Abnormal - Zones Of Death And Life - Alternative View

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Abnormal - Zones Of Death And Life - Alternative View
Abnormal - Zones Of Death And Life - Alternative View

Video: Abnormal - Zones Of Death And Life - Alternative View

Video: Abnormal - Zones Of Death And Life - Alternative View
Video: Bizarre Things That Happened On The Set Of The Passion Of The Christ 2024, September

Abnormal geopathogenic zones - bring death and life

Witch's Bane

The beginning of the 1970s, Smolensk region, a village lost in the middle of swamps and spruce forests, where I visited with my grandparents every summer. This is where this terrible story happened …

We had three guys and a funny, lop-eared dog Sharik in our campaign. Once we went to the distant Peat Lakes to go fishing. There were rumors that there are huge lines, not frightened, they almost jump ashore themselves.

We did not talk to adults about our plans - in the old days a war broke out in these parts, and more than once, and if the forests close to the villages and collective farm fields were somehow cleared of military metal, then in the distant thickets (and Peat lakes just among such thickets were) everything (mines, shells, grenades …) was on the surface, just as in 1943. And of course, adults tried to completely protect us children from such protected corners.

However, in addition to the military past, Peat Lakes had a notoriety associated with evil spirits. In those parts, in the swamps that approached the lakes from the north, there once lived, allegedly, a witch who spoiled livestock, caused damage and, in general, harmed people as best she could. The peasants ran out of patience, and they staged a raid, tracked down the witch and hung her on a stunted aspen in the swampy wasteland. Since that time, this place, so nicknamed - the Witch's Bane, became cursed, and with everyone who wandered there, fainting, seizures, various illnesses, and sometimes death occurred …

Without speaking to anyone, we got out even after dark, we reached the Peat Lakes only at lunchtime. It was a hot June day, clouds of horseflies circled above us, fragrant herbs were hiding us, undersized, and if it were not for Sharik, we could simply get lost.

When Peat Lakes appeared in front of us, it became clear that fishing would not work - along the swampy shores it was impossible to approach the black water closer than a good thirty meters. It was kind of early to return home, and we had a plan - to go to Witchbane, to see what's what.

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Okay, I didn't have to go that far. Having rounded the lakes, we came to the edge of the swamps and saw the wasteland. Black earth, only stunted, as if dusty grass grew on it, and black, gnarled aspen (probably the same one), covered with growths and resembling the skinny hand of a certain monster sticking out from under the ground.

We were amazed that the clouds of gadflies so tired of us did not fly over the Witch's Doom, and there were no birds to be seen either. Only a shivering haze from the sun-warmed earth, in which the black aspen seemed to come to life, moving, wiggling with branches-fingers.

The ball, which was always and everywhere the first, ran out into the wasteland with a bark, but before reaching the terrible aspen a few meters, it suddenly stopped, somehow drooped, tucked its tail and came back to us with a small jog and hid behind our legs. After this, our desire to roam the Witch's Doom disappeared. For some reason, in a depressed state, we hurried home, but before reaching the village a few kilometers away, Sharik suddenly began to limp, whine, after lying down, breathing rapidly, he began to have convulsions, and the dog died in speed. Amazed, we with tears in our eyes brought the dog to the village, where we told the adults about what had happened. The dog was immediately taken away from us and immediately burned outside the barnyard. Then, at the official level (the chairman of the collective farm and the director of the local school), a conversation was held with us and the most honest word was taken never in my life to go to the Witch's Doom …

Many years later I read in the journal "Technics for Youth" that such anomalous zones exist in other places of our country, in particular, in Siberia. What is the nature of such "damned places"? How often do they occur, and how can they be dealt with?

Sleeping beauty in captivity of geopathogenic zone

Since time immemorial, people have been very responsible when choosing a place to build a house or a temple. It is known that before building churches, a flock of sheep or a herd of cows were allowed in the field. Where the herd stayed for the night, a church was erected there. And in China today, before building a house, an ant family is released on the ground. If the ants do not take root, then everything is in order, you can build.

“Damned houses”, “fatal places”, “roads of death” - everyone has probably heard about this. Researchers are convinced that this kind of phenomena is associated with the so-called telluric radiation, which is actually everywhere, but in certain places it is more intense. Such places are called geopathogenic zones, and if people or animals are in these zones, they begin to develop cardiovascular diseases, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, the central nervous system, brain cells, etc. are affected.

