The Truth About Palmistry - Alternative View

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The Truth About Palmistry - Alternative View
The Truth About Palmistry - Alternative View

Video: The Truth About Palmistry - Alternative View

Video: The Truth About Palmistry - Alternative View

Translated from Greek, the word "palmistry" means "prophecy", "prediction by hand." Palmistry was recognized by the famous Pythagoras, an essay on palmistry was written two thousand years ago by Aristotle, and the ancient Roman physician Galen created about 250 works on palmistry.

Mysterious art

In ancient times, Indian, Egyptian, Chinese palmists made amazing discoveries in this area. For example, the ancient Hindus (and India is rightfully considered the birthplace of palmistry) were able to distinguish on the palms and explain the meaning of more than 10 thousand signs! For the ancient Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, Chinese, predictions on the signs on the hand were as familiar and necessary as the weather forecast for us. Perhaps even more: without prophecies and predictions, people of that distant time would have been seized with anxiety and confusion. And even much later, in the Middle Ages, many thinkers recognized palmistry - for example, among them was the great Paracelsus.

It has long been known that some embossed signs in the palm of your hand characterize health, intelligence, creativity, others - character traits (determination, cheerful disposition, cowardice, courage, and so on), still others - life expectancy, timing of marriage, the fourth refer to the fate of children and relatives.

Lines on the palms

The Life Line bypasses the base of the thumb. A wide and straight line means a long and healthy life. On the contrary, a thin and dashed line does not promise longevity. The line called the Belt of Venus, located at the top of the palm, between the bases of the index and small fingers, indicates the strength of attraction to the opposite sex. A double line indicates an immoderate temperament.

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The Happiness Line, if long, means endurance and good health. Short, winding, suggests otherwise. The line of Saturn, reaching up to the middle finger, is a sign of great intelligence, a short line is a sign of failure.

The line, called the path of the Sun, promises the patronage of influential people. Breaks in it indicate the intrigues of the envious. A straight and clean Liver line indicates good health. Reaching only to the middle of the palm is a sign of a short life and illness.

Happy travels - land and sea - are guaranteed by the line of the Moon (it is also called the Milky Way) and, by the way, success with women and the talent of eloquence. The Head Line indicates prudence, courage and wealth. The Dragon Line is a "bracelet" under the hand. The double and even triple folds formed by this bracelet represent health and wellness.

Amazing hills

Other easily noticeable details in the palm of your hand are the so-called hills, named after celestial bodies. They also tell a lot about a person and his destiny. For example, the highly developed hill of Jupiter, located at the base of the index finger, indicates pride and domination of nature. The underdeveloped is about laziness and mediocrity.

Hill of the Sun (at the base of the ring finger) indicates a penchant for the arts, courage of spirit, quick wit. The hill of Mercury (at the base of the little finger) speaks of the ability for commercial affairs, the hill of the Moon (at the edge of the lower part of the palm) - about fantasy and poetic talent, the hill of Venus (at the base of the thumb) - about the love of beauty and the thirst for pleasure, the hill of Saturn (at the base of the middle finger) proves the predominance of reason over feelings, prudence. Finally, the well-marked Mars Hill (on the side of the palm) and the Mars Plain (on the opposite side of the palm) testify to courage and determination.

If on a hill that bears the name of a celestial body, its sign is visible (the designations of the planets, the sun and the moon were proposed by the ancient astrologers), then, according to the interpretation of palmists, this is a sign of the special influence of the celestial body on human life.

In addition to lines and hills, many other icons, images of flowers, plants, animals, and so on can be found on the hand. And they carry important and varied information. For example, the sign of a fish at the very hand of the hand prophesies success, wealth, and a large family. The flag sign on the hill of Mercury is a penchant for philosophy. The image of the trident promises power and glory.

The death of General Kitchener

There are also ominous signs on the palms, meaning a threat to human health and life. Fortunately, complete death signs (that is, the main ones together with the additional ones) are rare, about five out of a thousand people. By the sign, you can also determine the type of death: from fire, water, poison, falling from a height, from cold and firearms. “A man with similar signs on his hands,” wrote one palmist, “does not outwardly differ from others. He is free to perform and performs all actions, like other people. However, he is not like everyone else, for he carries his death with him. She is clenched in his fist! The famous palmist Count Lewis Hamon, better known under the pseudonym of Keiro, in July 1894 took an imprint from the palm of Lord Herbert Kitchener, then a prominent English general, and in the future British Minister of War. Having carefully studied this imprint,the palmist found signs of death in it with all the duplicate components and made a formidable prediction that Kitchener would drown at the age of 66. Then the general was only 43. Whether Kitchener believed in this prophecy is unknown, but 22 years later, he actually found death at the bottom of the sea, drowning along with the warship Hamshire.

Another prediction by the same palmist is even more curious. The sign on the hand of American Major John Logan spoke of death from a blow to the head. The approximate date of the death of the major was also predicted. A year before the fatal deadline, Logan took care of all possible dangers by all means, stopped riding (fearing to fall off his horse) and generally sold out his entire stable. The Spanish-American War soon began. Logan went to the front and at 35 (almost as predicted) died near Santiago from a bullet that hit him in the head.

Unusual language

Does this mean that the planned injuries, and even the death of people were inevitable? “Examining the hands,” wrote the famous Moscow palmist Vladimir Vasilievich Finogeev, “I found many people who had fatal signs on their palms, but did not die at all at the age marked by these signs.” And the Russian palmist came up with a wonderful idea that inspires hope and even confidence. For us in the twenty-first century, he argues, it is within our power to defeat sinister prophecies.

Finogeyev believes that even death signs do not yet speak of unconditional doom. By performing certain exercises, subject to moral standards and spiritual development, the drawing on the palm of your hand can be changed and tragic signs can be made to disappear.

In the chirological laboratory of Vladimir Vasilyevich in Moscow, about 230 new signs on the hand were identified and explained, indicating impending injuries, injuries and disasters. They were not even known to the famous Indian palmists. This is not surprising if you know how vast this occult discipline is. "Errors in palmistry are due to the fact," wrote Finogeyev, "that the subject is too complicated."

"Palmistry," said Finogeyev, "is a strange language that we translate into ordinary, human."