Cosmic Cataclysm. Part One - Alternative View

Cosmic Cataclysm. Part One - Alternative View
Cosmic Cataclysm. Part One - Alternative View

Video: Cosmic Cataclysm. Part One - Alternative View

Video: Cosmic Cataclysm. Part One - Alternative View
Video: MIRACULOUS | 🐞 FEAST 🐞 | Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir 2024, June

Previous part: Dwarfs - myth or reality?

The Anunnaki, who founded a colony on our planet, probably came from our own solar system and flew from the planet Nibiru, which was previously located between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. Judging by the numerous images of the gods on the cylindrical seals and reliefs of Sumer, Babylonia and Assyria, they were very similar to people, differing only in taller growth. It is possible that representatives of other alien civilizations were present on Earth.

Images of mysterious creatures that do not look like people are found in various parts of the world. On the walls of the cave near Kimberley, there are amazing murals that stand in stark contrast to other Australian aboriginal paintings. One of them depicts three strange humanoids with huge black eyes, which have only three fingers on their hands and no mouth at all. This drawing resembles a modern verbal description of "gray" aliens with huge almond-shaped eyes and a very small, almost imperceptible mouth. Other Australian aboriginal rock paintings have recorded aliens with halos on their heads. It is amazing that on a distant continent, long before the appearance of Christian missionaries there, images appeared that almost exactly match the descriptions of angels from biblical sources.

The numerous rock carvings in the Toro Muerto area (Peru) resemble astronauts in spacesuits.

On the southeastern tip of the island of Yunosti (off the coast of Cuba), on the slope of a wooded mountain, there is a cave, the walls of which are covered with numerous mysterious drawings. There are more than 200 of them. The main element of these images are concentric circles of red or black color, some of them are drawn with extraordinary precision, as if using a compass. The German scientist, Dr. Topsius, was the first to notice that on the vernal equinox (March 22), a sunbeam, passing through one of the seven holes in the vault of the cave, fell exactly into the center of a round stone lying on the floor. As researchers F. Ortiz and N. Jimenez later established, in the center of the cave there is a kind of space map, which serves as a natural astronomical observatory. One of the pictures illustrates the structure of the solar system:it has an image of eight planets with their largest satellites, including two satellites of Mars - Phobos and Deimos, which were discovered by A. Hall in 1877, as well as Pluto's satellite - Charon, discovered by astronomer J. U Christie only in 1978 … An unknown planet with two satellites highlighted in red is located between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. Perhaps this is Nibiru.

Clay cuneiform tablets of the Sumerians and the Akkadian kingdom contain descriptions of the planet Nibiru:

When will this Planet go west

From the location of Jupiter, Promotional video:

The time for a prosperous life will come.

Peace will descend on the country.

When this planet intensifies in radiance

And in the sign of Cancer will be Nibiru, Akkad will be filled with abundance, And the king of Akkad will strengthen his power.

When the climax of Nibiru comes, The earth will be filled with peace

Hostile kings will be peaceful

Prayers and requests will be offered to the gods.

As a result of a cosmic cataclysm caused by the passage of a massive object through the solar system, the planet of the Anunnaki was partially destroyed and displaced from its orbit. Under the influence of the gravity of this celestial body, the alien planet acquired significant eccentricity and its perihelion shifted far beyond Pluto's orbit. According to Sumerian cuneiform texts, Nibiru appeared several more times in the night sky, and then disappeared forever into the abyss of outer space.

Most likely, this mysterious massive object, which appeared relatively recently in the vicinity of the Sun, is an extinct neutron star, the substance of which has burned out in the course of evolution. Such space objects mainly consist of neutrons and are formed as a result of the gravitational collapse of stars with masses several times the mass of the Sun. The density of a neutron star is close to the density of an atomic nucleus and increases with depth. Under a thin (only a few centimeters) layer of the atmosphere there is a liquid metal shell (its thickness is several meters), and below there are kilometer-long strata of solid crust. The bark substance resembles ordinary metal, but is much denser. Where the density reaches the density of atomic nuclei, the fraction of neutrons increases so much that some of them no longer enter into the composition of nuclei, but form a continuous medium,and the substance becomes like a "sea" of neutrons and electrons, in which nuclei of atoms are interspersed - a continuous neutron "liquid".