German scientist Ernst Hartmann found that our entire planet is covered with a grid with a cell size of 2 by 2.5 meters. At the nodes of such a grid, the telluric radiation of the Earth is more intense, and in essence these are small geopathogenic zones that exist everywhere - in any house, in every room. Telluric radiation always propagates strictly vertically and is not absorbed by any known material. If a person has been at the Hartmann grid point for 6–8 hours, he cannot avoid feeling unwell and sick.

In addition to the nodes, there are also large geopathogenic zones, usually associated with any deep disturbances in the bowels of the earth. Pathogenesis is noted over karst cavities, underground rivers, faults in the earth's crust, mined coal or oil beds, mines, tunnels, metro lines. Especially unfavorable zones appear in areas of long-extinct volcanoes, for example, above kimberlite pipes.

In our time, researchers believe that many historical mysteries can be easily explained if we take into account the sharply negative impact of geopathogenic zones on human health. So, Prince Oleg, according to legend, was stung by a snake that crawled out of the skull of his horse, in fact died from intense pathogenic radiation. This is because the outskirts of Kiev are simply "stuffed" with geopathogenic zones, many of them exist to this day. In particular, this can be explained. why in the caves of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra the bodies of the dead are not exposed to decay. Strong telluric radiation simply kills all living things, including bacteria.

Prince Oleg's horse died in such a "cursed meadow". The same fate awaited the prince, who came to visit his fighting friend and who had stayed in the geopathic zone for too long.

And some of the scientists also interpret the tale of the Sleeping Princess as evidence of the influence of the geopathogenic zone.

Geopathology is the science of tomorrow

The biological effects of the influence of terrestrial radiation and the zone of its action are investigated by a relatively young science - geopathology. In the Soviet Union, this kind of research was not encouraged, it was carried out at an amateur, amateur level. Meanwhile, the benefits from the practical application of the achievements of geopathology are colossal.

The first is a decrease in the incidence of the population. Geopathologist Ivan Yotov from Bulgaria examined more than 6,000 people who suffered from oncological diseases, and found that absolutely all of them, without exception, slept in the knotted sites of the Hartmann grid. Often, improvements came even after the patient's bed was moved half a meter to the side!

Second, the identification of large geopathogenic zones will make it possible to avoid their development with residential and industrial buildings, and it will be possible to build roads bypassing the “death zones”. The benefits are obvious - the number of accidents will decrease, labor productivity will increase, and people will get sick less.

Of course, there are still many blank spots in geopathology. Suffice it to say that one of the main indicators in determining Hratmann's grid points is … a domestic cat! At the same time, the researchers did not come to the same opinion - the cat chooses the node or inter-nodal space for rest. The Frenchman Louis Turen is sure that the cat sleeps in places safe for human health, and the famous Russian geopathologist Stanislav Smirnov, on the contrary, believes that cats, unlike dogs, sleep in knots and a person cannot follow her example.

Abnormal does not mean harmful

Speaking about the geopathogenic zone, one cannot but mention the terrestrial anomalies. They have a completely different energy structure. The abnormal zone can be both harmful and very beneficial to human health. Such anomalous zones can be encountered much less often than geopathogenic zones, they are usually shrouded in legends, myths and various mystical stories. Often abnormal zones serve a person - they contain temples, hospitals, recreation areas. At the same time, many anomalous zones are unsafe to visit, especially for an unprepared person who does not know the technique of biolocation.

Here are some of the main signs of abnormal zones: "attraction" of the gaze, absence or concentration of animals in certain places, "strange" vegetation, the presence of unusual objects, atypical for this area, strange sounds, hallucinations, visions, unfamiliar sensations in the body and psyche, dizziness, numbness of body parts.

By the way, in the Moscow region, the region has long and well lived in, there are many geopathogenic zones. Usually, they contain landfills, cattle burial grounds, but there are also places where houses are built in unfavorable zones. In particular, on the territory of Balashikha there is a whole cluster of geopathogenic zones, which actually explains the high suicide rate and unfavorable criminal situation in this city. A powerful geopathogenic zone is located on the territory of the city of Reutov, and this has led to a sharp, in comparison with neighboring areas, an increase in childhood diseases.

S. Volkov
