Andrey Yuryevich Sklyarov Died - Alternative View

Andrey Yuryevich Sklyarov Died - Alternative View
Andrey Yuryevich Sklyarov Died - Alternative View

Video: Andrey Yuryevich Sklyarov Died - Alternative View

Video: Andrey Yuryevich Sklyarov Died - Alternative View
Video: Полиглот. Выучим итальянский за 16 часов! Урок №1. / Телеканал Культура 2024, June

On September 15, at the age of 56, Andrei Yuryevich Sklyarov died. Andrey Sklyarov is the founder and ideological leader of the Laboratory of Alternative History project, the author of dozens of books and films that have turned the views of thousands of people both in Russia and abroad, about ancient history, architecture, archeology and paleogeography.

A person who has devoted himself to the search for material evidence of the existence of an ancient highly developed civilization on our planet. Unbendingly defending his ideas from the standpoint of an experimental physicist, relying only on the actual results of research, without making compromises and without looking back at authorities, he shook the mainstream scientific theories. He taught us to ask awkward questions, think, analyze and rebuild the system. "If facts contradict theory, you have to throw out theory, not facts."

We will all miss him. Relatives, relatives, friends, colleagues, like-minded people … those who were “for” and “against”, who hotly discussed, argued, sometimes hoarse … There will be a lack of conversations and disputes, his new books, ideas, projects. With us remains only a huge Gratitude to him, his Idea, his Work, and bright Memory.