The Mayan Ruler Who First Met UFOs! - Alternative View

The Mayan Ruler Who First Met UFOs! - Alternative View
The Mayan Ruler Who First Met UFOs! - Alternative View

Video: The Mayan Ruler Who First Met UFOs! - Alternative View

Video: The Mayan Ruler Who First Met UFOs! - Alternative View
Video: "Aliens built the pyramids" and other absurdities of pseudo-archaeology | Sarah Kurnick 2024, October

The unremarkable ruler of the unremarkable city-state of Palenque was able to enter world history thanks to his tomb. Now it is called the Temple of Inscriptions, and it is the Great Pakal of the city of Lily. Surprisingly, the controversy surrounding his personality, and most importantly his tombstone with mysterious images, has been going on for the seventh decade. Why do scientists pay so much attention to this humble ruler? What is painted on his grave? Is it true that it was he who was the first of the Maya Indians to experience alien technology?

The most famous Mayan ruler is the Great Pakal
The most famous Mayan ruler is the Great Pakal

The most famous Mayan ruler is the Great Pakal.

When the tombstone from the tomb of Great Pakal was photographed and shown to scientists, they were speechless. For the first time, people of the 20th century faced the inexplicable. On a stone carved in the 7th century A. D. a man was depicted driving a machine.


Erich von Daniken was the first to call Pakal an ancient astronaut, and the device on which the ruler sat as a spaceship. True, the scientific world was in no hurry to admit that Pacal controlled a complex technical mechanism. Official science is rather inclined to consider this the Tree of Life, one of the symbols of the transmigration of the soul to the afterlife.

Pacal was born in the 7th century A. D. in the city-state of Palenque in the northeast of modern Mexico, the son of a princess and a noble nobleman, according to the laws of those times, nothing in his life foreshadowed the throne.

His fate was decided by chance. The many years of bloody war between states ended as unexpectedly as it began. The king of the Kanul kingdom died without leaving heirs, the cunning mother of 12-year-old Pakal immediately proclaimed her son king, and she herself became regent.


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Everything we know about this ruler is captured on stone tablets of the world famous Temple of Inscriptions. It was built by the Great Pakal himself. This structure was to become the tomb of Pakal himself and his ancestral crypt. It took almost 30 years to build the tomb.


The main attraction of the huge pyramid is the king's sarcophagus.


18-ton coffin. On the lid, which, by order of Pakal, his image was carved, but in this carving, the king appeared not as an old man, but as a 12-year-old boy (at this age his mother made him king). Pacal ordered to portray him as a sacrifice to his people. It is at the top of the sacrifice vessel.

What Pacal himself wanted to leave in memory of himself, scientists, of course, do not know, any of their explanations is just another guess, but the fact that the image from the tombstone really looks like an aircraft is difficult to deny.

There is ample evidence that the ancient Indians depicted not only mechanisms, but also organ transplants, as well as unusual creatures (very similar to aliens). Where could the inhabitants of pre-Columbian America see the ancient operations? How could they know about the existence of a breathing mask and that air is supplied to it through special tubes? Why is the environment in which Pacal is depicted so similar to the decoration of the rocket, or rather the cosmonaut's cabin? Some researchers are ready to give their explanations, but even today they are still extremely unconvincing.