The Trouble Opens Up New Horizons. - Alternative View

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The Trouble Opens Up New Horizons. - Alternative View
The Trouble Opens Up New Horizons. - Alternative View

Video: The Trouble Opens Up New Horizons. - Alternative View

Video: The Trouble Opens Up New Horizons. - Alternative View
Video: Myths About Mass Incarceration 2024, September

Many of you have heard that a strong shock, trouble, pain or even joy mobilizes or opens up hitherto unknown possibilities in a person

Having settled down with friends on the sandy bank of the Angara on a hot Sunday morning in August 1993, the Irkutsk resident Igor Slepnev did not yet know that literally an hour and a half later events would occur that would forever change his fate and outlook on life …

Soon the sky began to be covered with leaden clouds coming from the direction of Lake Baikal. The transparent waters of the river darkened, the wind began to drive small ripples along its surface. Thunderclaps were heard in the distance, approaching every minute. Suddenly, a strong gust of wind blew, and torrents of rain poured over the vacationers. The company began to hastily assemble. Suddenly a bright lightning blinded the young people, and the next second they saw that their friend Igor Slepnev was lying motionless next to his "kopeck". One of Igor's acquaintances - a doctor - rushed to the victim, began to do artificial respiration and chest compressions, which stubbornly refused to beat. The other two guys got into the car and rushed into town for the doctors.

Soon, realizing that all his efforts were in vain, a medical friend stopped resuscitation and followed by a new bolt of lightning struck Igor, who showed no signs of life. Slepnev's body shuddered, and he opened his frightened eyes …

The ambulance team that arrived soon found that the victim had a thermal burn on his left shoulder. On Igor's chest, right under his heart, a strange brown dot with thin melted edges appeared. Most of all in this story the shoes of the young man suffered - the soles of Igor's summer shoes were completely burned out.

However, the most curious thing began to happen to Igor after his discharge from the hospital. Slepnev suddenly realized that he was seeing radiation coming from the human body and its internal organs. At first, this feature manifested itself in Igor at night and twilight, but after about a year he began to perceive the glow of the human body and during the day - in the bathhouse, on the beach - in those places where naked bodies could most often be found. Slepnev consulted with doctors about his amazing abilities, studied a lot of literature and soon realized that by the radiation he perceived, he could diagnose with amazing accuracy various diseases of people - from banal hypertension to malignant tumors.

So, he came to the conclusion that any healthy organ is surrounded by a gentle pink glow. An increase in the brightness of this color indicates an incipient inflammatory process. Gray and brown shades speak of oncological pathology …

Three years later, having received medical education, Slepnev, with the help of friends, opened his own practice. However, even a slight summer thunderstorm still causes panic in him.

Revived drowned woman

On a March 1986 day, a group of children played on the outskirts of the small Ural town of Kamyshlov on the banks of the frozen Pyshma River. The guys were skating from the snow-covered bank of the river. A little further away from them, there is a small group of fishermen - inveterate fans of ice fishing. At some point, one of the girls - five-year-old Marina Tarasova - rolled out into the middle of the river. Suddenly there was a dull crack, and in the blink of an eye the child was under the ice. The

fishermen who were on the river, abandoning their tackle, rushed to the scene. However, the

girl was rapidly carried downstream. Only ten minutes later, one of the fishermen, by a happy coincidence, managed to grab the girl, who appeared for a second in a hole fifty meters from the scene, by the hair.

Taken out of the icy water, Marina showed no signs of life. The ambulance team that had arrived by this time, no longer hoping for success, began to carry out resuscitation measures. And a miracle happened: water gushed out of Marina's lungs and stomach, then the girl took a gurgling breath, and her heart began to beat faster, as if making up for her short inaction.

During the two weeks spent in the hospital, the girl told doctors and parents a strange story about a certain "bearded uncle" who drove her out of his underwater house. At first, those around him attributed this story to hallucinogenic visions that happened to the girl due to prolonged oxygen starvation of the brain. However, once at home, Marina began to claim that she was communicating with strange creatures - large and very tiny, funny, scary and not so, which adults had not seen, but who lived in a hut, a cowshed, a barn and even a bathhouse. Repeated consultations with psychiatrists did not give any results - they explained the girl's stories by her too developed imagination. And one night Marina suddenly ran into her parents' bedroom and screamed that their barn was on fire.

Indeed, due to a short circuit in the electrical wiring caused by strong gusts of wind, the roof of the shed caught fire. And only thanks to Marina, the awakened owners in time saved their goods from the fire.

When asked how she became aware of the incident, Marina told her parents that she was awakened by a little man in a sheepskin coat and reported a burning shed … As she grew

up, Marina realized that she had a unique ability to see entities inaccessible to the eye of an ordinary person. This gift, which arose from her after she fell through the ice, does not frighten the girl in the least. On the contrary, it is only thanks to him that she understands how truly rich and diverse the surrounding world is.

Recognizing death

This misfortune happened to a resident of Krasnoyarsk Irina Vladimirovna S. in the late autumn of 2006. Then she - a forty-year-old woman returning from work late in the evening - was hit by a truck driven by a drunk driver. A fracture of the base of the skull, a ruptured lung and dislocation of the vertebrae did not give doctors

any hope that their patient would survive. However, having undergone five operations and three clinical deaths, Irina was able to get out of a hospital bed for the first time in one of the first days of December.

Soon, the woman recovered so quickly that she began to confidently move around the hospital, communicate with other patients. One day in

in the corridor, she ran into an elderly man. He was having fun talking to the young nurse. As soon as Irina looked into the face of a talkative patient, her heart sank, and she suddenly clearly saw this man lying in a coffin. All night long, a strange vision haunted Irina, and in the morning she was horrified to learn that that man had died early in the morning.

Another time, shortly before discharge, a young girl with a complex hip fracture was placed in Irina's ward. The patient looked blooming and cheerful, and every now and then called her boyfriends and girlfriends on her cell phone. In the evening, glancing at the girl who was enthusiastically reading a love story lying in bed, Irina suddenly again experienced a bad feeling that she already knew, which was replaced by a shivering vision: a young girl lies in a white wedding

dress in a coffin strewn with scarlet roses. And at night Irina woke up from the commotion that

arose in the ward: the doctors on duty who came running were busy with the motionless

body of a young patient, who, as it turned out later, had a blood clot, which

caused her sudden death.

Since then, Irina Vladimirovna S. has been attending with frightening frequency the terrible feeling that she first experienced in the hospital. And every time she unmistakably learns about death, which is already hanging over this or that person …

There are many episodes in history when accidents or dramatic events awakened unusual abilities in the person who became their victim. However, the mysterious mechanism that triggers such amazing abilities, which brings the joy of new knowledge of the world to someone, and for someone becomes an exorbitant burden, still remains unexplored.


Secrets of the XX century