Ahnenerbe - Secret Organization Of The Third Reich - Alternative View

Ahnenerbe - Secret Organization Of The Third Reich - Alternative View
Ahnenerbe - Secret Organization Of The Third Reich - Alternative View

Video: Ahnenerbe - Secret Organization Of The Third Reich - Alternative View

Video: Ahnenerbe - Secret Organization Of The Third Reich - Alternative View
Video: В Адыгее нашли таинственные черепа и сундук с эмблемой "Аненербе" 2024, October

In the culture of the Third Reich, occultism played an important role. The very ideology of National Socialism came from mystical practices that originated at the end of the 19th century and actively developed at the beginning of the 20th. The horrors of the First World War, the decadent mood in the defeated Germany, the feeling of hopelessness - all this had a colossal impact on the Germans. It seemed that there was no way out: neither in progress nor in faith did man find comfort. And then an alternative spiritual outlet appears on the scene in the form of occultism and a new ideology. It should be noted that the wild mixture of the new theory of the social structure of society, based on the doctrine of the irrational and the cult of the leader, for some reason really liked the majority of the population. This explains the enormous popularity of all kinds of mystical cults in the Third Reich,the elitism of their leaders and the prestige to be in their composition.

Undoubtedly, the most important organization of this type was the mysterious "Ahnenerbe" - Ancestral Legacy. This organization is the ideological successor to the mystical "Thule" and "Vril", in which not only the ideological components of the Third Reich were developed, but also psychological and sociological experiments were carried out on the population of Germany.

The headquarters of the organization was located in the small Bavarian town of Weischenfeld. The founding fathers of the organization were Hitler, Himmler, Wirth and Dare. Although, of course, Heinrich Himmler was involved in both the idea of creating and the actual leadership of the organization. "Ahnenerbe" was engaged in collecting information about special knowledge hidden from most people and official science. The very knowledge that would help contribute to the creation of the legendary Aryan "superman", would open the way to endless power and power.

Not surprisingly, with the outbreak of the war, this organization received complete freedom of action and almost unlimited support and funding. Controlled institutes conduct tens of thousands of experiments on captured soldiers, residents of captured states, prisoners of concentration camps. However, this was not the end of it. Inhuman experiments were carried out not only on "alien representatives", but also on their own, "Aryan" people.

Medical experiments, pharmacology, narcology, toxicology - all these sciences require colossal expenditures on experiments, but the Nazi experimenters had an abundance of ideas and material. Also, studies were carried out on mass psychotropic and psychological influences, methods of controlling the masses at a distance were rolled back. And about the research in the field of weapons, which was supervised in "Ahnenerbe", you can write more than one volume of research.

A well-known fact is the inclination of the leadership of the Third Reich to various mystical teachings of the East in general and Tibet in particular. Warm relations between the Nazis and the Tibetan clergy developed back in the 1920s, 10 years before the Nazis came to power in Germany. How the future executioners of Europe were able to subdue the Buddhist monks remains a mystery. In any case, more than one expedition of the Third Reich visited Tibet, where the warmest welcome awaited her. Moreover, the participants of one of the expeditions led by Schaeffer were able to get to the place where the monks, in principle, did not allow anyone: to the sacred city of Laskha and the Yarling sanctuary. And the guides on mystical practices sent to Germany and kilometers of film with "practical" implementations of them, and in general, caused an enthusiasm close to ecstasy at the top of the Third Reich. In a short time, radio communication was established between Laskha and Berlin, and mutual visits of representatives engaged in the search for "non-standard" knowledge from one country to another began. It remains an incontrovertible fact that the bodies of many Tibetans in SS uniform were found in Hitler's bunker. What were they doing there at the end of the war? For what purpose did the people of Tibet serve the Third Reich?

Being engaged in mysticism, space flights, and in general, being at the forefront of modern scientific mysteries for that period, "Ahnenerbe" also supervised purely practical issues. One of them was the so-called Project Retribution, which is developing nuclear weapons. The project manager for the development of nuclear weapons, Nobel laureate, Professor Heisenberg, after the war, carefully concealed all the facts of the successful development of the atomic bomb, claiming that we, they say, "went the wrong way." However, there are many indirect factors indicating that already in the middle of 1944, the Germans had some kind of a cannon-type uranium bomb. And they did not just have, but were actively testing it. It is likely that one of the factors that influenced the opening of the second front was precisely the successful fact of testing this ringing device. It was for him that the German, in fact, then already intercontinental, FAU-2 missiles were designed. With conventional warheads, they posed no particular danger to either the United Kingdom or the United States, due to their low hitting accuracy, but the use of weapons of mass destruction on them threatened the Allies with disaster.

At the same time, in "Ahnenerbe" they followed not only standard ways and applied not only scientific methods. It should be remembered that it was in the "Ahnenerbe" that the tests of the effects on a person of various psychotropic and hallucinogenic drugs were first put "on stream". And this was done not at all with the prisoners of concentration camps, more precisely, with them too, but much greater importance was given to experiments with mediums who received knowledge by the astral path directly from the noosphere, and drugs were only a tool that expanded consciousness. Spiritualism, communication with the Higher mind and its incarnations were often used in this kind of research.

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What secrets were revealed to the mystics of the Third Reich? Did they manage to achieve results? We do not know this now. The secrets of the mysterious organization await their answers.