It's Just That The Planes Don't Fall - Alternative View

It's Just That The Planes Don't Fall - Alternative View
It's Just That The Planes Don't Fall - Alternative View

Video: It's Just That The Planes Don't Fall - Alternative View

Video: It's Just That The Planes Don't Fall - Alternative View
Video: The Chemical Brothers - Do It Again (Official Music Video) 2024, October

In 1994, many mass media reported that on March 22 at 20.58.01 Moscow time in the area of Mezhdurechensk a passenger airbus A-310-300 Glinka crashed. It belonged to the airline "Russian Airlines" and operated a flight on the route "Moscow - Hong Kong". "All 75 people on board were killed."

In these messages, it was unusual to indicate the exact time of the disaster, the flight number, the name of the airline and the liner itself. Otherwise, it was not much different from others that reported the same aircraft crashes in different parts of our planet.

But gradually, many newspapers began to focus on this particular catastrophe. Moskovsky Komsomolets responded to the results of the first studies with the article “Witnesses who do not disappear”. In it, in particular, it was noted that there is always a reason and even a number of reasons for which disasters occur.

“The last witnesses in this case are the“black boxes”that preserve a tape recording of everything that happens in the cockpit, until the very last minute negotiations with the ground, commands, cries for help …

Airbus Glinka, flying to Hong Kong with 63 passengers on board, suddenly disappeared from the screens and, without giving any signals, fell from a height of 10,100 meters."

The rescue teams sent to the crash site found the wreckage of the airliner within a few hours. Parts of the tail, wings, cockpit of the aircraft were scattered separately from each other. Only heaps of ash remained of himself.

Of the three "black boxes" only two survived. They were burnt and deformed, but their records have survived. They were decrypted in France in the presence of members of the Russian state commission. The first versions seemed simply fantastic: the plane either collided with a natural celestial body pulled into the gravity zone, or became a victim … of a UFO. These assumptions were based on the fact that the airliner flew at a 10-kilometer altitude, clearly withstood all the specified flight parameters and did not give an SOS signal. Later, there was still a rumor about an alleged terrorist act and depressurization of the hull, which caused the instant death of the crew and passengers.

News agencies put forward their own assumption: the pilots allowed children to sit at the controls of the plane. One of them pressed the wrong button, and the plane began to fall.

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However, all competent persons unanimously declare that this cannot be true and nothing like that - in principle! - cannot happen. Russian scientist A. F. Chernyaev, analyzing the situation with the airliner, claims that there is simply no such button that can bring out the entire aircraft control system. Secondly, the children's voices that are heard in the "black box" do not in themselves say anything. Maybe the children were not even in the cockpit, but just stood in the aisle, watching the work of the crew. This is not prohibited by international rules. On the contrary, the doors of an aircraft of this class should always be open during the flight so that passengers feel calmer and more confident.

Further events developed as follows. The commander of the plane is perplexed by the fact that the autopilot suddenly makes an unplanned maneuver. After that, the liner suddenly falls on its side and begins to lose height. The crew is trying to rectify the situation, but nothing works: something does not work there.

Only at the very ground did the pilots manage to level the plane, but then an explosion was heard. The last words before the explosion were: "We did it …"

Maybe the plane hit one of the hills, lost its wing and began to crumble in parts? The place where the wreckage of the airliner was found speaks of just such a fall.

On the test bench in Toulouse, Russian and French specialists have reproduced the flight of the A-310 many times. But even in the calm atmosphere of the earthly "flight", the technique refused to reproduce those unthinkable pirouettes that the dying liner wrote in the air.

After an unexpected descent from a height of 10,000 meters, the A-310 rushed to the ground in a spin, then in a deep spiral. Even a coup on the back was recorded, which is completely excluded for transport aircraft. Thus, even upon their return from France, the group of Russian experts was unable to name the cause of the disaster. It was only by the end of October that experts from the two countries seemed to have established it.

However, Russian citizens could not then familiarize themselves with these dramatic conclusions. According to international rules, a country investigating a catastrophe on its territory must first familiarize the manufacturer and owner of the aircraft with all the findings. It is hardly possible to get acquainted with these details even now, because it is as if it was established that the life and fate of the 75 people on board the plane was really decided by the "child" factor.

The captain of the crew, Kudrinsky, took his children, 12-year-old Yana and 14-year-old Eldar, to spend their spring break in Hong Kong. The roll of the plane arose from the simultaneous impact on the steering wheel of Eldar and the autopilot.

