Energy Vampires How To Recognize And Protect Yourself - Alternative View

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Energy Vampires How To Recognize And Protect Yourself - Alternative View
Energy Vampires How To Recognize And Protect Yourself - Alternative View

Video: Energy Vampires How To Recognize And Protect Yourself - Alternative View

Video: Energy Vampires How To Recognize And Protect Yourself - Alternative View
Video: Psychic Vampires (How to Recognize and Protect Yourself From an Energy Vampire) - Teal Swan 2024, October

Energy vampire - what to do?

A good friend of mine told me this case a few years ago. His energetic abilities are well known to me, and therefore I have no reason not to trust what was told.

“I go on the subway in the morning - I sit and read. And suddenly, suddenly, he began to feel some strange discomfort. I looked around - everything seemed to be fine. I began to listen to my inner sensations - and then I realized that the energy does not circulate in the body as usual, but gradually flows down to one point on the right thigh, a little higher than the knee and … slowly flows out, in a thin stream, like water from a leaky plastic bag.

And at this point - there was a burning sensation. I looked, and a woman of about 50 years old sitting next to her knee touches this place. I moved away. But it was not there! The woman moved closer and began to press even more tightly against my leg.

Whoa! Such things should not be encouraged. And I did what I regret now. A little manipulation of her energy, and … the woman jumped as if she had been electrocuted. A hard, hateful glance in my direction, and she ran out of the car at the next station. Now I realized that I did it in vain: what did I manage to change with my energy discharge? Only increased the amount of evil in the world. This vampire woman is unlikely to get better, but more careful and sophisticated in her dark affairs - most likely. And it’s not for me to punish her. she will punish herself …"

And I remembered this story, because in several letters readers asked me to tell you about who the energy vampires are, how to recognize them and protect yourself from them.

I can reassure you right away: cases of conscious vampirism, like the one described, are very rare, and therefore you should not panic. Much more often (almost every day) we are faced with unconscious vampirism - energy parasitism. What it is? We all have periods of energy starvation (past illness, hard work, stressful condition …), when we can draw energy from wherever possible. Trying to replenish the dying forces, an ordinary person unwittingly becomes an energy vampire, without even knowing about it. They are not villains, they just have little energy of their own. Some prefer to restore their strength in the middle of nature, others - to go "into the people" …

Knew about it in ancient times. For example, the Bible tells about King David, who, to support his aging body, surrounded himself with young and healthy slaves. However, not only he used this method of rejuvenation. I don't know if Mao Tse Tung read the Bible, but in the last years of his life he prolonged his existence by the same methods as the biblical king …

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What is the mechanism of energy vampirism?

Remember the physics lessons? If you connect two communicating vessels with a tube, then the level of liquid in them will level out. It is the same with people. From a person with a high energy level, vital forces will automatically (!) Flow to a weakened one (with a low energy level). There would be a "tube" …

And it turns out that it is not so difficult to organize. The most obvious way is physical contact. But people exchange energy among themselves without even touching each other. Only their auras - energy-informational shells - touch. The aura is a protective shield that does not allow a foreign field to break through to a person. However, it has one more function. When a person shows interest in something, his aura opens, as it were, trying to embrace, draw in and understand this something. (It should be noted that it is this property of the aura that enables people to effectively feed on fresh energy from nature).

Sensing this intuitively, the energy vampire's first task is to attract your attention, so that you yourself in your aura will open the “door” for energy leakage.

One of the most cynical books on black magic I have ever held in my hands, frankly teaches aspiring witches and sorcerers in ways to pique the curiosity of a person. "Arouse the attention of the subconscious, and you have already won half of the battle … A half-hint, thoughtfulness, mystery, mysteriousness will be enough to prepare the ground for your sacrifice … raise their curiosity to such an extent that they will spend their energy on the emotion of impatience …"

So, let's remember: the very first desire of an energy vampire is to attract attention to himself at least for a while. But this is not enough. The “vampire” needs to enter into energetic contact with us, that is, to bring us into a state close to him. This is because there is one remarkable ability of the human aura: it is able to perceive only the energy “related” to it. Therefore, a person who encroaches on someone energy, is trying with all his might to tune the victim to his "frequencies" - the frequency of low spirituality. He needs your irritability, aggressiveness, fear, anxiety, fussiness … Firstly, such states in themselves lead to an increased leakage of vitality., the flowing energy, as we have already said, is "native" for the vampire.

