The Structure Of The Soul - Alternative View

The Structure Of The Soul - Alternative View
The Structure Of The Soul - Alternative View

Video: The Structure Of The Soul - Alternative View

Video: The Structure Of The Soul - Alternative View
Video: Pixar's SOUL Analysis: Story Structure, Themes, and Easter Eggs Explained | Screenwriting 101 2024, September

Unfortunately, in our society almost nothing is known about the soul. Science denies it, or at best "guesses" about it. Religion perceives it as a single indivisible part that, after death, flies to heaven as a white dove or is dragged to hell for sins.

The fact that the soul actually resembles a separate organism, consisting of certain parts, none of the above mentioned. Information about this is only in Eastern philosophy. In my opinion, it is the most correct approach to the question, but I have additions on this matter.

In eastern religions, it is said that the soul is, in fact, those three (in some variants more) energy shells that "survive" after the death of a person's lower bodies. That is, the karmic, buddhial and atmanic bodies, which will continue to exist in future lives. The concept is interesting and, in my opinion, close to the truth, however, I would like to describe the soul using clearer terminology.

The soul is a multidimensional formation consisting of several parts. The first and most important component, the upper layer of the soul, is the so-called "Spark". I call it that for the following reason - just as fire cannot ignite without a spark, so the soul cannot exist without its center. This center is static and outside of time and space. That is, any of the millions of incarnations of the soul in different worlds is a definite point of coordinates of time and space, and the Spark is always at absolute "zero".

Rising "above the bustle of the world," the Spark is always associated with its incarnations, being a kind of heart of the soul without which it cannot function. This is the only part of the soul that cannot be destroyed under any circumstances. A spark is like a seed of a tree - a microscopic particle that contains information and potential for development. It "spelled out" all sorts of modifications of options that the soul can survive.


If all the options that can happen over many lifetimes are presented as a sphere of the global “sphere of perception”, then the spark will be its center.

Next comes another important element in the construction of the soul - its "Skeleton". Of course, this name is very conditional, there can be nothing solid in the structure of the soul in principle, since it is an energy-informational substance, visible from different points of space and time in different ways. Nevertheless, the soul has the least subject to change (after the Spark, of course), which forms a kind of unique pattern - like a fingerprint or retina, so we will call it "Skeleton".

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One of its main functions, like the skeleton in the human body, is to keep the "flesh" of the soul on itself. The more ramified and complex the structure of the Skeleton, the more developed the soul is. Since the cycles of the development of the soul do not consist of ten or hundreds of lives, but at least of thousands, then as it develops, the soul slowly but surely builds up its Skeleton. If in young souls in the early stages of development it is extremely simple, then in mature it branches like a spreading tree.

The next element in the construction of the soul will be the so-called Flesh or "muscle mass", that is, what surrounds the Skeleton. This part of the soul is responsible for its potential and power. That is, for the ability to influence events and the surrounding world, willpower and character.

In order to retain a lot of Flesh, the soul must have a developed and "branched" Skeleton, that is, be mature. Otherwise, even if the Flesh is artificially increased, it will not be able to hold on for a long time and the energy will soon dissipate in space. The opposite situation also happens - for some reason a fully developed soul experiences a period of prolonged decline, it decreases in size and loses most of its Flesh. In this case, the Skeleton stops receiving nourishment and becomes barely visible, as if phantom. But when the period of development begins again, it is many times easier to restore the former skeleton than to build it up from scratch, therefore developed souls are restored faster than young ones develop.

Another characteristic of the soul, known even among the common people, is its color. We all know the expression - light or dark soul. The perception of color itself is very individual and depends on many factors, however, the "shade" of any soul is undoubtedly present. This is because the energies of "colored" - then strong negative feelings are more "thick" and are perceived by us as dark shades, and feelings of love and the associated "light" matters and are seen by us as light. Although, again, the assignment of specific colors here is conditional and individual.


Nevertheless, when over many lifetimes the soul has experienced certain states and emotions, then their shades remain in its structure (not just in the lower shells that disintegrate after death, but in the soul itself). The soul is not "flooded" evenly with any one color, but a certain shade usually prevails in it.

The colors closest to the center of the soul are the most stable, they change the slowest, this can be said to be the “essence” of a person that characterizes him for a long time. The farther from the center, the more changeable the color of the structure; at certain stages, light spots can appear and leave.

The influence of the soul color can be easily observed in the example of children. When a child is born, his lower subtle bodies (which are "given" for one life and after death decay) are usually absolutely light. But if the color of the soul is dark, then as he grows up it will be clearly noticeable - the child will develop bad habits and inclinations, he will persistently “learn bad things” at every opportunity, even if he grows up in a good family. As a result, at a later age, the color of the lower subtle bodies and the soul will be approximately the same - a dark shade. Fortunately, this example is not the most common - most people are a cross between bright angels and evil incarnate, the color of their soul is rather "neutral", so to speak.

Finally, I would like to say that nothing in the world lasts forever - the degree of development and "colors" of the soul change over time. Young souls develop and "grow" to the elders, and the "old" retire. The so-called "old age of the soul" comes when its skeleton almost completely disintegrates and very little potential remains. In such last cycles, the forces for development are no longer there, and the soul becomes of a low level, as at the very beginning. But even this cannot be called the end - since the life of the soul is eternal, then its decline in time is followed by dawn again …

Continuation of the topic in the article: "The law of equilibrium".

Author: Viktorya Nekrasova