In our Galaxy, according to astronomers' assumptions, there are about a billion neutron stars, which, with their small size (1–5 kilometers), have a significant mass (0.1–0.01 solar masses), an enormous rotation speed around their axis and a strong magnetic field. Astronomers have managed to detect in our Galaxy so far only 700 neutron stars (pulsars), the narrowly directed radio emission of which falls directly on the Earth. The rest of the old and extinct neutron stars are very difficult to detect, since they almost do not emit electromagnetic waves in the optical range, and "extinct" neutron stars also lack radio emission.

Based on various information, it is safe to say that there is a massive celestial body in the solar system, which moves around the sun in an orbit elongated and inclined to the ecliptic plane with a period of 25,920 years. During its revolution, it crosses the solar system twice.

In Egyptian mythology, there are several versions of the battle of the evil dwarf Set (whom the ancient Greeks called Typhon) with Osiris (Nibiru) and his son Horus. According to one of them, as a result of the heavenly battle, Set and 72 of his companions tore Osiris into 14 parts, which the goddess Isis then gathered together. She never found one part, the most important for a man, so she applied "artificial insemination" or "cloning method" - and gave birth to her son Horus. The reborn Osiris, having transferred the power over the heavens to his offspring, retired to the kingdom of darkness - in the direction of the constellation Orion.

The myth of the battle of Osiris with Set is perhaps the oldest legend that has come down to our time. The Egyptians portrayed Set as a vicious anthropomorphic creature with fiery red hair, who could take the form of a roaring snake, crocodile, or even a rabbit. According to legend, during the battle between Set and Osiris, the bones of Set's skeleton, made of iron, fell abundantly from the sky (the Egyptians called meteorite iron with the word "bya").

Summarizing the allegorical texts of Egyptian myths, one can reconstruct the scenario of a cosmic catastrophe. Set (neutron star), having approached the planet Nibiru (Osiris), tore it into 14 parts by its gravitation, which then, in accordance with the laws of gravity, reunited into one celestial body. With this catastrophe, the orbit of the dead planet changed significantly, and Nibiru left the solar system forever. Nibiru, according to an ancient astronomical map from the island of Youth, had two satellites. Probably, when a neutron star approached this planet, the satellites were destroyed by its gravity and scattered in outer space, as evidenced by the asteroid belt, which is currently located between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter.

Almost all ancient peoples have legends and myths that tell about cataclysms caused by the passage of this celestial object near our planet. The ancient Greeks called him Typhon, which in translation means "light, but already extinguished, smoking" (surprisingly accurate name for an extinct neutron star); Egyptians - Set, Jews - Rahab or Leviathan, Sumerians - Tiamat, Indians of South America - Huracan, etc.

The first appearance of the star was noticed in the constellation Capricorn. Lydus, cited by many Greek authors, mentions the comet Typhon, describing the movement of a ball illuminated by the sun:

Its movement was slow, and it passed next to the Sun. She was not a dazzling color, but a bloody red … She brought destruction, rising and falling.

Egyptian documents from the age of the Net narrate:

A spinning star that scatters its flames with fire … the flames of fire in its storm.

Pliny in his "Natural History" reported the same event:

The terrifying comet was seen by the peoples of Ethiopia and Egypt, to which Typhon, the king of those times, gave his name; she had a frightening appearance, and she spun like a snake, and it was a very frightening sight. It was not a star, rather, it could be called a fireball.

In various regions of the globe, there are numerous rock paintings depicting the "heavenly battle" that took place in the solar system.

In the mountains of California (Santa Barbara, Santa Susana, San Emidio) there are petroglyphs depicting a celestial body with curved rays. Four different objects can be seen next to the Sun (drawn with straight rays). Obviously, the ancient artist carved images of a neutron star on the rocks as it approached the Earth. It has the maximum size in the upper right corner of the figure. The unknown genius of the Stone Age even drew in the form of points the trajectory of the passage of a star near the Sun, as a result of which, under the influence of the gravity of our star, it changed its direction, and an ejection of matter occurred from its surface, which in the form of a huge serpentine protuberance can be seen in the upper left corner of the figure.

In British Guiana, in the Pacaraimo Mountains, rock carvings have been discovered that are very similar to the petroglyphs of California. In the left corner, the Sun and the Moon are depicted in the form of a crescent. A narrowing spiral is visible around the Sun - probably these are incandescent solar gases that were formed during the ejection of matter from its interior as a result of the gravitational effect of a neutron star at its closest approach to our star. At the bottom of the figure there are several images of a neutron star with varying numbers of rays. Above the moving star is a symbol that indicates its rotation. Various fog spots, tails and ridges probably represent gas and dust nebulae formed in the solar system as a result of this heavenly "battle".