“I work in a small women's team. I love my work, I handle it with ease. However, I am very tired. I come home completely broken, with a headache. There is no strength not only to study with my son, but also to wash the cup. Over the weekend, I’m going to leave, I’ll rest, although I don’t mess around: washing, cleaning, cooking …

However, as soon as I go to work, I again begin to feel like a decrepit old woman. And I’m only 34 … I was examined by doctors, everything shows that I am healthy. The doctors could not explain the reasons for my condition. Friends gave advice to turn to one grandmother, and although I don't really trust the healers, I went. What this grandma told me amazed me. And she said that one of the employees of our office was taking my life energy. And even described her."

Further in her letter L. from Kaluga told about the behavior of the woman described by her grandmother. As you can see, this is a typical case of biovampire - "aggressor". Probably in any team it is possible to meet a person who is, as it were, programmed for conflict. Wherever he appears, he immediately becomes the center of attention, a certain aura of irritation and aggression immediately appears around him, drawing out vital forces from those around him. Everyone, even friends, feels uncomfortable with him. Although, he usually has no friends. Because how to get along with an energy vampire - "aggressor" is capable of only a very powerful donor or an even bigger vampire than him.

Other energy vampires are also close to this type: "tyrants" who scare their subordinates and feed on their energy … With the seeming variety, they all act in principle in the same way - they attract attention to themselves, introduce the future victim into a state of irritability or resentment, and due to this suck her energy.

Do you want to protect yourself from such an energetic vampire? And it is within your power. You should not enter into a conflict, even if you are strongly provoked: with your irritation, anger, vitality also leaves you. Don't take revenge, you don't have to answer evil for evil. "An eye for an eye" is the most direct road to self-destruction. Say goodbye more often, even if the person is openly guilty in front of you.

At one time V. Hugo said: “If someone has offended you, take revenge with courage. Remain calm - and this will be the beginning of your revenge, then forgive, - this will be the end of it. A clear conscience, peace of mind, selflessness, high spiritual goals and faith in Divine protection are the guarantee of your invulnerability! Remember once and for all, with highly spiritual energy, energy vampires cannot feed themselves!

Yes, but if we are far from ideal and often have a lot in common with our vampirizing parasites. How can you protect yourself in this case? Here are some guidelines.

Energy vampire protection

Try to stay away from unpleasant places and large gatherings of people, especially those who are agitated (rally, demonstration, rock concert …) or those with low self-control (drunkards, drug addicts …).

Try to avoid contact with people you don't like. And if you have to deal with them, you don't need to look them in the eye - this is the most powerful channel of energy exchange. Calm, self-confident to the point of insolence, attentive gaze of the energy vampire in your eyes - and your energy is leaking. Such "visual duels" should be avoided.

There is no need to reveal your energy to "energy suspicious" people. When communicating with them, you should keep your arms crossed on your chest or joined in a lock opposite the solar plexus. It is also advisable to connect the feet. Thus, you "close" your energy and make it difficult for outsiders to access.

While we were talking about frankly unpleasant people. However, a close person - a relative, a friend, a lover - can often turn out to be an energy parasite … More or less consciously, he draws his vitality from his partner, to whom he is sincerely attached, with whom he is “good”. However, it is good when both are good!.. In the same place where there are such "strange" attachments, it is always easy to guess the victim - by the sick appearance, pallor, weakness and rapid fatigue.

Natalia M. from Saratov wrote that her daughter, a student, was simply tortured by a classmate. “This friend sits for hours in our house and takes away a lot of her daughter's time, and most importantly, her strength. After her visits, the daughter looks sick and unhappy. But he cannot show the door to his girlfriend."

Yes. there is this type of energy vampires - "sticky". Following you backward, ingratiating themselves, pleasing, anticipating, they, like them gather around the sharks, are always full. They have a tremendous talent - it is impossible to get rid of them … Unlike the "aggressor", the "sticky" can even be charming and at first does not cause irritation at all. However, after some time, the victim begins to feel completely deprived of inner freedom.

