carried out by information, that is, first of all in the heads of people,world community, and then they are untied and implemented by its hands. For in the beginning there is information, choice, change of consciousness, and only then the consequence of all this is action.

People should not only understand this, but also, to the best of their ability, actively oppose the outbreak of any war, especially at the stage of preparing public opinion on the Internet and in the media. Otherwise, the Archons will continue to use the effect of "infection" of the crowd through the army of their politicians and priests, staging public performances, intimidating billions of viewers and enslaving their minds in fear and obedience to the material system."


“… - This is from the Latin word elector -“elector”,“elector”. So, politicians only outwardly oppose each other in every possible way, and then, when public speeches end, together, roughly speaking, go to the bathhouse to take a steam bath. Because, by and large, all these are the games of the same persons - the Archons. Their sixes only create the appearance of stormy activity and protection of the interests of the people. In reality, for the Archons, they simply keep masses of people with different views under control. These sects, parties, movements will outlive theirs, discredit themselves in the eyes of society - they will create new ones, they will preach different views, but the essence of the secret striving for the Archons' autocracy will remain the same”.


Unlike ordinary people who live for a short moment, the Archons reckon their activities for centuries to come. And not because these people live long. No, their life, like everyone else's, is ordinary, earthly, human. It's just that the goals and objectives of their organization are those. Here is an example of a description of events, the preparation for which, we can already observe with our own eyes from the events taking place in the world:

“… And thirdly, most importantly, they are going to finance and arrange several unnecessary wars with some third world states, but with the participation of the United States as a“world policeman, fighting for democracy in the whole world”. In these wars, of course, people will die, including ordinary American guys, who really, not knowing the whole real background of these wars, will, dying, think that at the cost of their lives they are protecting democracy and the interests of their country in foreign territory. People will die, therefore, discontent among the American population will increase. Using this public unrest, the Archons at the right time will blame their next puppet-president for all the troubles, blaming everything on his "unsuccessful policy", and at the same time will try to persuade allies and people of their country to believethat ordinary wars are ineffective: military actions are expensive, these wars are dragging out (although the Archons themselves also finance the opposing side), people are dying in them and there is no point in this. That is, money and human lives are wasted, but there is no sense in it. As a result, the public will form the opinion that the United States should have the right to be the first to launch a nuclear strike on such "bad, undemocratic" countries that do not fit into the Archons' policy. This opinion will settle in the minds of the people that the Americans, as a "free country" and a "world power", should have the right to strike first. "As a result, the public will form the opinion that the United States should have the right to be the first to launch a nuclear strike on such "bad, undemocratic" countries that do not fit into the Archons' policy. This opinion will settle in the minds of the people that the Americans, as a "free country" and a "world power", should have the right to strike first. "As a result, the public will form the opinion that the United States should have the right to be the first to launch a nuclear strike on such "bad, undemocratic" countries that do not fit into the Archons' policy. This opinion will settle in the minds of the people that the Americans, as a "free country" and a "world power", should have the right to strike first."

“… Perhaps now I’ll tell you what millions will soon learn, I’ll reveal to you the secret plans of the Archons, so that later they would not be“bored”to work… So, the Archons are counting on global wars for generations. And, judging by their calculations, this generation should find the Third World War. The Archons have planned three dates for the start of a new global war, depending on the geopolitical situation and the level of preparation of the population for these events. The first date is December 23, 2012, already publicized to the whole world with the help of indirect advertising as a possible date for the end of the world. The second date is 2017. And the third date is 2025. These are the main dates on which they are guided and build their calculations. Although, of course, there can be changes, as in any other plan … In principle, their preparation for these events can be easily seen and traced."



How many leaders, emperors, kings, princes, presidents and other rulers in the world have there been in the history of mankind? My answer is a lot. As history shows, their fate in most cases is typical and sad. As a rule, this is coming to power through conquest, insidious or forceful seizure. Leaving power also, for the most part, represents an untimely death at the hands of applicants for their place, conquerors or at the hands of their own subjects. Consequently, in the mainstream of our topic, a reasonable question arises, but how to achieve absolute power on the planet, if power in human society is so fickle and short-term. And there is only one answer - this power should be real and not depend on the views and moods of people. How can this be achieved? The answer to this question is clear on the example of the activities of the Archons. The independence of the authorities from the moods and preferences of people,achieved through the creation of secret societies, in the ranks of which leaders, emperors, leaders of parties, leaders of states, etc. are nurtured. Through the activities of secret societies, a constant continuity of power is ensured. In this state of affairs, whoever wins or loses in what events, the organizers always win and retain their power over secret societies. Since the societies are secret and their activities are hidden in every possible way, then mankind knows nothing about them, and, therefore, cannot change the situation, being satisfied with the legend from the Archons about "imperfect human nature", which allegedly gives rise to tyrants, wars and power struggle. How secret societies exist, are created and function is most fully disclosed in the books of A. Novykh:

“… - I wonder what these secret societies are? - Volodya asked curiously.

