"Cards Of Destiny" - Alternative View

"Cards Of Destiny" - Alternative View
"Cards Of Destiny" - Alternative View

Video: "Cards Of Destiny" - Alternative View

Video: Your Birth Card and Birth Card Suit 2024, September

Fortune-telling is not welcome in all world religions. It is believed that a person should not know his destiny. Both in Christianity and in Islam, divination and attempts to find out one's future are considered a grave sin and superstition. There is only the path that is foreordained from above. You need to come to terms with him, take him for granted and not try to change your fate.

But those who are not afraid to lift the veil of secrecy over the future think differently. "Knowing fate, you can change your life" - so say fortune-tellers and witches. Despite the strictest prohibition, there are always individuals who challenge fate. It is not for nothing that there are various kinds of fortune-telling in the culture of almost all peoples, regardless of their religion. People are driven not only by the hope for a better life, but also by the desire to expand the boundaries of their consciousness. The desire to get your happiness in this life. But often the fate of sorcerers and fortune-tellers is sad. True soothsayers are often deprived of their happiness. By predicting the future for others, they lose the opportunity for their well-being. That is why it is believed that in no way can you guess yourself. Just as you cannot take up cards or other magical tools for fun. Not knowing the laws of the subtle world,you can upset his delicate balance and ruin your life forever.

The 90s of the last century were the heyday of various occult sciences. In the wake of the changes that began in the country, people began to pay more and more attention to what was previously banned. On this wave, many teachings, false prophets, pseudo magicians and fortune-tellers of all kinds have appeared. Only a completely lazy or limited person was not carried away by various "secret" knowledge. Scientific atheism was replaced by “everyday occultism”.

Svetlana began to take an interest in secret knowledge long before the country was swept by a general wave of interest in the occult sciences. Even as a child, she read all sorts of literature on this topic. The editions that fell into her hands were most often handwritten, and the fortune-telling that came with them was drawn by hand. Then it was for her something like an exciting game, but with age, the girl's interest in this "game" did not fade away. As soon as in the 90s the first prints appeared in which Tarot cards were placed, the girl immediately began to actively study this topic.

Tarot cards are considered one of the most powerful magical tools - with their help you can not only read a person's past, but also change his present and influence the future. Therefore, you need to contact them only in the most extreme cases, so as not to incur misfortune. Just as it is impossible to ask the cards the same question if the answer to it did not satisfy the fortuneteller. Tarot is a guide from the material world to the world of secrets and mysteries, and the guide must be trusted unconditionally and his advice must be taken as it is.

Svetlana's childhood and adolescence were not too joyful. She lived alone with a strict mother. There was always not a lot of money in the family and the women could hardly make ends meet. The young girl did not have a young man either. And where would he come from if she dressed more than poorly, and the domineering parent controlled her every step. The only "outlet" for the girl was her passion for the mystical sciences.

Once Svetlana decided to tell fortunes to herself. The cards she held in her hands had little resemblance to modern colorful decks. They were small paper squares that she carefully cut out of a book and pasted onto cardboard. But in the manual for the cards it was said that a magical instrument made with your own hands has great power. The girl sincerely wanted to change her life for the better. She was eager to know when she would meet her boyfriend. Svetlana made a deal and was surprised. The cards said that literally "just about" she would meet a person with whom she would stay for life. He will meet unexpectedly, and not at all where he expects. The girl thought about it. She did not have the opportunity to meet a young man somewhere: only girls studied at the school where she entered. On the way to school, no one really wanted to get to know her,although she was very pretty. The girl regretfully collected the cards in a red bag specially sewn for them. The cards were wrong, she decided

That same evening, she went out for a walk with her dog and went to a nearby park. She herself did not know why she went there, most often she had enough of walks near the house. That evening, it was lively at the site where the dog owners gathered. The girl saw a young man whom she had never seen before. She looked at him and realized - this is the man about whom the cards spoke. She met her fate that very evening, where she did not expect to find her at all. The girl overcame her shyness and spoke to the young man. It turned out that he was walking the dog today quite recently. The relatives left and asked him to take care of the animal. The young people agreed to meet the next evening. So their romance began. They got married a year later.

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But Svetlana no longer tempt fate. She put her cards away and didn't touch them for a long time. She thanked the Tarot deck for giving her joy and helping her find a loved one.

The girl did not cease to be interested in secret knowledge, but began to treat them more responsibly than before. Knowing about her talent for predicting the future, she perfectly understood that one could guess for oneself only in the most extreme cases, so as not to test the patience of the Higher Forces. And if they give you something, then you do not need to ask them more.