And so it is. "Sticking" has loaded you with its problems and experiences to such an extent that you are not free from them even in his absence. From the point of view of bioenergetics, there is a kind of enveloping of your aura with the aura of "sticky". So the spider, before sucking the strength from the caught fly, envelops it with a sticky thread of its web.

To the same class of energy vampires are "bores" who, tired and annoying you with insignificant details or requests, are also well fed by your energy. A kind of "stuck" are "whiners". Their main task is to find a "vest" in which to cry. And there will always be reasons for whining: poor health, troubles in family life, at work, inflation, mediocre politicians … With their groans about and without reason, they literally paralyze the faint of heart with their unaccountable fear of everything that is beyond their understanding. A similar type, but a peculiar type of energy vampires "talkers". With their chatter, along with your attention, they draw out your energy.

These are the most common types of "stuck". How to deal with them? The universal way is to avoid such people. And if this is not possible? Dealing with "alarmists" - do not give in to panic. Do not ask questions to "talkers". Try to cheer up the whiners, inspire optimism. However, do not fall into pseudo-humanism - do not encourage energy vampirism if you understand that whining is becoming a way of life for this friend of yours. Your empathy can be detrimental to both him and you.

And yet the best way to get rid of energy parasites "stuck" is to break the pathological connection. However, one should be prepared for colossal resistance from the bioparasite. To maintain a close bond with his victim, he will begin to show truly miracles of ingenuity. Show firmness. But if a person is really dear to you, learn to protect your energy from his attacks without noticing him.

How? Psychological protection - the mental barrier with which you surround yourself - can help a lot. The method is quite simple - when communicating with your partner, imagine that you are covered by a large lilac glass glass. At the same time, the glass is like a mirror glasses ("I see you - you don't have me"). If, at the same time, you have a psychological feeling of detachment and even a little “disregard”, be calm - you are reliably protected.

An excellent psychological defense against any energy parasites is internal irony and condescending attitude, even pity for these unfortunate people forced to eat energy waste and scraps. The absence of fear of energy vampires, the mental installation not to obey their attempts is a guarantee against loss of energy.

However, there are physical ways to protect yourself. "Thermal protection" is quite effective. It's pretty simple. Try to carve out 10-15 minutes before work in the morning. and take a very hot shower. Strong heating of the body evens out its energy, dissolves "lumps" of energy, fills "rarefaction". Then - a sharp cooling, a completely cold shower, and even better to take a dip from the bucket. Do not be afraid, do not catch a cold! I guarantee. The mechanism of this extremely powerful tool is simple. The skin is compressed, the heat exchange with the surrounding air is sharply reduced, the energy received from hot water is, as it were, accumulated inside the body. And most importantly, your aura will not only take on the most economical form (eggs), but will also become denser, and therefore become less penetrable for external influences (biovampirism, damage, the evil eye …).

On the way to work, especially on public transport, try to keep strangers away from your spine. Behind him, at 10-15 cm, is the human energy axis, the most vulnerable to the impact of subtle energies. It is not by chance that, entering the transport, in the cafe, if there is such an opportunity, we try to sit separately, away from people. Our intuition tells us once again not to take risks: what if a bioparasite is nearby?

You've been exposed to an energy vampire - what to do?

Again, water will come to our aid. In the evening, when we come home after a hard day at work and hassle with an aura "gnawed" from communication with various people, it will be very useful to take a warm bath. Water is very energy intensive. It will “eat” all the “protrusions” and “abysses” of our aura, dissolve and carry away the energy “dirt” that has adhered to it during the day.

But do not overdo it, firstly, you do not need very hot water (the temperature should be pleasant), and secondly, six to seven minutes is usually enough. It is not worth it any longer - the water will level out at first, and then slowly begin to take our energy (reduce your "auric egg" in size) … And especially the steam room restores our energy well! The bathhouse is a truly universal remedy: here is the treatment, here is the prevention …

Energovampirism in the family

Is energovampirism possible in a family? Valentina T. writes about her friend, who, after the birth of her daughter, “immediately somehow aged, became irritable. As I understand it, because her child is, as they say, “difficult”. Not affectionate, that is not for her - rolls a hysterics. Shouts that he will be poisoned, he will jump from the balcony. And everything requires something. And money in the family from paycheck to paycheck …

I told this story to women at work, I thought, maybe someone can advise what. And one says: "Yes, she is a vampire, this girl, sucks the energy of her mother." She said so seriously that I was scared. Now everybody thinks, maybe it really is a vampire? Once a friend said: "She pulled all the strength out of me, it would be better if I did not give birth to her!" I ask you to answer, maybe the child would be a vampire, and if so, what to do?"

