Duke In Odessa - Alternative View

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Duke In Odessa - Alternative View
Duke In Odessa - Alternative View

Video: Duke In Odessa - Alternative View

Video: Duke In Odessa - Alternative View
Video: Самая первая поездка на дальняк Одесса-Киев-Одесса на стритухе KTM 390 Duke 2024, October

When I was in the wonderful city of Odessa in 2009, I was surprised to learn the amazing story of a man whose monument stands on Primorsky Boulevard in the place where the Khadzhibey fortress once stood. Right in front of the monument there is a view of the famous Potemkin Stairs leading to the Marine Station.

I think you know what Duke did in Russia and why there is a monument to him in Odessa. But who cares, let's under the cat …


The glory of one of the most attractive places in Odessa deservedly belongs to the monument to Duke de Richelieu, or the monument to Duke, as Odessa residents affectionately call him.

Who is Duc de Richelieu?

Armand Emmanuel Sophie-Septemanie de Vignerot du Plessis, 5th duc de Richelieu; in Russia known as Emmanuel Osipovich de Richelieu - September 25, 1766, Paris; May 17, 1822) - French and Russian statesman.


Promotional video:

Duke, great-great-great-nephew of the famous Cardinal Richelieu. In 1783 he received a court position - became chamberlain of King Louis XVI. During the Great French Revolution of 1789 he emigrated, first to Austria, then to Russia.

He entered military service. Participated in the capture of Ishmael (1790), on March 21, 1791 he was awarded the Order of St. George, 4th class

For the excellent bravery shown during the storming of the fortress of Izmail, with the extermination of the army that was there.

and a personalized weapon "For Courage". In 1796 he resigned and left for Vienna.


On September 17, 1797, Emperor Paul I was appointed commander of His Majesty's Life-Cuirassier Regiment. He was in this position until December 1, 1800.

Since 1803, again in Russia, Alexander I appointed him mayor of Odessa, in 1805 - governor-general of the Novorossiysk Territory.

This highly educated philanthropist was an excellent organizer. He was distinguished by his iron health, tirelessness and perseverance in achieving his goals.

Local residents considered Duke de Richelieu the founder of Odessa. Under his leadership, the city gained fame as the most flourishing city in Europe and turned into a major commercial port. Under him, prestigious educational institutions appeared in Odessa, a theater was built. The city's population has quadrupled. Duke was loved and respected by all the townspeople.


With the support of the emperor in 1804, the duke achieved the removal of the tax burden from Odessa, at least temporarily. He was able to prove the feasibility of free transit for all goods brought by sea to Odessa and even sent to Europe. He made a great contribution to the construction of Odessa and the development of Novorossiya.

In 1806, Richelieu again besieged and stormed Ishmael, this time the Duke already commanded all the Russian army sent to take Ishmael. This assault was unsuccessful.

After 11 years of successful rule of the city, Duc de Richelieu left for France. According to him, the best years of his life passed in Odessa. Duke de Richelieu really wanted to go back to Odessa, but died suddenly in France at the age of 56.


How the monument was built

After Duke's death, his close friend and associate Langeron organized a fundraiser for the construction of the monument. All townspeople, wealthy people and ordinary workers responded to the call. Count Vorontsov, who was at that time the governor-general of Novorossiysk, commissioned a project for a monument to the sculptor Martos, who became famous for the monument to Minin and Pozharsky.

A bronze statue of Duke in a Roman toga is installed on the monument. As the author of the project explained: “The figure of the Duke of Richelieu is depicted in a marching moment …”. This clever decision correctly conveys Duke's dynamic character. Three brass bas-reliefs symbolizing “agriculture”, “justice” and “trade” commemorate Duke's contribution to the city's development.

The opening of the monument to Duke took place with a huge crowd of people on April 22, 1828 (old style). French, English, Austrian and Russian flags fluttered around the monument as a reminder of the international significance of the Odessa port, founded by Duke. A solemn liturgy was held in the Transfiguration Cathedral.