A drawing of a neutron star, which our ancestors often depicted as a dragon, can also be seen in a sketch from a gold plate made by the son of a princess and a Spanish nobleman named Santa Cruz. According to him, the first ruler of the Indian state, the Great Inca, ordered to make the plate. Before the arrival of the Spaniards in Cuzco in 1533, the plate was kept in the altar of the Temple of the Sun, and then it was melted by the conquerors into an ingot of gold. On this kind of copy of the star map, you can see an ellipse, on the sides of which the Sun and the Moon are drawn. In the form of an oval, the Incas probably depicted the orbit of a neutron star. Stars are visible at the top and bottom of the ellipse, their arrangement resembles Orion's belt and the constellation of the Southern Cross. Of greatest interest is the right side of the sketch fragment, where there is a drawing of a dragon next to an unknown celestial object,from which a straight line departs, ending with a ball. Perhaps, this is how the Indians portrayed the capture of a part of the Jupiter matter by a star, from which, as the American scientist I. Velikovsky suggested, the planet Venus was formed. The sketch on the left is likely to show Jupiter and its intricate trajectory in the starry sky as the huge planet was displaced from its orbit by the gravitational field of a neutron star. Semicircles of gases are drawn next to Jupiter, which remained near the planet after this cataclysm, and then gradually dissipated in outer space due to diffusion. Currently, Jupiter has only a belt consisting of small stone fragments, dust and frozen gases, similar to the famous ring of Saturn, but smaller in size and density. The cells at the bottom of the sketch (102 pieces) can represent the number of yearsduring which the neutron star was within the solar system.

During the closest approach to Jupiter, the star gravitationally captured part of the atmosphere and crust of this giant planet. Venus was formed from the captured matter. Some historical sources directly indicate that the planet Venus was born from Jupiter.

The Indian epic Mahabharata says:

Heavenly Surabhi … jumped out of his [Jupiter's] mouth.

Homer stated in the Iliad:

Athena is the daughter of Zeus.

The Pawnee Indians (Nebraska, USA) thought the same:

Tirawa [Jupiter] gave most of his power to the Morning Star.

Ptolemy believed:

Venus has the same power as Jupiter and also has a nature similar to it.

The ancient Greeks believed that Venus (Pallas Athena) jumped out of the head of Zeus (Jupiter). This is how the Greek myth describes the birth of Venus, which was accompanied by various cataclysms on Earth:

The skull of Zeus cracked, and a maiden in full armor jumped out of it and stood next to her parent, militantly shaking her spear. Olympus trembled from a powerful jump, those lying around the earth groaned, the sea trembled and boiled in waves, snow fell on distant Rhodes, covering the tops of the mountains. The gods could not come to their senses for a long time.

In the ancient Akkadian and Babylonian text "When Above", there is a description of a grandiose celestial battle between Marduk (Jupiter) and Tiamat (neutron star):

Upon seeing Marduk, fear seized Kingu [one of the companions of the star]. A host of dragons created by Tiamat scattered, but she herself held the gaze of Marduk and resisted. Then Marduk threw his net on Tiamat, which was stretched out by the winds. Tiamat opened her mouth to swallow the daredevil, but Marduk deftly recoiled. The violent winds were thrown directly into the mouth of Tiamat [capture of the substance of Jupiter]. They filled her womb and inflated so that she could not move. And then Marduk put an arrow [lightning] on the arc of his huge bow, pulled the string, and the arrow, escaping with a whistle, pierced her heart … Then he defeated the other gods and all the evil that Tiamat created against him … Then he created the Moon, the night for her trusting He bestowed the crown on the moon to measure time with its serrated horns.

After this battle, Marduk could not find his home (orbit) for a long time.

The inhabitants of the ancient city of Ugarit called Typhon Mata and considered the god of the kingdom of the dead, death and drought. The cuneiform clay tablets, which were discovered by archaeologists in 1928, have a description of it:

He was huge and terrible; one lip is on earth, the other is in heaven. The tongue touched the stars.

The same text tells about the battle between the god Mato and Balu (Jupiter):

… pounced on Mato at the Ball. They grappled with each other. Hit each other like flint on flint. Manu is strong, but Balu is also strong. They bit each other like snakes. They lied like stallions.

