What Next? Flat Or Closed Earth - Alternative View

What Next? Flat Or Closed Earth - Alternative View
What Next? Flat Or Closed Earth - Alternative View

Video: What Next? Flat Or Closed Earth - Alternative View

Video: What Next? Flat Or Closed Earth - Alternative View
Video: Кому в России положена квартира? История гламурной чиновницы 2024, September

A small but important thought announcement:

That our Earth is flat and round, I think, there is no need to prove to anyone else. This is obvious, proven by observations, experiments and empirical evidence. Whoever has not noticed this, well, probably, his kolobokness is dearer to him, we do not argue and do not agitate. We just don't have time for this …

Because it's time to move ON. The bottom line is this:

Today, RoW researchers are beginning to look beyond the boundaries of the Antarctic ice and ask the right questions: what are they hiding from us? Can I go further? Are there such lands there? Who lives there? Below I will very briefly summarize the existing assumptions. They partially overlap, partially contradict each other.

1. We are so alone, the center of the universe, closed by the Dome, we rise up - we will be torn apart by a vacuum, ie. lack of pressure, we will sink under the water - we will be flattened by the increased pressure, we will cross the huge mountains of Antarctic ice - we will rest against the base of the Dome.

2. There is no dome as such, or it is so far from us in height and breadth that it is almost unimportant. The lands that we do not know about and which are hidden from us (and which were mentioned, in particular, by Admiral Bird), are located far beyond the Antarctic ice ring, but still within our reach. Someone lives there, perhaps those to whom their henchmen in the person of presidents, prime ministers and oligarchs of all stripes send the gold mined here, all kinds of energy, money, etc. And since 2016, they have made frequent visits there, to the icy and "empty" Antarctica, by delegations of the level of Obama, priest Kirill and a whole list of the highest echelon of world political power. In a word, their owners live there, who appoint them as their "overseers", supply them with technologies and demand that the world known to us be turned into a "battery" for their needs.

3. Distortion of the known map of the world allows us to hide the truth from us right under our noses, physically blocking, for example, access to the secrets of the North Pole, where in fact only a select few have been and where the energy center of this whole structure is hidden. What it looks like, whether it is in the form of a "tree", "mountain" or "hole" is unknown. Likewise, the "closed" for us lands can hide, for example, in the Indian Ocean, which, when the "spherical" globe turns on a plane, turns out to be much wider to the "southern" outskirts. The theme of modern Australia and the mysteries associated with it also fits here, including the huge expanses of enclosed areas and the funny fact that earlier all of Antarctica was called Australia on the maps, i.e. just "southern land".

4. The flat and round structure of our closed world is repeatedly reproduced on the plane (either each with its own dome, or without it at all) and turns the universe into a kind of endless plain with holes-worlds-honeycombs.

Promotional video:

I got four main groups of hypotheses that successfully intersect with each other, but at the same time in the Western world of researchers there are already expected wars with abuse, mutual grievances, accusations of appropriating truth, flock, money, etc.

Let's say the supporters of the Endless Plain (one of whose leaders, one Ozman, loudly spoke in local congress with a proposal to deprive NASA of the budget for their Hollywood trickery, and the other - or he - pays $ 900 a week for a billboard that offers the passing public “Explore the Flat Earth”) are accused of again taking the idea of our self-integral existence and the importance of each person to the old “scientific” dogmas about the infinity of the world and, consequently, to understanding a person as a speck of dust. Someone (like Eric Dubay) simply thinks that they were the first to open this topic and should be the main one by default. Most of the "chiefs" call each other charlatans, CIA and NASA agents who mislead other researchers on the right track and reduce important thoughts to ridicule of everything and everyone …

Fortunately, many individual researchers of the issue, as, I hope, we do, do not care deeply about these squabbles, they do their own thing and find a lot of new and interesting things that we catch and show here, in our group, from time to time.

This concludes the part that I called thinking at the beginning.

As for the "announcement", the beginning of it was connected, if you noticed, with the proposal to devote less time to singing the already understandable mantras "it is flat", "no, it is still flat", "I told you that it is flat "," Koloboks are fools ". The end of the announcement is that I urge you and me to move on and think, seek, share ideas and findings already in the plane of the four hypotheses voiced above.

That is, it seems to me that the leitmotif should be “what is flat - it is clear, but which one”.

Good luck to us!