Where Are Ghosts In Yakutsk? - Alternative View

Where Are Ghosts In Yakutsk? - Alternative View
Where Are Ghosts In Yakutsk? - Alternative View

Video: Where Are Ghosts In Yakutsk? - Alternative View

Video: Where Are Ghosts In Yakutsk? - Alternative View
Video: Most Dangerous Ways To School | OIMJAKON (Russia) | Free Documentary 2024, September

In the abandoned houses of Saysar and Zaloga. At the Bail, a woman was seen wandering the streets in a white dress three years ago. Eyewitnesses claim that she is outwardly similar to a long-dead woman who once lived along Baikalov Street.

Saisara District: Ghosts and little beasts have been spotted in abandoned houses in this area.

Petra Alekseeva Street, housing stock of an old building: a red-haired boy appeared in one apartment and, in the absence of his parents, played with the children. Also, in one of the houses, eyewitnesses constantly saw an old man in slippers who smoked a cigarette.

Vinokurov Street, private sector: wet sheets that were drying outside caught fire here.

Airport: this place has long been chosen by UFOs, eyewitnesses claim that "saucers" on the take-off field appear here with enviable regularity.

In DP-1, the former reconstructed building of the Council of Ministers of the YASSR: the workers on duty of the Council of Ministers often heard at night how someone wanders around the building, rummaging in papers in offices, moving tables and chairs. It used to be rumored that the spirits of recently deceased officials were roaming there.

In the National Museum of Art, according to the workers, strange things are happening. They are sure that ghosts have been wandering around for a long time. They claim that spirits walk at night, pictures fall there, chairs move.

Residential complex "Golden Gate", Petr Alekseev street: residents of the house complain that they do not sleep well at night, have strange dreams. Some tenants called Sylyk to their apartments. The scientist noted that this complex is in a “bad place”.

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At the old dachas Khatyng-Yuryakh-1: every summer the ghost of a young man in a white shirt walks in this area. Otherworldly noise is often heard in houses, dishes fly, chairs and tables move. In empty attics, people hear fuss, and when they get up, they find no one. At night, a specific knocking is heard in the houses, but in reality they do not see anyone outside the doors and windows. Many summer residents of this place left these houses, some were demolished.