A True History Of Agriculture - Alternative View

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A True History Of Agriculture - Alternative View
A True History Of Agriculture - Alternative View

Video: A True History Of Agriculture - Alternative View

Video: A True History Of Agriculture - Alternative View
Video: Alternative History of Agriculture - VERSADOCO 2024, September

So, what do we know about the Russian Empire: famine, wars and devastation with St. Petersburg. And there was also serfdom. Yes, slavery, but with a different sauce. People were considered "souls" and in the best years the landowners were measured by the number of souls, including even deceased peasants. And what did the "free workers" do? That's right, they grew food and other crops that helped them survive.

But there is one thing

For 500+ years of the famous history of agriculture, tractors, plows and seeders have become the maximum ubiquitous invention. FYI, think back to technology from the 1500s.

So, how can you characterize such an easy-to-develop agriculture? Correctly, like the simple Middle Ages - adding years, or rather the beginning much later than we used to think.

Let's remember the Middle Ages

Ah, a wonderful time. The Inquisition burned innocent people, invented the most sophisticated instruments of torture, execution and sexual pleasure, wars were unleashed almost not because of the mustache, epidemics walked more often than people now take selfies.

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It was then, as historical reports say, that the small-scale development of land cultivation tools began, but hoes and shovels were the height of human ingenuity. Then the 17-18 centuries began - the prerequisites for scientific and technological revolution were already ripening in the minds of scientists of that time and the know-how became, attention, plow !

Did it take humanity almost 200 years to invent the plow?

Yes, yes, I am sure that among the readers who will soon go to the dacha / village / x * d have already outlined the drawings of the robot that will do all the work. So, if a person without special education can throw in the concept of a new economic device, what prevented the scientists of those years from advancing and making life easier for an ordinary person?

And here is what interfered: after the atomic war in 183 6, in Europe, all sources of benefits were destroyed, accordingly, everything had to be restored anew. Only because of this war, robots, the prototypes of which were already in production, began to be introduced into the economy.

And in order to hide the consequences of the war, numerous events in the Middle Ages were invented to justify such stagnation.

But this is Europe. What do we have?

After the arrival of the fake Peter, the protege of the English crown deliberately destroyed the Empire in order to bring it to the state of a slave with a population already submissive from slavery. At the same time, drawings of a device similar to the current tractor were destroyed. But it could promote not only agriculture, but all of humanity …