Here Eldar sits down in the left chair, and his eyes flare up. Still would! Which of his peers does not dream of sitting at the controls of an airplane, and even during a flight!

The aircraft lifted its nose more and more, increased the angle of attack of the wing (that is, as if it was specifically striving for a position ideal for stalling into a spin). At some point, this is exactly what happened with a car that was absolutely not designed for flying in this mode. It turned out to be just as unusual for the crew.

This disaster became one of the most tragic and mysterious in the Russian aviation. The airbus was so technically advanced that there were only two people in its crew - the first and the second pilot. All other control was distributed among electronic devices.

The last communication session "Glinka" took place with the city of Novokuznetsk at 20.49.47. The next one was supposed to be in ten minutes, but by that time not a single person was alive on the plane. In a few minutes, the liner will spin out of control and begin its "death dance". In the meantime, everything on board seems to be calm. It was calm on the ground.

A. F. Chernyaev, who has been dealing with the properties and effects of ether for many years, has repeatedly written in his works that there is a physical ether. The life of people rising into the air largely depends on his behavior. The scientist was closely studying this whole situation with the Russian airbus and believes that by this time, apparently, the plane was already moving in a dense ether-air cloud. Its signal on the radar screens either began to pulsate, or disappeared altogether. And if this was indeed the case, then the disappearance of the signal should have served as a sign to the ground controller that the plane was in danger. And then he would still have a few minutes to warn the crew of the Airbus about her.

By this time (20.51.15) the pilots were already (apparently, under the influence of the ether) inhibited and inadequately perceived the situation. Devices, under the influence of ether electrons, also began to supply distorted information to the computer. From that moment, when Eldar began active piloting, the plane was doomed. The son practiced with might and main with the steering wheel, and soon the huge liner gradually begins to obey the child - in spite of the working autopilot.

The car began to lose the altitude and speed set by the autopilot. Soon, Eldar was surprised to see that the land "floated under the side." The autopilot tried to correct the changed parameters, according to the program laid down in it. The automatics began to "take" the steering wheel, Eldar turned it in his direction. For a while, piloting was carried out in two hands - the autopilot and the child, each trying to "convince" the other that he was right. However, as noted by A. F. Chernyaev, everything could have happened exactly the opposite: both the machine and the person worked harmoniously.

However, the moment came when the young man realized that the plane was turning on its own. To understand this, he had to not act on the steering wheel for at least a few seconds. These seconds would be enough for the autopilot to level off the flight. If the aircraft's instruments hadn't been lying, if the airliner had been in a normal environment and had enough engine power …

Soon the plane began to shake violently. Along with the shaking, a deafening roar burst into the cockpit, because powerful overloads arose on board. The car rolls to the left more and more, the shaking intensifies, but the autopilot is still working. Apparently, they are trying to get Eldar out of the chair, but due to the increasing acceleration and three-fold overloads, he is simply pressed into the seat.

The guy, distraught with fear, is trying to get out of the chair (father and one of the passengers), but then his foot accidentally rests on the right gas pedal. And the plane, going at an extremely low ("stall") speed and lifting its nose up to the limit, immediately falls to the right through its back. Pilots call this the "corkscrew". It was at this moment that the autopilot shutdown signal went off, and Glinka began its irreversible movement towards the ground. Prior to that, for fifteen seconds the autopilot fought with a person, creating dizzying manipulations with the plane. And only when the car reached a critical roll, it (as indicated in the instructions for its operation) turned off.

True, at this time Eldar had already been removed from the chair. The pilots seemed to feel in a familiar environment and began to take control of the situation. The crew tried to get the car out of a deep spiral by increasing the speed. Prior to this, the state of "ethereal" intoxication did not allow pilots to simultaneously track several parameters, comprehend the situation and only then make decisions. The crew's attention was focused only on individual operations. This is probably why, in two and a half minutes, no one remembered about radio communications and about their duties to inform the ground dispatcher about all the problems on board.

At 20.58 the plane began to lift its nose and level out, coming out of a spin. At that moment, there was a visible hope for a successful outcome. But it was too late! The earth was at a distance of three hundred meters and there were four seconds left before colliding with it …

Probably (and even obligatory), there are other points of view and other explanations for the cause of the Glinka airliner crash. After all, experts from the two countries could not establish its exact cause. But A. F. Chernyaev believes that it is impossible to change the physics of the ether and it was she who invisibly played a fatal role in this tragedy.

From the book: "HUNDRED GREAT DISASTERS". N. A. Ionina, M. N. Kubeev