UFO: Exodus - Three Scenarios - Alternative View

UFO: Exodus - Three Scenarios - Alternative View
UFO: Exodus - Three Scenarios - Alternative View

Video: UFO: Exodus - Three Scenarios - Alternative View

Video: UFO: Exodus - Three Scenarios - Alternative View
Video: Classified UFO report to be released to U.S. Congress 2024, October

What enlonauts do in the open is well summed up by Coleman von Kewitzky: research. But exploration cannot last forever. What will happen when it ends? And one more thing: maybe it has already ended, and the enlonauts are just watching some kind of impact on the Earth?

The further situation with a UFO can have only three outcomes. We can conditionally call them “white”, “black” and “gray”.

The "white" scenario is a contactees' dream come true, when kind, benevolent aliens show themselves openly and save us from all our problems. Helping with the environment, establishing fair governance, feeding hungry nations, and so on. Only now humanity will change so much after that that it will already be a completely different people, a different race.

This is usually the case with primitive tribes that have tasted the delights of civilization: they lose all skills and abilities, their language and folklore, becoming a pitiful parody of the white man. They need constant supervision so that they do not do something wrong, do not get drunk with "fiery water". If supervision is poor, the tribe can easily die out. And it will not be able to return back to the primitive way of life either …

If aliens are as intelligent as people think they are, they are unlikely to go for the "white" scenario. There is a lot of work, but what is the return? What to take from us savages? Original handicrafts like baubles and beads? So in order for such trades to be preserved, it is necessary to climb into our life as little as possible.

“The most reasonable at this stage of our knowledge of xenocontacts would be to accept as their expected model of events an extrapolation of the one that we have already observed throughout the intraplanetary human history,” writes Marina Razvodovskaya. But, excuse me, in human history, almost always "contacts" took place according to one scheme: a more developed civilization destroyed or assimilated a less developed one. We can call this scenario "black".

A declassified document from the US National Security Agency, UFO Hypotheses and Survival Issues, states:

“Some UFOs are of extraterrestrial origin; many famous scientists support this hypothesis. It has a number of far-reaching implications for the survival of humanity.

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The history of mankind from time to time bears witness to the tragic results of the confrontation between a technically advanced civilization and a technically undeveloped people. The "undeveloped" are usually subject to physical conquest.

In a confrontation between two peoples with significantly different cultural levels, those with a lower or less viable culture most often lose their face and are usually absorbed by another people.

An investigation is becoming imperative to determine the extent of the threat and its exact nature. It will lead to the development of the necessary defensive measures in the shortest possible period of time. It seems to have a lot to do with the UFO problem."

The NSA were wrong about only one thing: military opposition to the enlonauts is impossible. It is as crazy as trying to shoot down a Polaris missile with multiple nuclear warheads with a slingshot or a spear.

In our view, aggression from outer space is associated only with direct invasion, when thousands of ships obscure the sky, deadly rays burn cities, and slender ranks of conquerors emerge from the landing "saucers" with a terrifying weapon in their hands. But intelligent beings are unlikely to wage wars this way. If the goal of a war is to seize territory, it must be intact, and not burned to the ground by radioactive ash. If the invaders have any ideas about the use of earthlings - at least as slaves, it is unwise to destroy valuable goods. In either case, quiet, inconspicuous ways of waging war are much preferable.

The first option (the enlonauts need an Earth without people) is not suitable, since in that case our fate would have been decided long ago. Having perfectly studied the biology and physiology of earthlings over hundreds of years, the enlonauts could spray a slow-acting poison in the atmosphere that acts only on humans, or grow viruses in their laboratories from which there is no escape.

The second option explains why we are still alive. For some reason aliens need us - that's why there are numerous abductions with and without return. The recollections of the abducted with the return extracted under hypnosis may be false, arose under the leading questions of hypnotists, or even deliberately suggested on board the "plate". And yet…

Recently we managed to cut out several mini-devices under anesthesia, implanted by the abducted aboard "plates" deep into the body and in an unknown way fused directly with the nerves. Outside, they were covered with a shell that was not rejected by the human body, but inside they contained some crystals located around the core, and unknown parts without moving parts, as if soldered into a single block. Scientists have come to the conclusion that this level of technology is far superior to anything created by humans.

One can only guess why the aliens abduct and use people. American ufologists suggest that in the course of evolution, enlonauts themselves have lost the ability to reproduce and are forced to use earthlings to carry embryos, and are also trying to breed a new race - half-earths, half-aliens. However, none of them really thought about the most obvious question - what next?

