"Earth People" In Kolomenskoye - Alternative View

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"Earth People" In Kolomenskoye - Alternative View
"Earth People" In Kolomenskoye - Alternative View

Video: "Earth People" In Kolomenskoye - Alternative View

Video: Выжженная радиацией земля 2024, October

“A one meter tall creature in tight-fitting clothes of dark gray color, on its head something like a helmet with three short horns. No blood was noticed, a thick purple liquid was leaking from the body. - From the protocol drawn up by the Moscow investigator.

There is an old Church of the Ascension in the Moscow Museum-Reserve Kolomenskoye. Climbing up to her gallery, you can see Pererva - a peninsula behind the bend of the Moscow River. Squat structures resembling an ancient fortress can be seen through the dense thickets of trees. This is a hydraulic engineering unit built in 1937 with a village for guards and service personnel.

Perervinsky hydroelectric complex - closed area. For security reasons, the entrance to its territory is strictly prohibited (however, nowadays it is not so difficult to get there). Perhaps this is the only reason why the secrets of Pererva do not lead the public to no less excitement and amazement than the mysteries of the Bermuda Triangle or the Egyptian pyramids.

For example, here is a recent case from the life of Pererva, hidden from the world behind a high fence. Workers of the repair team of the waterworks decided to celebrate their friend's birthday in nature - on the diversion channel arrow. In the midst of the amusement, a muffled rumble was heard, as if from under the ground. Something flashed between the branches. The guys were curious. Descending from the dam, they came closer. A telescopic structure stood at the edge of the field. She made a sound that vaguely resembled the operation of an electric motor. It was not possible to see it - a second later the mysterious tower was pulled into the ground. However, one of the picnic participants, who had a camera with him, managed to click it once.

The testimony of hard workers could be viewed with skepticism. Say, the men imagined from drunken eyes. However, one essential circumstance prevents them from dismissing their stories. They fit perfectly into a series of documented events that suggest the presence of an object within Moscow, created by representatives of an extraterrestrial civilization. And, apparently, acting.


Inhabitants of the villages near Pererva have long been talking about "earth people" who sometimes came to worship on a hill near the village of Dyakovo to a certain "devil" appearing on its top.

Promotional video:

Since the end of the last century, little by little archaeological excavations have begun there, as a result of which a pot with bronze decorations was found. Archaeologist D. Ya. Samokvasov, to whom he came, was baffled by a strange object found along with earrings, temporal rings and other rubbish. The scientist could not even make an assumption about the purpose of the subject, but he left a detailed description of it. A short rod made of unknown, warm to the touch metal, one end of which is figuratively bent, on the other there is something like a crescent with sharply bent horns, and in the middle there is a disk perpendicular to the axis.

Soon Moscow - the river was blocked by a dam, a sluice was put into operation, and a caretaker's gatehouse appeared on Pererva. The first "owner" of the hydroelectric complex dies in two years under mysterious circumstances. The second disappears without a trace. The third was a student of the Higher Technical School G. M. Makeev, exiled to the gateway for his revolutionary activities.

It was from this revolutionary, atheist and non-drinker to the police that an amazing report came. Gathering mushrooms with his son at Pererva, he came across a boggy meadow, where he saw a strange-looking creature digging near some strange-looking device. All their attention was absorbed by the mysterious apparatus, and Makeev managed to retreat unnoticed. Recall that this happened at the beginning of the century, when there was no mention of UFOs …

In 1904, a tornado swept over Moscow, hitting Pererva with special force. Under one of the fallen trees, the peasants found a dead man. Here is what the police report says about the corpse: “The creature is one and a half arshins in height, in tight-fitting clothes of dark gray color, on its head something like a helmet with three short horns. No blood was noticed, instead of it a thick purple liquid flowed out of the corpse.

When the body was released from under the tree, it turned out that it was made entirely of metal, only the face was covered with rough brown skin. The mouth and nose were almost absent, while the eyes were unnaturally large and severely bulging. With a small stature, the creature weighed about 80 kg. It was sent to the city morgue. A note about a strange corpse in the same 1904 was published by the newspaper Russkoe Slovo.

When the construction of the hydroelectric complex began on Pererva, unforeseen difficulties arose. Taking out the soil, at a depth of 5.5 meters, the prisoners stumbled upon an obstacle - they were exposed to a part of a spherical structure made of durable material. His hull could not be destroyed by an autogenic, or a bump stop, or even dynamite. It was also not possible to open it completely - the structure went into the bowels of the earth to a great depth. As a result, it was decided to change the direction of the channel. He passed a little to the right of the design route, which is easy to see if you walk along its bank.

On the night of August 9-10, 1935, residents of the vicinity of Pererva were awakened by intense shooting and flashes of light in the construction site. A few days later, a representative of the NKVD announced that a gang of White Guard saboteurs had attacked the national economic facility. They could not detain the attackers. On the other hand, more than half of the escort company that had been on duty that night was out of action.

