The Mystery Of The Soaring Stone Of Shivapura - Alternative View

The Mystery Of The Soaring Stone Of Shivapura - Alternative View
The Mystery Of The Soaring Stone Of Shivapura - Alternative View

Video: The Mystery Of The Soaring Stone Of Shivapura - Alternative View

Video: The Mystery Of The Soaring Stone Of Shivapura - Alternative View
Video: Why Don't These Hanging Stones Fall? 2024, October

Every day, hundreds of tourists and believers visit the Shivapur Temple, a small town about 180 km east of Mumbai, India.

They come here mainly not to pray, but to see with their own eyes the controversial miracle known as the Levitating Stone of Shivapur.

The temple is the tomb of a Muslim Sufi saint named Kamar Ali Darvesh, who passed away 700 years ago.

And in his yard there is a seemingly ordinary slightly rounded gray stone, weighing about 90 kg.

The stone is quite heavy and it is very difficult for one person to even lift it above the ground. However, 11 people can easily do this using just one finger of their hand and lift this heavy boulder on their fingers without any strain above their head.


This is the essence of the miracle of the floating stone, and this phenomenon has been making people around the world smash their heads for decades. It is believed that such a weight cannot be lifted on fingers, even if 11 people are used at once. Nevertheless, the focus is almost always successful.


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The legend connects the mysterious phenomenon with Saint Kamar Ali himself. He was born into a middle-class believing family who prided themselves on the physical strength of all family members. However, since childhood, Kamar Ali was different from everyone and focused not on physical strength, but on spiritual strength. At the age of 6, he had already become a student of the Sufi feast ("Great Teacher") and spent his days in meditation and reading prayers.

He was also very compassionate and possessed a "magical healing power", so many sick people came to him and he healed. But other children laughed at him because of his physical weakness.


Qamar Ali did not live long, and before his death he ordered to put a heavy stone near his grave, on which he cast a spell:

And for about 700 years this stone has been raised by groups of 11 men. Women are strictly prohibited. You can find several photos and videos with this "miracle" on the net.

However, not everyone and not always manage to raise the stone as high as necessary, but usually after 2-3 attempts everything turns out as it should.

Many skeptics say that this is not a trick at all, but physics and a stone can be raised on 11 fingers, others argue with them and claim that this is impossible and therefore every year crowds of people rush to Shivapur to see this phenomenon with their own eyes and try to reproduce it …