12 Shocking Stories About Meeting Aliens - Alternative View

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12 Shocking Stories About Meeting Aliens - Alternative View
12 Shocking Stories About Meeting Aliens - Alternative View

Video: 12 Shocking Stories About Meeting Aliens - Alternative View

Video: 12 Shocking Stories About Meeting Aliens - Alternative View
Video: Siblings' "Bizarre" Story of Being Abducted by Aliens | The Oprah Winfrey Show | OWN 2024, October

Many scientists argue that earthlings are not the only intelligent beings in the universe. People who have encountered alien beings will definitely agree with their opinion. These 12 amazing stories may seem like …

Many scientists argue that earthlings are not the only intelligent beings in the universe. People who have encountered alien beings will definitely agree with their opinion. These 12 amazing stories may seem like fiction, but eyewitnesses never cease to convince us otherwise.


12. Women from Kentucky

At 11:15 pm, after dinner at a Kentucky restaurant, the three friends headed home. During the trip, they saw a disc-shaped metallic object in the sky with red and yellow lights and an emitted beam of light. The women arrived home only at 1:25, with a delay of 75 minutes. At the same time, their testimony was checked on a lie detector.


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11. The kidnapping of Antonio Villas-Boas

In 1957, a Brazilian farmer, Antonio Villas-Boas, was abducted by alien beings. The UFO itself, as the victim later said, was egg-shaped, and the humanoids had some kind of gray overalls and helmets, in which eyes were distinguishable. During the abduction, blood was taken from him and forced to have sexual intercourse with an alien woman. Later, Antonio was released; the abduction lasted a little over 4 hours.


10. Kirzhan Ilyumzhinov in space

According to the Russian politician, in the 1990s he was abducted by aliens in yellow spacesuits. He did not know their language, but he still understood speech. Ilyumzhinov spent about a day in space together with humanoids.


9. The Pascagoul incident

In 1973, aliens abducted two US citizens, Charles Hickson and Calvin Parker, while fishing near Pascagula, Michigan. The men said they saw flickering lights and an oval-shaped aircraft. According to Hickson, the humanoids were small in stature and humanoid in shape, but did not have eyes or mouths, but only carrot-like growths in the places where people have ears and nose, their hands were supposedly pincer-like, and their legs were fused. The men were scanned and returned to the ground within 20 minutes.


8. Incident on the Allagash River

In 1976, four men boarded a boat and sailed to the middle of the Allagash River, Maine. When it got dark, the fishermen saw a luminous object flying. The UFO covered them with its light, and in a second (for a while they lost their memory) all four were sitting on the shore by an extinct fire. Even under hypnosis, eyewitnesses of the incredible told the same story.


7. Jessie Long's shin implant

According to Jesse Long, at the age of 5, he and his brother discovered a round-shaped object under construction. There they were met by a tall man who for a moment blinded the children with a bright light and paralyzed them. Only years later, under hypnosis, Long was able to recall the details of that meeting, as it turned out, an implant was implanted in his shin. After extraction, an examination was carried out, the implant turned out to be glass of a strange composition.


6. Peter Cowrie and White Hair

In 1992, Australian resident Peter Cowrie woke up in the middle of the night in his own house and saw two alien women - a blonde and an Asian (which is very strange). The blonde pressed Kauri's head to her chest so hard that he was forced to bite her, but there was no blood. The women disappeared, and the blonde was left with hair, which Peter handed over for examination. The results showed unknown DNA.


5. Doctor and treatment of aliens

In 1988, Dr. John Salter returned home with his son. During the trip, they were abducted by aliens, but they did not conduct any experiments, they only wiped the scar from John's forehead and rewarded him with the ability to heal ailments.


4. Don't give up without a fight

In 1975, during a starburst in New Mexico, Sergeant Charles Moody saw a flying saucer, after which he temporarily lost consciousness. A little later, under hypnosis, he recalled that two aliens approached him, and he tried to fight them back. Extraterrestrial creatures paralyzed the sergeant and temporarily took him to their ship. It turns out they just wanted to talk to Moody.


3. Disappearance of Frederic Valentich

On October 21, 1978, Australian pilot Frederick Valentich flew over the Bass Strait. During the flight, Valentich contacted Melbourne Air Traffic Control on several occasions and reported an unusual aircraft that was pursuing him. He described the strange behavior of the ship and its design features. His last message read: “This strange plane hovers over me again. It hangs … and it's not an airplane. Then the connection was cut off. Neither Valentich himself nor his plane were ever found.


2. Fire in the sky

The 1993 sci-fi movie Fire in the Sky was based on the famous abduction of Travis Walton by aliens. In 1975, a group of loggers drove to the Sitgreaves Forest, Arizona. On their way to the forest, the men noticed a glow in the sky. A blue disc-shaped object hung over the clearing. One of the loggers, Travis Walton, got out of the car and approached the UFO. First, the man was illuminated by light as if from a searchlight, and then a beam hit from the bottom of the object, and Travis was thrown back several feet. Frightened lumberjacks drove away, and the confused Walton was found only 5 days later.


In 1961, the spouses Betty and Barney Hill were returning from vacation by car and began to look at a shooting star. Suddenly she began to move in their direction. Frightened, the Hills rushed into the car. Their clock stopped, and the couple could not remember the past two hours. Already under hypnosis, Hills told that they had been abducted by aliens.