The case is very complicated. In reality, there is "childish vampirism", which is usually accompanied by begging for expensive purchases, tantrums and blackmail. What to do? Let's try to understand the reasons for this behavior of the child. What makes a child take energy from an adult? Disease? Physical exhaustion? Apparently, no. The girl is "healthy, developed." Little care? Also, no: "… They stretch out with their last strength so that she has everything …" And yet the child lacks something. What?

For what reason, immediately after the birth of her daughter, a “cheerful, cheerful” woman became irritable? Judging by the letter, the child does not allow her to lead the same way of life. Now all the strength, time, attention she needs to give to this little man. Secretly, deep down, she hates her child for it. She does everything that is supposed to be: feeds on time, changes diapers, but … the child is dissatisfied, he is capricious and "everything demands something." What? He demands love! The mother, on the other hand, pays off with handouts: “Oh, just don’t bother…” This is where the real reason for children's vampirism is: the mother has deprived her child of the most powerful and most necessary energy for him - the energy of love. If the mother manages to change her attitude towards the child, he will cease to be a little vampire. "Begin with yourself…"

Your own energy vampire

It sounds incredible, but sometimes we ourselves can become the cause of our energy depletion if something (bright appearance, clothes, demeanor …) attracts increased attention to ourselves. A large army of energy vampires greedy for someone else's energy will flock from all around. The conclusion suggests itself: try not to stand out too much. (From childhood, they taught that “modesty adorns a person.” It turns out that it is energetically beneficial!) By the way, the habit of being in plain sight all the time, being conspicuous is one of the most reliable ways to earn damage and the evil eye …

Remember that even … your own eyes are capable of sucking your energy. One should not look at them intently through a mirror: a colossal loss of energy! Don't believe me? You can experiment. I think that once will be enough (more is dangerous!) To feel how the energy will leave you in a powerful stream.

Someone might have the impression that vampires and energy parasites live better than ordinary people - of course! - "freebie", on everything ready-made … Dangerous delusion! There is no need to envy and even more so to take their path. Information about the diseases of these people is also absorbed with someone else's energy. Over time, you will acquire such a "bouquet" of sores that neither medicine nor the best healers will help. And secondly, the body will very soon forget how to feed itself from nature. Chronic exhaustion and rapid aging are guaranteed to him …

And from here another conclusion: do not be afraid to give your energy to good people. The more often you empty your "reservoirs" for them, the more fresh and healing energy you will receive from nature. For those who “loved their neighbor as themselves,” energetic vampirism does not exist!

“What happened to me is amazing. I'm in my sixties. For 30 years of work at the school, my nerves have been frayed, my heart plays pranks, my blood pressure rises. And here, against the background of my ill health, the grave illness of my old mother. Stroke. I spent two weeks in the hospital caring for my mother. Two weeks almost without sleep. Two weeks of some crazy cycle.

In the morning, wet cleaning of the ward, all the necessary procedures with mom, after running to the store, to the market; from there home, cook something delicious, then to the hospital, etc., etc., without a break. Add to this constant nervous tension. I had to "fall". Colleagues to this day are surprised: "How did you not fall down?" And I not only didn’t "collapse", it was as if a spring of energy began to bubble up in me. I felt cheerful, fresh, full of energy.

Often my mother asked me to sit next to her and always put her dry, cool palm in my hand. And it seemed to me that from nowhere the power that had taken in me was flowing from my hand into my mother's. Now mom is at home, she is better. And an amazing state of health does not leave me. It was as if I was 20 years younger. It looks like a miracle! I can explain what happened only by the existence of some higher forces that help us, mortals, in the most crucial moments of life. (M. Stepanyuk, Moscow)

Everything is correct. Give, get more - this is the Cosmic Law … Boomerang …

V. Pravdivtsev
