Silver Wells. Syria - Alternative View

Silver Wells. Syria - Alternative View
Silver Wells. Syria - Alternative View

Video: Silver Wells. Syria - Alternative View

Video: Silver Wells. Syria - Alternative View
Video: Know Your Coin - Silver Lira from Syria (1950) 2024, October

Syria is one of the few unsolved mysteries on our planet. The country is full of mysteries and mystical places that defy explanation from the point of view of modern science. Here you can find strange drawings that stretch for many kilometers and are visible only from a great height, and the "Syrian Stonehenge", which is credited with being more than 10,000 years old. This automatically makes it older than the pyramids themselves, and the abandoned cities of long-lost civilizations.

One of these places in Syria is the so-called "silver" wells in the ancient ruins of a small town called Resof, which is located in the desert. They gained their fame thanks to a certain abnormality. Information about them began to appear quite recently, although their age is estimated more than one hundred years. Describing the wells, nothing can be said for sure, because there were no scientists who could investigate them and give their point of view, and because of the military conflict, it is not known when such an opportunity will arise. But some data is still available. So, it is known that 4 such wells were found and they are located quite close to each other. Local residents have this place shrouded in mysticism and legends. And there are several reasons for this.

First, the wells themselves resemble vertical tunnels, because there is no water there (and it is not known whether there was any before). Nobody knows the depths of these tunnels either, even the locals are afraid to go down in them, because according to their ideas this place is special. It is not known whether anyone else went down there. Although it is possible over time due to the high interest of scientists, such an expedition will be undertaken. According to local residents, if you throw a stone into any of the four wells, it falls in about 15 seconds, so the depth here is impressive.

Secondly, healing properties are attributed to wells. If you lower a container with dirty water in them and leave it for a while (preferably overnight), then this water turns into clean and transparent, and most importantly, tasty water. If someone in the area is ill, then it is customary to treat with such water. Skeptics argue that there is just nothing mystical here, because we just see the properties of a special kind of soil. It can be concluded that wells have bactericidal properties, because they are called "silver" for a reason, perhaps this assumption is not far from the truth, it is silver that has the properties of killing bacteria. By the way, according to another version, the wells got their name due to the silver tint of the walls of the wells.

And thirdly, many legends and prejudices are associated with this place in the desert sands. Legends have come down to our times that these wells were built by the "silver people" (by the way, perhaps this also served as the name of this place). Whom did these mysterious creatures beat? According to the stories of ancestors, which were passed from one generation to another, they resembled aliens, or creatures in silver robes.

And finally, one more mystery: according to the ruins that are nearby, it is quite possible to assume that a few centuries ago there was a developed civilization here. But what made the residents leave their city with all their belongings and leave? And there are several such abandoned places in Syria.

Be that as it may, but the "silver" wells in Syria are now included in the TOP-10 mysterious and mystical places on planet Earth. And until we know nothing for sure about their origin or purpose, we have to be content with only guesses. We hope that over time, scientists will be able to shed light on these mysterious voids in the sands of the Syrian desert.