"Hidden Hand" Sign Of The Freemasons? - Alternative View

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"Hidden Hand" Sign Of The Freemasons? - Alternative View
"Hidden Hand" Sign Of The Freemasons? - Alternative View

Video: "Hidden Hand" Sign Of The Freemasons? - Alternative View

Video: Why Did People Stick One Hand in Their Jackets in Old Photographs? 2024, June

In this article you will find portraits of many famous and powerful men. They lived in different eras and performed their great deeds in different areas. They have completely different fates. And the following connects all these people: each of them, posing for his ceremonial portrait … hid one hand over the side (jacket, frock coat, coat, vest, etc.). Is it a coincidence?

As you know, we don't really believe in such coincidences. Therefore, we will venture to put forward a different version. We will try to prove that this gesture (let's call it the "hidden hand") is nothing more than a secret sign, the roots of which should be sought in Freemasonry.

Stalin and Washington: polar ideologies, the same gestures
Stalin and Washington: polar ideologies, the same gestures

Stalin and Washington: polar ideologies, the same gestures.

We have at least two reasons for such a statement:

1. The fact that most of these representatives of the world elite belong to the Brotherhood of Freemasons is a historical fact that has been documented.

2. The gesture, which we have agreed to call the "hidden hand", in Masonic rituals is given special, very great importance. For example, in the ceremony of elevation to the step of the Royal Arch, when a new initiate utters the words: "This is a part of which I acknowledge myself, what I believe in and what all my labors are aimed at."

Promotional video:

Royal Arch Step

The Royal Arch is considered the continuation and completion of the main 3-degree Freemasonry. Its members are no longer just called Brothers, but Companions, and gain access to the greatest Masonic mysteries. Such, for example, as "the secret name of God."

The allegories of the initiation ceremony are based on the text of the Old Testament, the plot of the return from Babylonian captivity to Jerusalem of three most skillful masons. During the ceremony, the initiate is told a secret word and gesture that should allow him to pass through several symbolic "veils".

Below is the gesture that is required to pass the second "veil" (which is mentioned in Hebrews 9. 3: "Behind the second veil there was a tabernacle called the" Holy of Holies ").

Mark of the Master of the Second Veil
Mark of the Master of the Second Veil

Mark of the Master of the Second Veil.

According to the researcher of Freemasonry Malcolm Duncan, the Master says the following words: “In order to reach this stage, you had to become perfect Masters, but you cannot go further without my words. Here they are: Shem, Japheth and Adoniram; and my sign is this (hides his hand in his bosom)."

This gesture is a symbolic representation of a sign that was given to Moses by God himself:

“The Lord also said to him: put your hand in your bosom. And he put his hand into his bosom, took it out, and behold, his hand turned white with leprosy, like snow.

He also said: put your hand again in your bosom. And he put his hand in his bosom; and took it out of his bosom, and behold, she again became the same as his body. (Exodus 4.6,7)

In these biblical verses, the heart ("bosom") symbolizes the person himself, the hand - his deeds. Therefore, this plot can be interpreted as follows: a person is what he does.

Perhaps this is the reason for the popularity of the "hidden hand" gesture among famous Masons. This sign allows members of the secret Brotherhood to recognize "theirs". In addition, the hand invisible behind the fabric may also be a hint of the secret, closed to the uninitiated nature of Freemasonry.

Napoleon Bonaparte
Napoleon Bonaparte

Napoleon Bonaparte.

Napoleon Bonaparte is a man who swung at domination over the whole world, and almost achieved his goal. In 1798 he was initiated into the Freemasonry of Philadelphia. Freemasons were his brothers Lucien, Louis and Jerome, five of the six members of the imperial military council, six of the nine high officials and 22 of the 30 marshals of France.

In one of the works of the researcher of Freemasonry J. E. S. Tuckett we find the following words:

“It is strange that the facts indicating that Napoleon the Great belongs to the Masonic brotherhood has not yet been studied in detail. Considering the colossal role of Napoleon in the politics of Europe of his time, the very time when Continental Freemasonry was forming its order out of chaos, it is safe to say that Bonaparte could not but have a serious impact on the development of Freemasonry."

And another quote from Tucket's essay "Napoleon I and Freemasonry":

"There is indisputable evidence that Napoleon was well acquainted with the nature, purposes and organization of Freemasonry, that he approved and applied the ideas of the Freemasons to the very end."

There is also evidence that Napoleon regularly resorted to the help of mystical powers. In 1813, after the defeat of the French army at Leipzig, a Prussian officer discovered in the Kunstkamera the Book of Fate and the Oracle, which belonged to Napoleon personally. This Oracle was once found in one of the Egyptian graves during the French military expedition in 1801. Napoleon ordered the translation to be made, and since then, has often resorted to the "advice" of this book. Which, as they say, "served as the impetus for his most risky and most successful ventures."


Karl Marx

The man who planned to replace the monarchies with socialist, and then communist republics. Some Freemasons disown him, others claim that he was the bearer of the 32nd degree of the Grand Lodge.


George Washington

George Washington, one of the Founding Fathers of the United States, is considered "America's most powerful Freemason."


Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

One of the most prolific and influential composers in the history of music. It was initiated on December 14, 1784, and by 1785 had already been promoted to the degree of Master-Mason.


Mozart was a committed, passionate Freemason. His works are literally imbued with the views, ideas and symbols of the Brotherhood of Bricklayers. This was most clearly manifested in the opera The Magic Flute (1791). Mass scenes are woven into its plot, literally re-enacting Masonic rituals; it is not difficult to find clear overlaps with Masonic symbols denoting life, death, thought, action; characteristic of the Masonic philosophy of the trinity (three fairies, three boys, three geniuses, etc.).

In addition, after becoming a Master Mason, Mozart within a short time created many significant works intended specifically for Masonic rites and celebrations (such as accompanying ritual processions, joining the lodge of new brothers, etc.).

Solomon Rothschild

Solomon Rothschild is the founder of the Viennese branch of the famous Rothschild dynasty. This family, the most powerful on earth, has greatly influenced the politics of Germany, France, Italy and Austria. The Rothschilds played a key role in the rise of Zionism and the creation of the State of Israel. They are considered one of the thirteen "major dynasties of the Illuminati."


Simon Bolivar

General. The most influential and famous of the leaders of the War of Independence of the Spanish colonies in America. National Hero of Venezuela. Dedicated to the Order of Freemasonry in the city of Cadiz (Spain), to Scottish degrees in Paris and to the knights in the Commander of the Knights of the Temple of France. Founder and Master of the Lodge "Protector of Virtues" No. 1 (Venezuela) and Lodge "Order and Freedom" No. 2 (Peru).



All these people, depicted in the portraits with a "hidden hand", had tremendous influence, and most of them have long been proven to belong to Freemasonry.

They could adhere to different views and belong to different political parties (communism vs. capitalism), but they had the same fundamental philosophy, faith and ultimate goal: the approach of a certain "Age of Reason and Enlightenment".

As Confucius said: "The world is ruled by signs and symbols, not words and laws." The words and political beliefs of these people, in the end, will be distorted or forgotten, and the portraits will remain for centuries.
