Phantom Steam Train - Alternative View

Phantom Steam Train - Alternative View
Phantom Steam Train - Alternative View

Video: Phantom Steam Train - Alternative View

Video: Phantom Steam Train - Alternative View
Video: Steam Speed 2024, September

On a warm June day in 1911, a train, consisting of only three cars, departed from the platform of the Rome city station. Travelers who wished to visit a unique tunnel located in the mountains of Lombardy went there. The trip itself was supposed to be fun. 106 passengers were comfortably accommodated in their seats. A few hours later, the train crossed the Lombardy border. Ahead appeared the tunnel, which was the last, before the purpose of the journey. The cars smoothly entered it, only the train did not appear on the other side of the tunnel …

Police and railroad officials carefully investigated the mysterious tunnel. However, neither the cars, nor the traces of the train wreck could be found, there was not even soot on the stone vaults of the underground track. But two passengers of the disappeared train were found. Moreover, their condition can be described as shock. Despite this, they still talked about what they were able to see.

According to them, the train, at the entrance to the tunnel, was surrounded by a milky white fog. The closer the train came to the entrance to the tunnel, the more the fog thickened, gradually turning into a viscous substance. All were seized by fear, but only these two managed to jump out of the cars on the move, since they were not far from the doors of the vestibule.

The two surviving passengers were undergoing treatment for the consequences of severe stress for a long time.

As time went on, the train did not appear anywhere. Frightened by this strange incident, the management of the railway company chose to close access to the tunnel, blocking the entrance with stones. And during the Second World War, an aerial bomb hit the tunnel, finally "burying" the railway mountain passage, irrevocably destroying the path for more detailed research.

An interesting fact: the disappearance of more than a hundred wealthy Italian citizens did not interest their contemporaries, and the case was quickly transferred to the archive and was not remembered again.

In 1992, an article was published on the pages of the Sevastopol newspaper that at a crossing near Poltava, for a long time, they often see a three-car ghost train that appears suddenly and out of nowhere. The curtains of all the cars are tightly closed, the driver's seat is empty, the movement of the train is absolutely silent … The ghost train does not obey any schedule, does not stop at stations, does not react to traffic lights. The railroad workers, seeing him, cross themselves with fear, believing that he is moving to hell. But there was a brave man - Vasily Leshchaty, who nevertheless wished to deal with the history of the appearance of the ghost train. In 1941, he waited for the appearance of the mysterious train and jumped on the step of the ghostly car … no one else saw the brave explorer. Before his disappearance, Breamy hypothesized that the ghost train,appearing on the Poltava railway, this is exactly the train that disappeared in 1911 at the tunnel in Lombardy. The researcher worked for a long time in the archives and found mention that in 1840 in Mexico City 104 Italians suddenly appeared, who were placed in a psychiatric hospital because of their claims that they had arrived by train from Rome. After the disappearance of Leshchaty, no one else tried to find an explanation for the amazing phenomenon.

But it was not only in Ukraine that the ghost of a train that disappeared in 1911 appeared. We saw him in Russia too. The most recent recorded phenomenon of ghost composition dates back to 1986. He was seen in a tunnel under the English Channel. The testimonies of all eyewitnesses of this event converge to the smallest detail: the absence of a driver in the cabin, an old steam locomotive, the same three carriages, carefully curtained windows and some doors of the vestibules are open … All researchers agree on one thing: the ghost "travels" not only in space, but also in time.

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In connection with this case, another famous ghost train comes to mind.

In the United States, one of the country's best presidents is often remembered, Abraham Lincoln. In addition to being the greatest statesman, he was fond of spiritualism and was considered a clairvoyant. In a dream, he saw an attempt on himself and his death and said goodbye to his associates in advance. A funeral train carried the body of the assassinated president to the city of Springfield to be interred. Since then, in April each year, the ghost of the funeral train has been observed, which moves towards the state of Illinois to the city where Lincoln found his last rest. All the clocks stop along the route of the ghost train, and when they resume their course again, they are 8 minutes behind. The ghost of Lincoln is often seen in the White House, and the steps of the former president are heard at the place of his burial …