Only 600 Million People Live On Earth? - Alternative View

Only 600 Million People Live On Earth? - Alternative View
Only 600 Million People Live On Earth? - Alternative View

Video: Only 600 Million People Live On Earth? - Alternative View

Video: Only 600 Million People Live On Earth? - Alternative View
Video: А.В.Клюев - Обострение Кризис в Системе Мира - Ловушки Эго - Моя Чужая Жизнь и Личность 💛 8/14 2024, September

Since ancient times, almost all peoples have known about the existence of parallel realities. This knowledge is reflected in the cosmogony, cosmology, mythology of these peoples. Practically all religions have ideas about the existence of various realities in which other beings live, as well as the reality where the souls of people go after the death of the physical body. And even "rational" science has come close to the concept of a multidimensional Universe, consisting of various parallel worlds.

One of such researchers of the "anomalous" activity of parallel worlds is the Russian physicist V. Rogozhkin, director of the ENIO research center. And here is how he comments it: “All of humanity lives in delusion as if we are in three-dimensional space. In fact, we live in a multidimensional world and we perceive this multidimensional world at 3.14. Where 3 is length, width, height, and 0.14 is time, time constant, i.e. how much a person is able to go either into the past or into the future.

Physicists have long known that the world is multidimensional. In our time, there are some constants. What is a poltergeist? This is a violation of constants, i.e. when some physical constants change and we encounter parallel worlds … Man is not only this physical shell. In fact, man is multidimensional, just like the Universe. And the projection of our multidimensional essence, it can be here on Earth and somewhere in another galaxy, but we are interconnected. At the same time, information is transmitted instantly, since our thought instantly spreads to any distance.

In higher dimensions, there is no concept of distance, mass, time. These worlds function in a completely different way. But our civilization is still something “arising in a cocoon” and the Higher Reason does not allow us to open this “cocoon” yet. Because we have a colossal amount of aggression. Look, if you ask the question: “Who is the greatest danger to a person in the night forest?”, 70% on average around the world answered - a person …

The aliens "planted" magic on us. Ie, what is magic? A thoughtless, incomprehensible way out into multidimension … We had a real case. In Krymsk, the girl left the house and got on the bus. She had to travel several stops to the library. No one remembers how she got off the bus. They didn’t see what sat down, how she went out. Parents came running to us in a panic that the child had disappeared. In this small town, everyone has been raised to their feet and cannot be found.

We made a correction, i.e. saw - yes, withdrawal. We made them return. She returned to a locked hotel room in Novorossiysk on the same day. The maid was walking down the hall and heard a knock on the door from the inside. When the door was opened, this girl was there …"

So, maybe the numerous abductions of people are not the work of aliens, but aliens from other parallel worlds? It is no coincidence, because some of the ufologists adhere to just this version. But why do they need all these kidnappings? Is it just to carry out genetic experiments?

There is a version that by studying people, they create their "matrices" - clones that perform tasks unknown to us in our world, while outwardly not differing from ordinary people. It is they who often act as pseudo-skeptics, ridiculing and discrediting those areas of knowledge that are considered "forbidden" for humanity. Apparently, this is one of the tasks, at least part of them - by any means to keep humanity away from this knowledge that can “awaken” the possibilities of our consciousness.

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Physicist V. Rogozhkin does not support the fact that most of the 7.5 billion of the world's population are not actually human. Here's what he said about this: “The population of the Earth is 7.5 billion, but where do they come from? If the soul undergoes rebirth into the next incarnation, then according to the estimates of our cosmists, such as Vernadsky and Chizhevsky, they believed that there could be a maximum of 600 million people on Earth. Where did the rest come from? These are "matrices", dummies. If you take a real "look", then they are not.

All these official statistics are invented for people and people think that there are really so many of us. But, if you look at it, then there are very few people on Earth. Let the aliens take these duplicates of their "matrices" from here. For a real civilization to remain on Earth."

So, on Earth, in our world, besides ordinary people, there are clone biorobots created by aliens. Surely those aliens who outwardly hardly differ from us live also. There are also reptilian hybrids that outwardly look like ordinary people, but have obvious genetic differences from us. They form a clan of the ruling "black aristocracy", but they are not so numerous. To be honest, the figures given by V. Rogozhkin are amazing. But on the other hand, all this "herd" obsessed with material accumulation, predatory consumerism, thirst for power and fame, "rams", really much more resemble biorobots-clones than normal people.

And, nevertheless, I think that there are more than 600 million people on our planet. Many are simply zombified by the parasitic system to keep their consciousness in a semi-animal state, therefore they have become almost indistinguishable in their behavior and lifestyle from clones created by aliens. Or maybe it's just alien clones copying the behavior of the bulk of humanity. Still, it is hard to believe that there are more non-humans on our planet than people, although such a possibility cannot be completely ruled out. Moreover, all these parasites that climb into power are very reminiscent of creatures bred in some kind of incubator.