Hidden Resources: 8 Ways To Benefit After Death - Alternative View

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Hidden Resources: 8 Ways To Benefit After Death - Alternative View
Hidden Resources: 8 Ways To Benefit After Death - Alternative View

Video: Hidden Resources: 8 Ways To Benefit After Death - Alternative View

Video: Hidden Resources: 8 Ways To Benefit After Death - Alternative View
Video: How To Enslave Reality: The Hidden Truth Of Reality Creation 2024, September

Just think how many people in this world live an empty meaningless life. They walk from side to side, stare, moo, and then die, leaving behind a stack of pizza boxes by the door, a pile of cigarette butts in an ashtray and terabytes of porn on a laptop. The question of why we came to this world is really difficult. Not everyone is given the right to manage their lives. But it is much easier to dispose of your death. We have a beautiful, very cleverly constructed body, which is a pity to just bury it in a hole. I am sure that you, reader, have been told since childhood that you have potential, there are hidden resources that you can reveal with due diligence. So, if you didn't reveal yourself during your life, then it's time to do it after death. Take a piece of paper, a pen, catch the first notary you come across and begin to expound your posthumous will,where would you like to bequeath your bag of bones.

Method 1: bequeath the body to students

Every day, medical students need corpses to practice operations on. Usually, future doctors stuff their hands on the corpses of people without a fixed abode, so there is no problem with this. Regardless, you can still donate your body to students. If you don't have a medical school nearby, you can donate yourself to any of the hospitals - practicing surgeons also need to train sometimes.


Method 2: give your body to science

What if you get sick with some weird new disease? Then hurry to bequeath your remains to some research institute. What if you find yourself an important link in the chain of scientific discoveries and a medicine or the disease itself will be named in your honor? For example, in 1956, a black American woman, Henrietta Lacks, actually achieved immortality. It turned out that the cells of her tumor are able to multiply indefinitely, which opened up unprecedented prospects in biology. Henrietta's cells were used to study cancer, viruses, in vitro fertilization, cloning, the effects of radiation, and continue to be used to this day.

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The order of the Ministry of Health dated May 25, 2007 will help you decide where exactly you want to surrender after death. It contains a complete list of institutions that collect and harvest human organs and tissues.

Method 3: donate organs for transplant

Everything is quite simple here. Russia has a partial presumption of consent for organ transplantation. So if, God forbid, you have an accident, and you have a luxurious liver, stunning kidneys or breathtaking lungs, they will be taken out of you and given to those in need. Of course, you can indicate your will in the will, so that the relatives do not have any claims, as happened with the relatives of the citizen of Moldova Pavel Mardar.


In Moscow, Pavel was hit by a car, he was admitted to the intensive care unit of the Moscow hospital No. 68, where he died soon after. Pavel was buried in his homeland, and when the forensic expert's notification came to his relatives, they could not believe their eyes. The report stated that the deceased was admitted for examination without a heart, kidney, liver and a fragment of the spleen - all this was taken out of Pavel by Moscow doctors without asking permission from his relatives. Pavel's relatives sued the doctors and demanded compensation of 10.8 million rubles, but the court refused them. Under our laws, doctors are not required to inform relatives about organ harvesting. If you are such a greedy beef and do not want to give your guts to those in need, then you must specially draw up an appropriate clause in your will. Always carry it in your breast pocket, so that if something happens, doctors can familiarize themselves with your whim on the spot.

Method 4: become a crash test doll

If you are worried about the fate of the domestic car industry, you can try to surrender as a passenger for crash tests - simulations of accidents made in order to make the car even safer. It is not known for certain whether corpses are used in our crash tests, but a similar practice was widely used in the United States from the 30s to the 70s. Then, to all objections about the ethics of such studies, the heads of auto companies answered with statistics that one corpse saves the lives of eight thousand motorists.


Try to ask some "AvtoVAZ" if they need a corpse for experiments, otherwise you wanted to save eight thousand people with passion, but there was no suitable opportunity.

Method 5: acting in a movie

There is a legend that in the 1982 film Poltergeist, in the scene where the heroine falls into a pool of dirty water, skeletons of real people were used. Also in the Chinese film "The Man behind the Sun" by Tong Fei Mou, a real corpse was used in the scene of the vivisection of a child - and the reason for his presence was the limited budget of the picture. The task was complicated by the fact that the director needed a child, similar to the boy who starred in the film. As a result, the director was informed that a child had died in a nearby village. Moe arrived at the scene of the tragedy and saw that the deceased was suitable for filming. Oddly enough, the parents easily agreed to autopsy their child in front of the camera and did not even take money for it.


Who knows, suddenly our filmmakers also desperately need a real deceased, and here you bequeathed your body to art. You will shine naked and dead in Sarik Andreasyan's new comedy to the delight of people.

Method 6: serve in the army

Didn't join the army during his lifetime? You can repay your debt to your homeland after death. The army needs someone to check the ammunition and the means of protection against them. It's a pity for living people, they can still be useful, so they take corpses for testing. True, don't expect medals for your posthumous feats.


Method 7: useful for criminologists

You can bequeath yourself to forensic medicine, however, in this case, not ours, but American. In the USA, there are so-called corpse farms, where they study the stages of decomposition of the body under various conditions: in the ground, in water, in the shade, in the sun and even in concrete. All so that the forensic expert arrived at the scene and said: "This guy was shot two weeks ago." After the success of series like CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, a lot of people in the US began to sacrifice themselves to the cause of forensics. Although there are already enough corpses - Americans use the bodies of homeless or migrants for farms. By the way, the United States is the only country that practices body farms. In the rest of the world, they do not dare to mock the dead so harshly.