8 Unexpected Signs That Luck Will Soon Be Knocking On Your Door - Alternative View

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8 Unexpected Signs That Luck Will Soon Be Knocking On Your Door - Alternative View
8 Unexpected Signs That Luck Will Soon Be Knocking On Your Door - Alternative View

Video: 8 Unexpected Signs That Luck Will Soon Be Knocking On Your Door - Alternative View

Video: 8 Unexpected Signs That Luck Will Soon Be Knocking On Your Door - Alternative View
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You like to call yourself a reasonable person, however, you rely on luck. Deep down, you know that knocking on wood and spitting over your left shoulder is not serious, but you still continue to observe these ingenuous rituals. Indeed, it never hurts! You bring the same philosophy to other aspects of life. Luck cannot bypass you, because you signal your presence in all possible ways. In the end, you are sure to get lucky and you will hit the jackpot. Here are 8 unexpected signs that luck will be knocking at your door very soon.

Bats in the attic

Usually, when people report that bats are in the attic of their house, they see little pleasant in this and quickly dream of getting rid of intruders. They are unaware that these animals bring good luck. In fact, if bats decide to settle inside your home, that's a good sign. They chose this place because of the good, positive energy. This means that neither happiness nor health will dare to bypass your house.


When the ear itches

The popular tale of old wives with itchy ears makes fun of gossipers. It is believed that if the ear is burning or itching, then someone at that moment is saying unpleasant things about you. Which side do you feel itching? If your left ear itches, then you are incredibly lucky. Other people do talk about you, but only from the good side. This means that you will soon have a happy romantic relationship or the beginning of a strong friendship.

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An unknown animal accepts you

All animals are picky and have a subtle sense of human character. The mustachioed-striped were especially successful in the study of human nature. Therefore, if you find that a stray cat has tied up with you and asks for food, do not chase her away, but treat her with something. Otherwise, you risk scaring off your luck. And everyone knows the omen when a cat is first allowed into a new home.


Magic number 8

In many world cultures, the eight is considered a symbol of good luck. The Chinese especially believe in this, and they have good reasons for this. The hieroglyph meaning "wealth" is consonant in pronunciation with this number. From the point of view of numerology and esoterics, the eight is usually identified with the inverted symbol of infinity. Haven't you picked your favorite number yet? We suggest you follow the eight when choosing phone and car numbers, and even addresses. By this number, luck will surely find your location.


Clothes inside out or backwards

Pulling on your sweater backwards in a hurry in the morning can put you in an awkward position when interacting with coworkers. It's good if you spot the catch first. You might think that this omen will bring misfortune, or rather beatings, as was believed in the old days in Russia. In fact, clothes worn inside out or backwards are a good omen. This may mean that you are open to signals from the universe. Let's make a reservation right away that the omen works if the error occurred by accident, and not intentionally.


Tingling sensation in the left hand

Sometimes tingling sensations in the extremities signal serious ailments. But now we are not talking about frostbite or neurological diseases. We're talking about occasional tingling and numbness in the left hand. It is believed that in this way the palm feels the cash flow that will rush to you in the foreseeable future.


Bird droppings

There is no more trouble than when a flying bird marks you with its excrement. Yes, you will have to go through a procedure to cleanse your clothes or (even worse) your hair. However, with this shame, you are paying a good price for bringing good luck to your side. This also applies to your car, bike and even your home. Any things marked with a bird "indicate" your location to luck.


Ivy grows on your house

If your home is surrounded by a layer of dense green ivy, you are definitely in luck! From an aesthetic point of view, it is very beautiful. Plus, ivy has a fabulous charm and is always seen as a good omen for your future. Do not try to remove the plant, otherwise the streak of luck will end.


Inga Kaisina