But civilians who were on the territory of Pererva were eyewitnesses of the incident. Their testimony casts doubt on the version of the White Guards. In particular, the Nagatinsky peasant Vorobyov, who secretly bought waste for pigs in the canteen for the builders, argued that the outsiders were unimaginable freaks and short people. Having come from nowhere, they tried to make out some building. In the course of the shooting that began, rifle bullets bounced off the "aliens" like peas, while people from their flash shots received severe burns. The "White Guards" disappeared as suddenly as they appeared.

Damn hill

In our time, thanks to the weakening of secrecy, scientists and enthusiastic researchers of anomalous phenomena have taken up the solution to the Pererva phenomenon. Official hypotheses also appeared. For example, here is the opinion of Professor A. K. Labutin:

- The object discovered in Pererv is the station of the galactic teleportation network of an alien civilization. The main unit with a power source was located on the peninsula, and the receiving-transmitting device was on a hill near Dyakov. The hill was poured by aliens - for their equipment the task is not difficult, as the structure installed on the top looked like, today one can only guess. But, undoubtedly, it stood for quite a long time and began to appear in the folk tradition as "devil". The devil's "settlement" is an ideal launch pad for launching shuttle spaceships in a horizontal way, by means of a catapult. The communication between the launch pad and the control center on Pererva was to be a tunnel laid deep underground.

Such a tunnel does exist. It was discovered by employees of the UFO Center, who conducted serious research in Kolomenskoye. The tunnel lies at a depth of about one hundred meters and goes to the southwest, that is, in the direction of Dyakov.

Death of civilization

Doctor of Geological Sciences Kolodin offers an earthly, but no less sensational explanation of the Perervinsky riddle:

- Dyakovo - Perervinsky complex is a trace of the most ancient civilization of earthlings, which existed 18 - 25 thousand years ago. The history of mankind can actually be traced back somewhere up to the 3rd - 4th millennium BC. And deeper? Orthodox historians speak of the dominance of primitive communal relations. Progressive scholars object to such a statement - it clearly contradicts archaeological practice.

By the way, not only archaeological. The written sources of antiquity, which have come down to us, convince us of the existence of a high civilization in the distant past. So, in the Indian epic "Mahabharata" we are clearly talking about global wars with the use of nuclear missile and beam weapons and their results: mass loss of life, mutations and the onset of a nuclear winter - this is the answer to the question of where that civilization went. So the hypothesis about the earthly creators of the underground super object in Pererva does not seem so fantastic.

Tikhonov's version

Ufologist P. S. Tikhonov, Candidate of Technical Sciences, draws attention to the unpredictability of the consequences that an intrusion into the Perervinsky underground structure may entail:

“On the one hand, the facility obviously continues to function. On the other hand, there are apparently no living intelligent beings there. Who, then, keeps it in working order? There can be only one answer: androids are conditionally intelligent cybernetic biomechanisms with a long life span. It was they who were observed by local residents. It remains to be seen how the creators programmed them to invade outsiders. Judging by the shootout with the NKVD in 1935, it is not very friendly. Therefore, while our equipment has not reached the proper heights, perhaps the closure of the waterworks for outsiders is a great blessing. It is not known what mothballed equipment was left by the biorobot to protect extraterrestrial structures. It is not excluded that, being applied, it will not leave alive any of the residents of nearby areas.

In response to the question of the observer "M-E" why he considers the Perervinsky facility to be still functioning, Mr. Tikhonov pointed to the phenomena that, in his opinion, indicate the periodic radiation of accumulated psi-energy in the Dyakov area, without which teleportation hardly possible.

The imperishable dead

We are talking about phantoms, ghosts or zombies, which are also often observed in the territory adjacent to the mysterious zone. It got to the point that a special police post was even set up at the Dyakovskoe cemetery. Painfully many, in the opinion of the law enforcement officers, were staggering around there dressed in strange clothes and suspiciously behaving individuals, who, when asked to show documents, seemed to have sunk underground. Rumors that someone in reality saw an acquaintance who had recently died and was buried in Dyakovo's land did not attract much attention until the temple of the Beheading of John the Baptist, located next to the cemetery, was in the center of the action of mysterious forces.

The thieves who burst into the church at night, having tied the watchman Nikolai Goryachykh and his elderly mother, began to pack valuable church utensils into bags. And suddenly a priest came out of the royal gates, who served here, but who died 12 years ago and was buried in the crypt of the church. He approached the raiders and asked if they were ashamed to rob the house of the Lord God.

Instead of an answer, a shot rang out. The robbers did not know that there was a dead man in front of them. The priest did not fall, but began to melt in the air like smoke. This horrified the thieves - they rushed in all directions. And to the sound of the shot, the village watchmen came running, freeing the Goryachyh mother and son.

The authorities uncovered the crypt on the north side of the temple. And they found Father Roman completely untouched by decay. A small spot darkened on the right side of his chest - the trail of a revolver shot. It turns out that the witnesses did not lie. The entrance to the crypt was subsequently completely laid.

According to one of the teleportation theories, it involves the instant killing of a physical body, followed by its equally instant resurrection upon arrival at its destination. If this is the case, then it is still unknown what energy is condensed deep under the Perervin land. The energy of death, as the ufologist Tikhonov fears, or, conversely, the energy of life.
