Ghosts Are Caused By Radiation? - Alternative View

Ghosts Are Caused By Radiation? - Alternative View
Ghosts Are Caused By Radiation? - Alternative View

Video: Ghosts Are Caused By Radiation? - Alternative View

Video: Ghosts Are Caused By Radiation? - Alternative View
Video: The Science of Ghosts | Earth Lab 2024, October

At the Fiura family's grave in Augusta, Georgia, USA, one of the tombstones emits a very strange greenish light every night. Moreover, it always happens at the same time. In addition, an increased level of radiation was recorded near the grave … It is the radioactive background that is often the reason for the observation of ghosts, parapsychologists say.

It turned out that the last of the Fiura family, Josephine, who died in 1899, poisoned her two brothers and sister and committed suicide. It is known that the poisoned died slowly, they had a fever and weakness …

"These are typical symptoms of chronic radiation sickness, when a person receives low doses of radiation for a long time," says physicist Mark Russet, who studied the phenomenon. “Maybe the poisoner poisoned her relatives with substances containing uranium salts …”

Another example. In the fall of 1812, a battle between the Russians and the French took place in the area where the Peredelkino railway station is located today. The Russian army gained the upper hand, and about two and a half thousand French soldiers and officers who perished in that battle were buried in mass graves in the nearby forest.

Around the mounds (as the local population calls these burials) there are dead trees that grow 150-200 meters from south to north in the form of an irregular ellipse. In the middle of the dead forest lies a meadow overgrown with grass, on which burial grounds rise. The height of one of them, apparently an officer, is about six meters, the rest is five, and a soldier's is about 3.5 meters.

The grass in the clearing is very juicy, of an unnatural bright green color with blue, about one and a half meters high. Similar phenomena occur in areas contaminated with radiation. By the way, there are no living creatures nearby, not even insects.

People near the burial site experience psychological discomfort. They have a feeling of fear, they want to run away from here. Those who dare to stay longer feel tired and apathetic.

They also talk about some moving silhouettes blocking the sun. Sometimes it is felt as something invisible quickly glides on the grass. It often seems as if someone is staring at you. And one of the researchers who visited the clearing lost a shadow for a while.

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During the excavation of the mounds, several dead bodies of warriors in uniforms of the old cut were found. The relics, it seemed, were not at all touched by decay, they only dried up and acquired a parchment color. The cloth in which the remains were wrapped also survived. The corpses were again wrapped in cloth and buried.

In Oryol, near the railway station, there is an abandoned cemetery. The night watchman of the gypsum mill, located 40 meters from the abandoned churchyard, assures that for several years now ghosts have been peeking into his booth … For the first time it was a dry old man dressed in all black. When the watchman opened the door, he silently shook his bony finger at him. The smell of rot came from the ghost. A light fell on his face, and empty eye sockets became visible … The guard slammed the door and then until morning he heard the dogs howling. In the morning it turned out that one of them had disappeared … After that, the "ghouls" knocked on him more than once, but he did not open it. And always after their visits, one of the animals disappeared … According to the watchman, the dead were disturbed by radiation: ghosts began to appear in May 1986, after the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Then the radioactive cloud reached the Eagle …

Another "afterlife" phenomenon is associated with the mass exodus of the dead from the graves. So, a few years ago in the foreign press there were reports of an incident at a village cemetery located near the Austrian city of Brook an der Mur. The dead, supposedly buried there, rose from the graves and marched in a column through the nearest village. The locals watched in horror as the procession, consisting of yellowed skeletons and half-decayed corpses, as if at someone's command, approached the lake shore and … disappeared into it. In any case, so it seemed to eyewitnesses. The next day it turned out that all the graves were empty, but there were no traces of the dead in the lake either. By the way, that night a bright light was seen in the sky, so a hypothesis was born that a meteorite fell into the lake, which drew the dead to itself … But where did they go afterwards?

A similar episode happened in India. After two meteorites fell in the forest, all the deceased in a nearby cemetery left their graves. They walked towards the forest, and no one else saw them …

Of course, no one can vouch for the veracity of these traditions. But meteorites, by the way, often have a radioactive background. And the properties of radiation are still not fully understood. So there is something to think about …