The Mystery Of Blood - Alternative View

The Mystery Of Blood - Alternative View
The Mystery Of Blood - Alternative View

Video: The Mystery Of Blood - Alternative View

Video: The Mystery Of Blood - Alternative View
Video: Dreams & Mysteries - The Mystery of the Blood 2024, October

Since the appearance of man on earth, his blood has always been attributed a special meaning, and over time this attitude has not changed. It was the blood that was the main participant in various mystical ceremonies and rituals associated with sacrifice. For example, among the ancient Scythians, when concluding an agreement, it was customary to fill glasses with blood, then exchange them and drink to the bottom. This method was the highest measure of trust between people. The drinking of blood also occurred among other peoples during the ritual of fraternization. In Asia, it was customary to collect the blood of all the guests present in one common bowl during the wedding process, and then drink from it.

This area of application of blood was far from the only one among our ancestors. Blood manipulation in medicine was no less popular. It was believed that by releasing the blood of a sick person, one could heal him from many diseases and free him from evil spirits. Over the years, in official medicine, this method was also considered acceptable in the treatment of certain diseases.

The healers of some tribes actively used the blood of strong animals in the manufacture of any potions and believed that such a drink would definitely endow a person with the necessary strength and health.

The theme of sacrifices was present in many tribes; this rite was treated with special trepidation. Basically, the blood of an animal was taken for the ceremony, but the material obtained from a person in pain and torment was of particular value. For example, in the tribes of the ancient Aztecs, one of the tribesmen was chosen for this ritual, who opened the chest and slowly removed the heart, and washed their hands and face with the resulting blood, or simply sprayed everyone present. Among the Vikings, it was customary to collect the blood of prisoners, who were previously hung and cut with knives, for pagan altars.

Later, in the 19-20 centuries, scientists spoke negatively about these inhuman rituals and argued that the blood released in this way becomes the object of attracting demons and evil spirits. But, if a person independently decides to sacrifice himself, then such blood, on the contrary, was considered the purest and most healing. She attracts angels and erases all negative information. On the pages of the Bible it is written that blood is the soul of a person, but modern physicians fundamentally disagree with this opinion, who argue that blood is nothing more than a substance that transfers the necessary substances to human organs. This approach did not find a response among parapsychologists and esotericists.

For psychics and people with supernormal abilities, blood is a valuable material when working with humans. By blood, you can find out not only the presence of damage on a person, but also see diseases of the whole genus up to the 4th generation. If a person's blood fell on the ground, then the connection was cut off, respectively, and information from such material could no longer be obtained. If we are talking about solving some serious crime, then you need to act quickly, until the person's blood has dried up.

The study of the properties of "blue blood" is of particular interest to scientists. In the course of the research, it was concluded that the peculiarity of this substance is the choice of representatives of high society. Blue blood has powerful properties and contributes to the formation in a person of certain character traits and certain inclinations. For example, a marriage between a nobleman and a girl from a simple family has a beneficial effect on the latter. This is expressed in the fact that the sins committed by her ancestors are washed away, the blood is ennobled, and future generations lead the right way of life. It was believed that the owners of blue blood are most susceptible to attacks by vampires and this is due to their incredible energy. It is known that vampires never attack physically disadvantaged and weak people,they were attracted only by healthy and strong physically people. Their blood was a nourishment for these creatures, thereby increasing their lifespan. But they were sent to earth by the order of the devil himself.

In the 20th century, esoteric scientists have repeatedly put forward the theory that among the world's population there are people in whose veins the blood of Lucifer himself flows. There is even evidence in the Bible, which tells of the fall of earthly inhabitants. Each nation interpreted this legend in its own way, but in the end it all boiled down to mixing the blood of an earthly person with the blood of demons. From that very moment, numerous representatives of various genera appeared with such blood, which included a substance with increased viscosity - gluten. Esotericists believe that gluten is the matter of sin.

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Based on some assumptions, under the influence of certain conditions, in a compressed state, this substance in the blood can provoke outbursts of egoism, greed and narcissism in a person, and in an expanded state, it makes him proud and even angry. It should be noted that it is gluten that contributes to overeating, excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages. In addition, the person becomes angry and irritable. It is passed from generation to generation by inheritance, its action can be compared with an incurable viral infection.

Whether to believe these assumptions of scientists, everyone chooses for himself, there is something mysterious and mystical in them, but there is a lot of truthful information. Blood provides the vital activity of the entire human body, its excessive loss threatens him with death, but it is a powerful source of information about its owner. By it, you can even find out what the person himself is unknown. This is amazing and requires even more careful study and confirmation of all the facts already available. Therefore, as all the information available at the moment is not an axiom. There is something to work on and something to study, especially since now there are all conditions for this. It will not be surprising if the assumptions of our ancestors remain unshakable and cannot be scientifically refuted.