An Unknown Device On An Ancient Figurine - Alternative View

An Unknown Device On An Ancient Figurine - Alternative View
An Unknown Device On An Ancient Figurine - Alternative View

Video: An Unknown Device On An Ancient Figurine - Alternative View

Video: An Unknown Device On An Ancient Figurine - Alternative View
Video: Artificial intelligence and algorithms: pros and cons | DW Documentary (AI documentary) 2024, September

This bronze statuette of the Gallic god Sucell is at the Walters Art Gallery in Baltimore, USA. It was found in France, dates back to the 1st-2nd century AD.


Sucell is the main deity of the Gallic pantheon. His attributes are a cup or ladle in his hands and a hammer.


It is surprising that this particular figurine is considered to be the earliest and highest quality depiction of Sucell. Compare it to the later Sucell figurine (pictured below).


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As we can see, the statuette from Baltimore differs from it strikingly - both in quality and level. For some reason, no one is surprised that “it was better before”. Why is the older figurine made so high quality that even the muscles and folds on the clothes are visible?

But the most amazing thing is the mysterious device behind Sucellus. It is difficult to find analogues to it from world history, and in fact, there are no official versions of what it is.

I think there was a very advanced civilization with high technology before our era. Later it fell into decay, but traces of it remained - both material and cultural. That is, later people tried to imitate what came before them. Some names of the gods, their attributes have survived, but the meaning of many of them has already been lost over the centuries. And people primitively explained inaccessible to their understanding. And only in our time, when our technologies began to catch up with those that had long disappeared, did we begin to guess about the true purpose of certain things left over from past centuries, and about how many buildings and structures were actually built. we have no idea - and what this mysterious instrument was doing, we also do not know yet.

Author: Natalia Trubinovskaya