Curiously, this cuneiform document is signed by officials:

Signed Il-Milk from Shabonu, Considered by Attin Parlanz, high priest, high shepherd, Confirmed Nikmada, king of Ugarit, lord of Yargabu, lord of Tereminu.

In the mountains of California, a rock art was discovered, where next to the symbol of a neutron star (dragon) against the background of the Sun there is an image of a serpentine object with 11 satellites. Obviously, in this form, the North American Indians observed a neutron star. Similar petroglyphs have been found in the state of Arizona. On the so-called "Stone Gazette" there are images of a dragon next to the Sun.

Dr. Cabrera from the small Peruvian town of Ica has collected several thousand black oval stones, on which drawings depicting geographical maps, prehistoric animals, surgical operations, etc. are depicted. One of them shows a man looking through a telescope with a star with a long wriggling train. This object is very similar to other drawings of a neutron star. A round celestial body with a tail, located below, probably depicts Venus, which approached the Earth about 3.5 thousand years BC. e., which caused the flood on our planet.

The "battle" between Typhon and the Sun is quite realistically depicted on a stone with solar signs found on the island of Gotland. This is a drawing of two spherical objects that exchange protuberances in the form of serpentine jets. In the upper part of the stone is carved a neutron star rapidly rotating counterclockwise.

The neutron star can also be seen on the so-called "deer stones" found in Eastern Siberia. The sun is carved on them in the form of a circle with a dot in the middle, and a neutron star is carved in the form of a dragon with a long tail (a train of planetary matter that was captured during its passage through the solar system). One of the stones has a drawing of a celestial body with curved rays. It was in this form that our distant ancestors in various regions of the world depicted the neutron star.

The approach of a neutron star to Earth's orbit caused terrible catastrophes on our planet, as a result of which almost the entire population died. Analysis of ancient documents allows us to reconstruct the sequence of events. First, a stream of meteorites, dust and gases fell on the Earth from the trail of the star, which was formed as a result of the capture of matter from other planets. The hydrogen captured from Jupiter, having entered the earth's atmosphere, ignited, forming water. A mixture of liquefied methane and water fell to the surface of the Earth and also burned. According to legends, heaven and earth were on fire.

In the Ipuvera papyrus, the destructive fire is described as follows:

The gates, pillars and walls were truly devoured by fire. The fire that engulfed the earth was not kindled by a human hand, but fell from the sky. The sky is cloudy.

The shocked Egyptians wrote:

… in the water that extinguishes everything, the fire blazed even more powerfully.

The Aztec History of the Kingdoms of Kolhuacan also mentions this:

And so they all perished: they were destroyed by a fiery rain … A fiery rain fell from the sky all day.

The Ob-Ugric mythology describes the hero-otory Numi Torum, who, angry with people, caused a fire and a flood, bringing down on the earth "a liquid fiery mass that reached the sky."

Siberian Voguls, talking about the ancient cataclysm, say this:

God sent a sea of fire to the earth.

They call this fire "fire-water" and add:

For seven winters and years a fire raged, it burned the whole earth.

In the legends of the aborigines of the East Indies, descriptions of these events are also preserved:

Fiery water poured from the sky, and almost all people died.

The Matako Indians of Gran Chaco (Argentina) recount it this way:

A black cloud came from the south and covered the whole sky. Lightning flashed, thunder rumbled. But the drops that fell from the sky were not like rain, but like fire.

Under the influence of the gravity of a massive object, the Earth's atmosphere shifted in the direction of the star, and terrible hurricanes began on the planet. The wind uprooted the trees, and huge stones flew through the air. People were suffocating, and due to the sharp drop in atmospheric pressure, blood oozed from their noses, ears and bodies.

Discovered during archaeological excavations, Mesopotamian cuneiform texts describe the terrible catastrophe:

On the fourth, fifth and sixth days, the darkness was so dense that it could not be dispelled by fire. The light of the fire was either extinguished by the frenzied wind, or became invisible, absorbed by the thickness of darkness. Nothing could be discerned. no one could speak or hear, no one dared to touch the food, but everyone lay in a layer. their external senses were numb. And so they remained, broken by suffering.

A terrible hurricane hit the land of Mesopotamia:

He created an evil wind, and a storm, and a hurricane, and a fourfold wind, and a sevenfold wind, and a tornado, and a wind that had no equal … The hurricane swept by, swept everything off the face of the earth; it roared like a stormy whirlwind over the earth, and there is no salvation for anyone. No one sows arable land, and does not throw grain into the ground, and no songs are heard in the fields … In the steppe, animals are almost invisible, all living things are worn out.

