The Seal Of Fate - Alternative View

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The Seal Of Fate - Alternative View
The Seal Of Fate - Alternative View

Video: The Seal Of Fate - Alternative View

Video: The Seal Of Fate - Alternative View
Video: ARCTIC CHONK - "SEAL OF FATE" (Compilation of seals and penguins) 2024, September

We carry the signs of our destiny. To be convinced of this, just look at your own palms, covered with mysterious lines, marks, elevations. Through thousands of years of observations, it was possible to find out the role of many signs on the palms and fingers, to establish their connection with health, character, and therefore the fate of a particular person. This is what palmists say.

Mysterious art

Translated from Greek, the word "palmistry" means prophecy, prediction by hand. Probably, the ancestors were no more stupid than us. The famous Pythagoras recognized palmistry. A work on palmistry by Aristotle was written over two thousand years ago! The ancient Roman physician Galen is the author of about 250 works on this complex art.

But what about Aristotle and Galen! In time immemorial, long before the Birth of Christ, Indian, Egyptian, and Chinese palmists made amazing discoveries in this area. For example, the Hindus (and India is rightfully considered the birthplace of palmistry) were able to highlight on their palms and explain the meanings of more than 10 thousand signs!

For the ancient Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, Chinese, predictions from the signs on the hand were as familiar and necessary as the weather forecast for us. Perhaps even more. People of that distant time without prophecies, predictions would have been seized by anxiety and uncertainty.

Palmists predicted absolutely everything: accidents and fires, the outcomes of upcoming battles and harvests. rising prices and shipwrecks, epidemics and family quarrels, changes of governments and the fate of children.

Some embossed signs on the palm characterize health, intelligence, creativity, others - character traits (decisiveness, cheerful disposition, cowardice, courage, and so on), still others - life expectancy, timing of marriage, the reality of plans, the fourth refer to the fate of children and relatives. For men, palmists believe, signs of the future are inscribed on the right hand. What has already happened or is currently happening on the left. For women, the opposite is true.

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Predicted death

Lines are visible on the palms. There are many of them - the Life line, the Happiness line, the Saturn line, the belt of Venus and so on. Other well-visible details on the palm are the so-called hills, bearing the names of celestial bodies.

In addition, many other icons, images of plants, flowers, animals can be found on the hand. And they carry important and varied information. For example, the sign of a fish at the very hand of the hand prophesies success, wealth, and a large family. The flag sign on the hill of Mercury is a penchant for philosophy. The image of the trident promises power and glory.

There are also ominous signs on the palms. meaning a threat to human health and life. Fortunately, complete signs of death (that is, the main ones together with additional ones) are rare - about five out of a thousand people. By the sign, you can also determine the type of death: from fire, water, poison, falling from a height, from cold and firearms. “A man with similar signs on his hands,” wrote one palmist, “carries his death with him. She is clenched in his fist! But are the signs of death printed on the palm reliable, did the tragic predictions come true? Came true exactly and more than once.

The famous palmist Count Lewis Hamon, better known under the pseudonym of Keiro, in July 1894 took an imprint from the palm of Lord Herbert Kitchener, then a prominent English general, and in the future British Minister of War. After carefully examining this imprint, the palmist discovered signs of death in it with all duplicate components and made a terrible prediction that Kitchener would drown at the age of 66. Then the general was only 43. Whether Kitchener believed in this prophecy is unknown, but 22 years later, he actually found death at the bottom of the sea, drowning along with the warship Hampshire.

Tragic landing

Another prediction by the same palmist is even more curious. The sign on the hand of American Major John Logan spoke of death from a blow to the head. The approximate date of the death of the major was also predicted. A year before the fateful date, Logan tried with all his might to take care of himself, not only stopped riding (afraid of falling off his horse), but also sold his entire stable. The Spanish-American War soon began. Logan went to the front and at 35 (almost as predicted) was killed near Santiago by a bullet that hit him in the head.

Vladimir Finogeev
Vladimir Finogeev

Vladimir Finogeev

In 1978, the translator Vladimir Vasilyevich Finogeyev worked in a group of Soviet troops then in Tanzania. The work was not burdensome, and in his free time (and there was a lot of it) Finogeev, out of curiosity, began to study palmistry. He himself said that this hobby, perhaps, would soon have passed, if a tragic incident had not happened.

At that time, there were battles between the troops of Tanzania and neighboring Uganda. When the city of Entebbe was occupied by the Ugandans, the MiGs based there were ordered to be overtaken to Mwanza, the town where Finogeyev served. The tragedy happened before his eyes.

A two-seat training MiG, piloted by Tanzanian pilots, was landing. The twin aircraft landed on the front leg, which could not withstand the impact and broke down. The fighter landed on its belly and slid along the runway with an eerie crash. One of the pilots was killed.

Rescue signals

“When the deceased pilot was carried away,” recalled Finogeyev, “I myself, I don’t know why, looked into his hand and was surprised to find a fatal sign that I remembered from a book on palmistry: death from a blow to the head. I became convinced that predictions exist, they are reality. And this must be reckoned with."

Many years have passed since then. Vladimir Finogeyev returned to his homeland and became a famous palmist. Many thousands of hands passed before his gaze, each with its own “seal of fate”. Several hundred people who visited Finogeev's laboratory were seriously injured in the past. Everyone, absolutely everyone, had signs of injury on their palms. Of course, there were also people with signs of death in their arms.

“However, examining the hands, - wrote Vladimir Vasilyevich, - I found many people who had fatal signs on their palms, but were not dead at all”. And the Russian palmist expressed a wonderful idea that gives hope that we are quite within the power to defeat the ominous prophecies.

According to Finogeev's theory, a SECURITY SYSTEM operates in every person. The conscious part of this system receives information from our five senses. The subconscious part catches what neither the eyes, nor ears, nor other senses can catch.

Faces on the palms

Finogeev believes that death signs do not indicate absolute doom. By performing certain exercises and observing moral standards, the drawing on the palm of your hand can be changed, and tragic signs can be made to disappear.

Once, examining the hand of another patient through a magnifying glass, Vladimir Vasilyevich saw that … eyes were looking at him from the palm of his hand! The unfriendly face of a man was clearly distinguished - bald, with a high forehead and a massive chin.

From a conversation with a patient, it became clear that the face depicted in the palm of his hand is exactly like the face of his colleague, a man of authority and rude. All the signs were the same. Later, when Vladimir Vasilievich began to study this phenomenon, he realized the enormous importance of his discovery. Microimages on the hand made it possible to make predictions with specific details, to identify the characters, to accurately establish the picture of events and even the names of their participants. "Palmistry," said Finogeyev, "is a strange language that we translate from the mysterious to the ordinary, human."

Gennady Chernenko. Secrets of the XX century magazine