How To Find And Neutralize A Geopathogenic Zone - Alternative View

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How To Find And Neutralize A Geopathogenic Zone - Alternative View
How To Find And Neutralize A Geopathogenic Zone - Alternative View

Video: How To Find And Neutralize A Geopathogenic Zone - Alternative View

Video: How To Find And Neutralize A Geopathogenic Zone - Alternative View
Video: What is Geopathic Stress? 2024, September

A geopathic zone is an invisible, but quite serious danger that lies in wait for you both at home and in the work environment. If you work or rest in this area, you may be in danger of feeling disgusting, minor health problems, and in particularly difficult cases, even a protracted chronic illness.


For a long time, the search for a place for the construction of housing or a temple was considered an extremely serious matter. Even ancillary buildings have never been erected in the "pernicious" place. Temples were built only in those favorable places where a person could recharge energetically, feel cheerfulness and a surge of strength.

What do you need to know to tell a good place from a bad one? Dowsers possessed a similar skill. With a wooden flyer or an ordinary rod handy, they could outline the contours of a good or bad place, discover a water source and mineral deposits. Some even searched for treasure with a vine. In addition to the above, in ancient times, people knew well the signs of bad places.

Where should your house be located?

Time passed, and there were no criteria left when choosing a place for construction, except for material justification. Today, no one cares about energy security, everyone thinks only of a developed infrastructure. A house can easily be built in an area of a karst void or tectonic fault, on the site of a former cemetery, a drained swamp or a landfill covered with earth. So there are houses where residents are dying like flies, the number of suicides is constantly growing, and the buildings themselves are crumbling right before our eyes.


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I had to remember the bad places, called geopathogenic zones, which translated from Greek means "sick land". In some countries, prior to construction, verification is carried out for the presence of such zones. Since the end of the last century, these norms have come down to us, but are they always fulfilled?

Unfortunately, there are not many ideal places for construction, and almost any house has, albeit insignificant, but rather harmful areas. They literally permeate the entire structure, and if, for example, your lower neighbor has a similar area, then the problem in the same contour will spread to all the upper floors.

What types are zones divided into

The cause of the emergence of geopathogenic zones can be the collision of underground water flows, the formation of a tectonic fault and the heterogeneous structure of the earth's crust. Such places are characterized by emission of gases, constantly changing levels of radiation and geomagnetic amplitudes. Terrestrial radiation forms zones of natural natural character.


In addition, there are areas called biopathogenic and technopathogenic. The first appear over the territories of cattle burial grounds and cemeteries. Their effect on humans is not fully understood, but they pose a considerable danger. People living in houses that were built on the site of cemeteries have insomnia, problems with alcohol and drugs, and various mental disorders.

Another unusual feature is observed in hepatogenic zones: not only human health is destroyed here, but also the houses themselves. So in Norilsk it was noticed that the foundations, walls and communications of buildings located in disadvantaged areas look worse than all the others.

In geopathogenic zones, pipelines fail ahead of time, routes and structures are destroyed. Household appliances in these places work disgustingly and often break down. A striking sign of the presence of a geopathogenic zone is twisted trees. Twisted or incredibly bifurcated plants indicate their growth in a dead place. Some plants, on the contrary, feel quite well in such areas - fern, nettle, willow, willow and some others related to poisonous.

Impact on a person

In addition to all of the above, there are energy lines on the surface of the earth. Crossing each other, they create a grid with equal cells. Of the four existing types of grids, the E. Hartmann matrix is of particular interest. Its lines are up to 30 cm wide and spaced from each other at a distance of up to 2 meters from north to south and from east to west.


It turns out that any place on the street or in the apartment is divided into peculiar rectangles that cannot be seen with the naked eye. The vertices of these geometric shapes are unfavorable for people. It turns out that in every apartment there is a place where you cannot stay for a long time or sleep.

The human body is struggling to resist the influence of harmful zones. An individual who is full of health can sleep for several years in a bad place and not notice anything. And most people will instantly feel discomfort. Yes, and the hero, in the end, will also be in trouble.

If your bed, desk or lounge chair is constantly in the harmful area, then the matter can end very badly. Prolonged stay in this place can lead to high blood pressure, rheumatism, headache, insomnia. German researchers found that out of 3 thousand cancer patients surveyed in 15 countries, almost all of them slept on beds located in one or another geopathogenic zone.

Detect and neutralize

How to find a harmful zone in your home? There are three ways. The easiest method is to find a biolocation specialist (real), and entrust him with a survey of your home. The second method is to self-detect hazardous areas. For this purpose, you will need a pendulum or dowsing frame.


Method number three is to update the furnishings or in a banal rearrangement of furniture. If you feel unwell, you can rearrange the sleeping or working place. If you managed to improve your health, then you did the right thing.

Some pets can help you find a bad spot. For example, the dog will not lie in the hazardous area. If your dog likes to climb on your bed, then it is most likely in a safe area. Cats, on the other hand, tend to be negative. But they can climb into bed because of the desire to "treat" their owner.

Not every Russian is capable of boasting a spacious apartment, and the rearrangement may be just a pipe dream. But there is a way to neutralize the geopathogenic zone, and you can make this neutralizer yourself.

You will need copper wire up to 0.2 mm in diameter and about 10 meters long. Roll it into a skein up to 10 cm in diameter, cover with varnish and place in an insulator - between two cardboard sheets. The resulting neutralizer is placed in the center of the danger zone. After some time, it will be possible to make sure that the effect of the anomaly is neutralized.