Professor Samuel Kramer, a leading expert on Sumerian, translated the ancient text, the so-called "lament" for the lost Sumerian cities:

A disaster struck the land [Sumer], Until then unknown to man; Which has never been seen before, Which cannot be resisted.

A terrible whirlwind from the sky.

A hurricane destroying the earth.

An evil wind like a raging stream …

An all-crushing hurricane, along with an incinerating


In the daytime the earth was deprived of the bright sun, There were no stars in the sky in the evening.

The terrified people could hardly breathe;

An evil wind held them in a vice

I didn't let them live until the next day.

The lips were stained with blood

Heads were drowning in blood …

Faces turned pale from the evil wind.

From this city they were depopulated, The houses were empty;

There are no animals in the stall, The sheepfolds were empty.

Flowed in the rivers of Sumer

Bitter water

The fields are overgrown with weeds

The grass has withered in the pastures.

The mournful song of the inhabitants of the Sumerian city of Ur speaks of innumerable calamities:

The storm sent by Enlil in anger

A storm destructive for the country

She covered Ur like a blanket.

The day the storm left the city

The city lay in ruins.

Corpses of people, not clay shards, Dotted the aisles.

The walls were gaping:

High gates, roads

Were covered in dead.

On wide streets

Where crowds once gathered for a holiday, They lay in heaps.

On all the streets and thoroughfares lay there, On the open lawns where the dancers crowded

People lay in heaps.

The blood of the country filled all her pores.

The Buddhist text Vizuddhi Magga describes the occurrence of a hurricane as follows:

First, a huge formidable cloud appeared. The wind rose to disrupt the world cycle, and first it raised fine dust, and then fine sand, and then coastal sand, and then gravel, stones, big as boulders, like mighty trees on mountain peaks. The hurricane turned the earth upside down, tore up and threw up large tracts of soil, and every home on earth was destroyed as worlds collided with worlds.

Japanese cosmogonic myths also mention this catastrophe:

The source of light disappeared, the whole world became dark, and the storm god caused monstrous destruction. The gods made a terrible noise, so that the sun was forced to reappear, and the earth was shaken by their violence.

The ancient Egyptian relief, on which mourners mourn the deceased pharaoh, indirectly reflects the aftermath of the hurricane: broken and fallen trees are visible in its lower part.

One of the names of the neutron star among the ancient Greeks is Medusa Gorgon. According to legends, her gaze was murderous for an ordinary person, he turned all living things into stone. The deadly effect of the Gorgon on living organisms is spoken of in Indian and Slavic mythology. Probably, some of the inhabitants of the Earth at this time suffered from narrowly directed X-rays and gamma radiation. During the accretion (fallout) of captured matter onto a neutron star, its surface temperature rises sharply - up to millions and tens of millions of degrees. And at such temperatures, a neutron star should emit in the X-ray wavelength range with a photon energy of 1-10 keV.

At the closest approach of the neutron star to the Earth in the Northern Tropic region, a huge tidal wave arose. Part of the atmosphere, hydrosphere and crust was captured by the star and disappeared forever in its depths. Then the star began to move away from our planet, and its gravity weakened.

The column of entrained matter of the earth's crust and hydrosphere began to collapse, and numerous debris fell onto the planet's surface.

One of the legends of the Kashinaua tribe (Western Brazil) tells about it like this:

Lightning flashed, and thunder rumbled terribly, and everyone was frightened. Then the heavens exploded and pieces fell and killed everything and everyone. Heaven and earth are reversed. There was nothing alive on earth.

At the same time, there was a shift in the axis of rotation of the Earth relative to the plane of the ecliptic. This can be explained by one of the properties of a gyroscope with three degrees of freedom. If an external force acts on the planet's axis due to the uneven distribution of masses in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres, then it will begin to deviate in the direction perpendicular to this force. As a result of this impact, the planet will begin to move at a constant angular velocity around the additional axis of rotation. This phenomenon is called gyroscope precession. If at some point in time the action of the force stops, the precession will stop at the same time. The rotation of the Earth around the additional axis will occur with any significant gravitational effect of massive objects.

There is a lot of historical information confirming the displacement of the Earth's axis of rotation. The Scripture says:

The earth shook, shook, the foundations of heaven trembled and moved, for the Lord was angry [with them]. Smoke rose from his anger, and consuming fire from his mouth; burning coals poured from Him.