- Well, at different times they were called differently. For example, one of the first influential circles of the Archons has been known since antiquity under the name "Freemasons". Many branches grow from this trunk. There are also the so-called "Brotherhood of the Snake", "Brotherhood of the Dragon", "Illuminati", "Freemasons" and other secret societies. Historians are still trying to figure out which of them came from which. But they only get more confused. Why? Because the goal of the Archons is to reshuffle and confuse everything so that few people would guess and get to the bottom of the true essence of all these secret societies. The essence is simple. The overwhelming majority of secret societies are pawns in the hands of the Archons for the manipulation of Ahriman. Ahriman is only playing on people's weaknesses. And one of these weaknesses is the subconscious gravitation of people to secrets. And here not only the spiritual impulse of a person is affected,his desire to break out of the chain of reincarnation with the help of secret knowledge, but more often it is banal selfish ambition to possess this knowledge for the sake of power over his own kind. That is why the overwhelming majority of secret societies flourish under the Archons. And considering that people do not just want to master secret knowledge, but also to create their own “empire” around them, we have the fact that today almost the whole world is controlled by a secret world government - the Archons”.that today practically the whole world is ruled by a secret world government - the Archons”.that today practically the whole world is ruled by a secret world government - the Archons”.


“… What do people know about the same Ahriman? By and large, thanks to the efforts of the Archons, they are provided with information on this matter at the level of development of a six-year-old child, something like the following: “Satan is a bad, terrible bogeyman, with horns and hooves, who will take you to his kingdom of darkness and will cook in a cauldron of tar if you disobey us and do what we say. By the way, not only in religion, but also in politics, the Archons use the same technique of presenting information for most people, and all over the world. And this happens because people generally do not perceive serious information, especially of political significance. It turns out a paradox: it seems that every individual considers himself to be smart, sensible, and most of the serious information is perceived only in a primitive explanation at the level of a young child. Moreover, it was both in ancient times and now. Therefore, the Archons used this and are still using it, nominating their people as interpreters.

Perhaps, so that you better understand what's what, I will tell you more about the structure of today's pyramid of the Archons. So, under the control of Ahriman (who in very narrow circles is referred to as the "All-Seeing Eye", and in wide circles he is perceived more abstractly as a "guiding spirit", "the eye of Lucifer") there are twelve Archons. This closed "priestly circle" forms together the "Council 13", six of which are also endowed with the position of priestly "Judges" under the leadership of Ahriman. This, in fact, is the main Archon shelter. Further, under the control of the Archons is the "Council 33", which represents the highest rank "Freemasons" who have vast spheres of influence in world politics, economics and the church. These "Freemasons", in turn, constitute the elite of the "Committee of 300".

I will note that at the beginning this committee, founded in 1729 by an organization called the British East India Trade Company, was created for various commercial enterprises to support the opium trade, to conduct transactions with international banks. It was led through the British Crown. But when he was crushed by the Freemasons, the situation changed significantly. Today, the "Committee of 300" includes more than three hundred members, including the most influential representatives of Western states. It includes the bulk of the world's banking system.

Then there are many other secret organizations that fit into each other like the feathers of an onion. In fact, these "feathers" depart from a certain group of people who create several different branches at once, which they themselves enter. It is convenient for the archons that one and the same influential person, in addition to owning some large international companies or corporations or occupying an influential world-class position, enters at once into several secret societies, where he exercises secret control over its members and at the same time is a link with the rest of the branches of this unified system."


And now we have come, one might say, to the end of our article and to the main question that has interested people at all times - what to do? And the first answer to this question is not to panic, because there are no hopeless situations. The first and very important thing in any business is to know the real state of affairs and understand what is happening around. As they say in medicine: "To make a correct diagnosis is half of a successful treatment," because the power of the Archons is in secret action, and we already know and understand that how it goes. It remains, again speaking in medical language, to accept the correct treatment, and there is one. And given the accuracy of the diagnosis made to modern mankind in the books of A. Novykh, there is no longer any need to doubt these methods of "treatment":

“… The Slavic mentality is what is most terrible for them. Is it a joke if the Slavic generosity of the soul touches the minds of other peoples, truly awakens their souls, lulled with sweet tales and promises of the Archons? After all, the world of the Archons is built on egoism and the Animal nature. They keep the whole world with money. It turns out that the Ego empire created by the Archons will begin to collapse, where the main god of man is money! This means that their personal power over those countries and peoples will begin to crumble, which will turn to their spiritual sources not in words, but in deeds. What is it then, the story with Imhotep will repeat itself, only now on the scale of more than one country? For the Archons, this state of affairs is worse than death!"


“… - Do the Archons create? - Sensei grinned. - Once again I explain, those Archons are a pitiful handful in comparison with all of humanity! Yes, if people spit on them, the Archons will simply drown in that spit. The Archons only plan, and we, people, choose whether to agree with their choice or defend ours. After all, the general choice depends solely on the personal choice of each, on his inner preponderance of either spiritual desires or animal deception. Why do the Archons push us to war, to revolutions, to interethnic strife and we go in a herd like rams and kill our own kind, without even thinking about the consequences? Because the Archons are interested in the formation of people who are incapable of independent thinking, search for patterns and action. They are interested in slaves who can be manipulated through the media by imposing standards from the Archons:how to look, act and think, what political and life guidelines should be followed. They keep people in constant fear of poverty, hunger, material deprivation, fear for their own life and health. A person begins to believe that this is what life really is, that this is his lot.