Maybe a hybrid race created in space, possessing the powerful mind of aliens and the ability to live on our planet, multiplying no worse than the native earthling, is preparing to replace humanity? The enlonauts themselves may not be able to reproduce naturally and are not adapted to life on our planet, so there is no need for them to seize the Earth. Here are their direct descendants, half-earths, half-aliens will be able to colonize the planet at one "fine" moment.

Hybrids will not need to exterminate all of humanity: firstly, people are an excellent workforce, and secondly, the zlonauts will surely make sure that their genes dominate the earthly ones. If such a creature rapes an earthly woman, the child will be a new semi-alien. But (and there is no doubt about this) after the completion of colonization, much less people will live on Earth than now.

The earth is incredibly overpopulated and is already suffocating, unable to feed billions of people. Nature is dying under our onslaught, the last virgin forests are disappearing, cities are spreading like tumors, air and water turn into poison. The aliens don't need a poisoned planet either. All "extra people" will be killed or sterilized in some way. And we will only have to guess by what criteria will be selected "superfluous" and how many of them will be? Nine out of ten? 99 out of a hundred?

The Earth is on the verge of destruction, and humanity is doing nothing to stop ecological self-destruction. Since we ourselves cannot dispose of the planet properly, they can do it for us.

Maybe that's why since 1945 (when the first atomic bomb was detonated) the number of UFOs flying over the Earth has increased dramatically?

Maybe the aggression from space has already begun. A quiet, slow, inconspicuous invasion. Undeclared War.

We will know about this only when the two most important goals of any invader from the outside begin to fulfill.

- the reduction of humanity to an acceptable value for them and the preservation of what is left of nature.


It may be a virus that mercilessly exterminates people - and not everyone will be given the vaccine against it. Or some substances that greatly shorten a person's life and deprive him of the opportunity to reproduce. They can be added directly in the factory to products that are consumed by millions of people. How many of you have never drunk, say, Coca-Cola? That's just it. At some point, any product, the most innocent, can become fatal.

Or has already become.

When the “demographic cross” - the excess of mortality over births - becomes too noticeable even in developing countries, whose citizens are incredibly fertile, we will all have something to think about.

However, the "white" and "black" scenarios are only hypothetical. I am sure that one cannot approach the Universe with our earthly standards. We do not know what laws and rules govern the life of the Metagalaxy. Maybe some Cosmic law prohibits some civilizations from interfering in the life of another civilization so that radical changes take place in it. Maybe only close supervision by powerful supercivilizations does not allow potential aggressors or civilizers to put an end to the Earth as we know it.

But will alien civilizations calmly watch how we destroy ourselves and our planet? Here's the question …

Let's say they will. This is the third, "gray" scenario. Cold eyes, looking down impassively, like a bacillus under a microscope. Extraterrestrial scientists studying our hectic life - while there is something to study, before it's too late. Whether this situation is much better, I do not know.

Now all events are developing according to a “gray” scenario, and no signs of a transition to a “white” or “black” scenario are visible. This does not mean that you can relax and breathe a sigh of relief: it just happened that we still have time for the necessary research. In order to prepare for the most unexpected turn of events.

If UFOs that appear over the Earth are a potential threat, then the smallest details of their flight can reveal a lot to scientists, and their places of appearance, mapped, reveal their interests and preferences. Not to mention any piece of material related to the "plates" - it can reveal to us an incredible amount of information. The more we know about them, the more chances humanity has in the coming confrontation.

If an impending or ongoing invasion ceases to be a mystery, the enemy from the stars will lose the surprise effect. And this is already a lot.

Even if our fears turn out to be in vain, studying the "plates" will not be a waste of time. Who knows what scientific discoveries await us along the way? Not to mention the social consequences: the great goal is to unite humanity and put an end to the senseless wars of people with each other.

If “they” are our enemies, humanity must unite against a common enemy, even if it seems senseless to resist them.

Moreover, war is not the only way out.

How about negotiations with aliens?

To lead them, you need to get to know the enemy. The more trump cards on hand, the more successful the negotiations are.

You can mine the Earth and threaten them with mass suicide in the flames of atomic explosions. The burnt planet is useless for the invaders.

And we can also hope that the aliens are not united and that there may be unexpected allies in space who do not share someone's thoughts about taking over the Earth. No wonder there were cases when some "saucers" pursued and even shot down other objects. Perhaps these "plates" hardly penetrated to us through the cordon that surrounded the Earth. To establish contact with them - what could be more noble than such a task?

If “they” are neutral or benevolent, earthlings will still realize their unity, involuntarily comparing themselves to the enlonauts, and - I want to hope so - they will find the strength to stop destroying their planet.

Ufology should become the main science of the new millennium. Otherwise, it’s not too late …