He bowed the heavens and came down; and darkness is under His feet; and he sat on the cherubim, and flew, and flew on the wings of the wind; and covered Himself with darkness like senia, thickening the waters of the clouds of heaven; coals of fire were kindled from the glittering before Him. The Lord thundered from heaven, and the Most High gave His voice; shot arrows and scattered them; [flashed] lightning and destroyed them.

And the springs of the sea were opened, the foundations of the universe were revealed from the terrible voice of the Lord, from the breath of the spirit of His wrath (2 Kings. 22: 8-10).

During this cataclysm, the planet's axis of rotation was for some time directed towards the Sun, that is, one side of the Earth was illuminated, and the other was in complete darkness.

During the reign of the Chinese Emperor Yao, a miracle happened:

The sun did not move for ten days, the forests caught fire, and many harmful creatures appeared.

In the sky of India, the sun stood motionless for ten days, in the Iranian sky for nine days. In Egypt, the day lasted seven days.

At that time, it was night on the opposite side of our planet. This is confirmed by the legends of the Indians of Peru:

During a time equal to five days and five nights, there was no sun in the sky, and then the ocean overflowed its shores and crashed onto land with a crash. The entire surface of the earth changed during this disaster.

In the manuscripts of Avila and Molina, who collected the beliefs of the American Indians, a retelling of ancient legends is given:

For five days, while this catastrophe lasted, the sun did not appear and the earth was in darkness.

The African Ganda tribe has myths about the god Vanga, who lived on one of the islands on Lake Victoria. One day the sun went away and there was complete darkness that lasted for several days. God Wang, at the request of King Juko, returned the sun to the sky.

The Choctaw Indians (Oklahoma) said:

The earth has been plunged into darkness for a very long time.

Then a bright light appeared in the north:

They were waves as high as a mountain, rapidly approaching.

To maintain a stable position of its axis of rotation (gyroscope effect), the Earth tumbled in space. At the same time, its moment of momentum remained the same. The Egyptian chronicler Ipuver, describing this cataclysm, stated:

The earth turned over like a pottery wheel. The earth turned upside down.

Geographer Pomponius Mela wrote:

In the original chronicles [of the Egyptians] one can read that since the beginning of their existence the course of the stars changed its direction four times, and the sun set twice in that part of the sky where it now rises.

Herodotus recounted his conversation with the Egyptian priests:

Four times during this time [so they told me] the sun has risen against its habit; twice it rose where it now sits, and twice it sat where it now rises.

The Magical Papyrus found by the archaeologist Harris tells of the cosmic displacement of fire and water:

… south becomes north and the Earth is turned over.

Plato in his work "Politician" writes about the shift of the poles of the Earth:

I am talking about the change in the rising and setting of the Sun and other celestial bodies, when in those ancient times they went where they are now rising, and ascended where they are now setting. At certain times the Earth has its current circular motion, and at other times it rotates in the opposite direction. Of all the changes that take place in heaven, this reversal is the most significant. At that time, there was a complete destruction of animals, and only a small part of people survived.

In Plato's terminology, "identical movement" means movement from east to west, and "different movement" - from west to east.

Many Greek authors mentioned the change in the direction of movement of our star in the sky. In the extant fragment of Sophocles' historical drama Atreus, it is directly stated:

Zeus … changed the course of the Sun, forcing it to rise in the east, not in the west.

Euripides explained in Elektra:

Then Zeus rose in his anger, forcing the stars to turn back on the fiery path. The sun turned back, with the whip of its anger bringing punishment to mortals.

Seneca in the drama "Fiesta" described the events that took place after the sun turned back. People, seized with horror, asked each other:

Do we of all humanity really deserve that the sky with inverted poles scare us? Is it really our last day?

Chinese tradition says:

The new order of things began only after the stars began to move from east to west.

The Eskimos of Greenland told the missionaries that in ancient times the Earth turned upside down and all the people who then lived on it became antipodes.

In the treatise "Sanhedrin" from the "Talmud" it is said:

Seven days before the flood, the Sacred changed the original order as the sun rose in the west and set in the east.

With the change in the rotation of the Earth, the alternation of the seasons has also changed. The Egyptian papyrus Anastasi IV contains the following information:

Winter comes like summer, months have turned upside down and hours have broken.

Next part: Cosmic cataclysm. Part two