Nothing of the kind! A person is always free in his personal choice! All fears are born from the Animal nature, from its total fear of death. But any matter is mortal - this is the law. However, a person is beautiful because he is not just a piece of matter and not at all a slave, he has a huge spiritual force that can turn him into a Real Human, that essence that is much higher than the material world. Freed from lies, a person is freed from stupidity. Knowing the Truth, a person becomes stronger and smarter. The more there are smart, spiritually free people in the world, the more difficult it will become for the Archons to realize their plans, the weaker will be their influence on people. And if everyone knows the Truth and people make their right choice, then the Archons will simply have no one to dictate their conditions. After all, in reality they are nobody. Those archons are a pitiful bunch. The decision is in the hands of people: to succumb to the provocation of the Archons and bring the world to a global war, or to overthrow the power of the Archons and create a golden age for this civilization. The future of the world is in the hands of people. Everything is very simple. One must be the one whom the Archons fear. You have to be a Human!"


“… People should not only understand this, but to the best of their ability to actively oppose the outbreak of any war, especially at the stage of preparing public opinion on the Internet and in the media. Otherwise, the Archons will continue to use the effect of “infection” of the crowd through the army of their politicians and priests, staging public performances, intimidating billions of viewers and enslaving their minds in fear and obedience to the material system.

If we awaken the activity of world society in matters of self-government, and the process of management itself and any of its information are made open, and even this tool of the Archons - politics and priesthood as world systems through which they exert their influence on the masses - can be eliminated, then much in the life of society can be qualitatively change. The Archons are a pitiful handful in comparison with all of humanity, and they live by one deception, which cannot exist forever, like everything that is dead. For one who once betrayed himself, his spiritual nature, Truth seems stinking. He lives by deceiving others, essentially deceiving himself. The reason for lying is not in the word, but in the desire to deceive one's nature."


“… If earlier a person, being in a physical crowd, realizing all the absurdity of the actions it performs, could do little to change the situation, now every active person is given such an opportunity. In other words, thanks to Internet technologies, one Man is already in the Warrior field, for he alone brings the spiritual Truth to many people. Each person gets the opportunity to reproduce information, quickly transfer and replicate it. Everyone who has received this information is given the right to make his own conscious choice: to continue serving the destructive Will of the Animal mind or to embody the creative Will of the Spiritual World."


“… Now such unique conditions have formed under which humanity can use its chance to turn the monad in the direction of the spiritual development of civilization. It can create an absolutely new social world order, using the tools of the informational influence of the Animal mind on people, but in completely opposite purposes and directions - the development of humanity in a spiritually creative channel. The personal contribution of each person to the common cause of the spiritual and moral transformation of society is very important. We can say that every, even the most seemingly simple and "insignificant" deed, committed with the aim of spreading the Truth, ultimately, one way or another, affects the global situation in society and shapes its future. How the sea is formed from many streams and rivers,so the global creative information field is formed from the thoughts and actions of many people who have perceived the Truth and become its active conductors. If a person, having all this information, wants to disseminate it, then he needs to: 1) provide people with the entire volume of Knowledge set forth in these books, while striving to spread it to the maximum number of people across the entire planet; 2) to promote the processes of uniting people on the basis of this information, which will invariably entail a change in behavior, attitudes, the formation of new values, and the spiritual self-education of the community. Subject to the implementation of these tasks, a self-sufficient world society will inevitably be formed, which will be able to organize itself, solve important issues, and implement the decisions made. Active communication of each of its participants will only strengthen, maintain and expand the impact of this information, transfer a certain emotional and psychological tone to other people, infect them with an example of behavior, a common idea and actions. In general, there is nothing complicated. The main thing is to convey information to people in its purest form, to be an active participant in the process of the formation of a new society and to constantly work on oneself."

There are a lot of kind and honest people, moreover, all people are like that in their inner, spiritual nature. And it is entirely in our hands to change the situation in the world. It is important for everyone to know and understand what is happening, to make conscious choices in their lives, not to allow themselves to be manipulated. Take an interest in the life of the entire world community, strive and do what is within the power of everyone, for friendship and unity based on moral and ethical values. Do not allow the selfish ambitions of a handful of people to divide us, to push us into unnecessary disputes and conflicts, from which only the Archons benefit. Live by conscience, because our thoughts, actions and our choices form the surrounding reality. Peace and prosperity on the planet is everyone's business and you need to start, first of all, with yourself. Let's remember the good words of the monk Vitaly, written in 1905, on the holy Mount Athos:

“… This term is not far away:

and this road to eternity …

remember that wise lesson:

"Know yourself, you will know God" …

Know yourself
Know yourself

Know yourself.

Vasily Gavrilov