Devil's Coast With New Anomalous Zones Of St. Petersburg Can Help Or Harm People - Alternative View

Devil's Coast With New Anomalous Zones Of St. Petersburg Can Help Or Harm People - Alternative View
Devil's Coast With New Anomalous Zones Of St. Petersburg Can Help Or Harm People - Alternative View

Video: Devil's Coast With New Anomalous Zones Of St. Petersburg Can Help Or Harm People - Alternative View

Video: Devil's Coast With New Anomalous Zones Of St. Petersburg Can Help Or Harm People - Alternative View
Video: CONSCIOUSNESS AND PERSONALITY. From the inevitably dead to the eternally Alive. (English subtitles) 2024, September

The locals are well aware of the most famous anomalies of St. Petersburg, but the experts managed to find new zones, which also includes the Devil's Coast. They can help or harm people, and ghostly phantoms of past centuries also roam here.


The Museum of Stockholm has preserved a map of the 14th century made by Karl Julius, which shows the entire territory of the Swedish lands, which have now become the Leningrad Region. Already then one section of the bank of the Neva was marked with a special sign, and was also accompanied by a warning concerning merchants and travelers. They were forbidden to stop at this place, but then people did not need explanations of the reasons and followed the advice. There are also many mentions of the Devil's Coast in the legends of the Karelians, and after the construction of the city, resin workers lived here, making materials for the shipyard. The land was owned by Empress Elizabeth, who ordered the removal of the gloomy buildings and the founding of a nunnery in their place. Then the author of the project was Giacomo Quarenghi, who did not want to listen to the stories of older people about the mysterious disappearances of people in the cursed place. Then the Smolny Institute was built here for noble maidens, but the young ladies were afraid to be near the closed wing, where a ghostly shadow was repeatedly noticed. They were sure that a person who had died before was wandering around here, but the authorities did not attach importance to such messages, attributing them to ordinary fears.


The trouble happened after the decision of the stoker Yefim Raspadkov to spend the night in this place and dispel all the rumors. He went inside, but since then no one has seen the man again. The door was locked inside with a key, and then, apart from broken furniture and flies, no traces of the brave man were found on the bust of Voltaire. Then the events associated with the revolution changed the fate of the pupils, and already in the 1920s the townspeople told about the phantom of an aristocrat who was shot in the Smolny Palace. After Kirov's murder, his spirit began to appear frequently in the corridors, terrifying the guards, and people saw his dark silhouette during the war. At first, the military mistook the ghost for the enemy and opened fire on it, but then they noticed the characteristic features of the leader of the 30s, thus supporting his associates. He was last seen in the 90s when the communists left the building. He looked menacing and threatened his invisible opponents with his fist, after which he decided to simply hide in the basements until better times.


There are many graves in the city that fulfill the wishes of people, but experts do not want to advertise information so as not to disturb the peace of the dead. But you can come to the New Hermitage and touch the left toe of the second Atlantean. He willingly helps lovers to maintain a strong marriage, and the rings of lions on Vasilievsky Island also have similar properties if couples hold on to them together. A sculpture of Neptune, cast from captured guns in Peterhof, is perfect for fulfilling a dream. Tourists also rub his feet or leave coins, and the griffins on the Bank Bridge guard untold treasures and are able to perform a miracle associated with wealth. The townspeople shove notes or money into the cracks, and one respectable person told the researchers that this was the third time he had resorted to the help of mythical creatures. The elderly man wanted to buy inexpensive housing and make peace with the heir living in Israel. After such requests, he managed to become the owner of a room in a communal apartment, after which his son returned home. Few local people know the secret of the polar bear depicted on the monument to Admiral Makarov in Kronstadt. He needs to rub his nose and say out loud his request, which is always fulfilled.


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However, there are corners where ghosts disturb the peace of the residents. On Maly Prospekt, a woman could not sleep because of strange sounds coming at night in the corridor of a communal apartment. She noticed the black figure of a boy trying to open the front door, but, despite a strong fright, managed to close it with the latch. The Smolensk cemetery also became known as a bad place, as priests were buried here alive. Then the Bolsheviks put 40 people near the pit and ordered them to renounce their faith, but having received a refusal, they dealt with their victims. Also, do not forget about the pagan temples where bloody gifts were brought to the gods. The Peter and Paul Fortress also stands in such a place, and Tsar Peter knew very well about the anomalous zone and fed the eagles, considering them the messengers of other worlds. In addition to the ghosts of tortured prisoners, a poltergeist loves to rage in this area,and townspeople often suffer from various ailments. The building of the Twelve Collegiums is also inhabited by ghostly souls, because it was built incorrectly and violated the energy planning of St. Petersburg, and while walking along the Griboyedov Canal, many faces suddenly begin to wander and find themselves in unfamiliar places. Perhaps, in this way, they find themselves in a parallel world, after which they return back. At the Malokhtinskoye cemetery, sorcerers and alchemists used to be buried, after which many witnesses of the events saw a white fog over the tombstones, smelling of incense. Then a greenish glow began to move between the graves, illuminating the ghostly faces of suffering souls.and while walking along the Griboyedov Canal, many faces suddenly start to wander and find themselves in unfamiliar places. Perhaps, in this way, they find themselves in a parallel world, after which they return back. At the Malokhtinskoye cemetery, sorcerers and alchemists used to be buried, after which many witnesses of the events saw a white fog over the tombstones, smelling of incense. Then a greenish glow began to move between the graves, illuminating the ghostly faces of suffering souls.and while walking along the Griboyedov Canal, many faces suddenly start to wander and find themselves in unfamiliar places. Perhaps, in this way, they find themselves in a parallel world, after which they return back. At the Malokhtinskoye cemetery, sorcerers and alchemists used to be buried, after which many witnesses of the events saw a white fog over the tombstones, smelling of incense. Then a greenish glow began to move between the graves, illuminating the ghostly faces of suffering souls.illuminating the ghostly faces of suffering souls.illuminating the ghostly faces of suffering souls.

Reshetnikova Irina