The Program Code Of The Movie "Men In Black: International" - Alternative View

The Program Code Of The Movie "Men In Black: International" - Alternative View
The Program Code Of The Movie "Men In Black: International" - Alternative View

Video: The Program Code Of The Movie "Men In Black: International" - Alternative View

Video: The Program Code Of The Movie
Video: How «21 Jump Street vs MIB» became «Men in Black International» (Sony Hack Special) 2024, June

When you watch Hollywood movies, you often get the feeling of déjà vu from everything that happens on the screen. As if there is a certain conventional black box, into which typical images of heroes, villains, men, women, police officers, criminals, agents, phrase templates, shooting angles, plot twists and so on are thrown. Then someone mixes everything thoroughly and randomly takes out a dozen ingredients, on the basis of which the script is written.

Each time, as a result of such a process, something “new” is obtained, but this “new” is painfully familiar, easily predictable and, in fact, is not “new”. If "Men in Black: International" is decomposed into separate episodes, it turns out that we have already seen all these passages somewhere in other films. Super agent-ladies' man; a villain who dreams of killing everyone with a new weapon; chase in the city center with scattering pedestrians; a random employee destined to die first, and so on. After viewing, only a feeling of emptiness remains in my head - as if you spent two hours looking into a kaleidoscope, in which glass pieces are chaotically poured. The spectacle, of course, is fascinating - and each piece of glass itself shines beautifully, but what is the result?

Along with the final credits running across the screen, the same eternal question pops up in my head - how can you spend a huge budget on creating and promoting such nonsense? And most already know the answer perfectly well. Hundreds of millions of dollars are spent on films that are absolutely stupid in content for one simple reason - to make hundreds of millions of people stupid. This is the price that the mass audience actually pays for the desire to have fun, and not just 300 rubles for a ticket. Therefore, no philosophy, no vital issues, no sublimity and even no realism - just gum with many flavor enhancers that can drown out the bad smell coming from the filling.

Everyone remembers this classic episode, when a guy first sees an attractive girl and the camera shows her appearance in slow motion: with developing hair, languid eyes and other attributes of a "spectacular exit". In the next series of "Men in Black" there is the same thing, only now the main character appears in this form, and not the heroine. Now SHE, not HE, demonstrates miracles of dexterity and strength in a fight with the villain, and SHE saves the world. “Down with the laws of biology - they are intolerant,” Hollywood scriptwriters shout to us, “women on the screen should fight no worse than men and show courage and cruelty when the situation calls for it.


Or another tinted glass: before, most aliens were only bloodthirsty (well, of course, what else can a highly developed civilization dream of - except to kill and devour everyone), but now they have also become lustful. Seriously, the new film featured three preoccupied alien representatives, each of whom had fairly lengthy scenes. Moreover, these are not random "small fry", but the heads of alien corporations, local crime bosses or the best representatives of entire civilizations. And all they dream about is to sleep with a seductive agent, or to destroy him (no one canceled bloodlust). Imagine - the person in charge of the whole world thinks in terms of "having fun in the club and picking up someone."And for the sake of all the same tolerance - the main character now has no "prejudices" and can spend the night with anyone - even with a creature that has tentacles instead of limbs. And then, throughout the film, making vulgar jokes about their amorous adventures.

Another ingredient has also changed. Previously, in order to save the world, it was necessary to show courage, dedication and will. Now stupidity has been added to this set of mandatory qualities. The creators of such films seem to be telling their viewers: "be stupid, act at random, do not follow any rules, and fortune will definitely turn to face you." If you think about it, this is a great tool for eliminating competitors. If you don't want someone to push you off the pyramid of power, convince everyone else that life favors lustful, impulsive fools who just want to - and the whole world is at their feet. And when in reality it suddenly turns out that this scenario does not work in ordinary life, then these idiots with double zeal will begin to run into their virtual world - after all, it is so nice and cozy there,and only there the latter can become the first overnight, without even putting any effort into it.

Many have probably already noticed this feature: in all modern films about law enforcement agencies, special services or super agents, the protagonist must necessarily be a kind of non-systemic element, acting at his own discretion, ignoring the authorities, condescendingly or with a share of contempt for those around him. If we are shown a team somewhere, then it is rather a bunch of egoists forced to work together, and not a well-coordinated team. So here too - Agent H wanted to spit on all the rules and regulations, and his relations with colleagues, to put it mildly, are dubious. Whether it’s the main character Molly - she, on the contrary, is a model of purposefulness and is highly career-oriented. True, in her personal life she has a complete failure, but the filmmakers make it clear that this is normal, and she is still a successful and harmonious person. “Work,lovely ladies, but family, children and so on - you don't need it."

Promotional video:


At the same time, only a small part of the algorithms is reflected here, in addition to which there are always scenes with alcohol as an integral attribute of normal life, with violence (for example, in one of the episodes, the main characters H and Molly calmly observe how an adult man beats a small alien animal for a whole minute for his talkativeness), with disdain for ordinary people, with reckless behavior, and so on. And when you start to notice all these "pieces of glass", isolating them from the flow of fascinating action and special effects, the events of the film turn into a kind of program code with replacing information modules.

For a programmer sitting ON THAT SIDE OF THE SCREEN, it's just a stream of numbers that will lead to an easily predictable result. For the viewer, this is a beautiful and fascinating fairy tale. He sits in an easy chair, chews popcorn and stares straight ahead.

The screen flickers, the loading process is in progress …
