A Solid Beam Of Light Coming Out Of A UFO - Alternative View

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A Solid Beam Of Light Coming Out Of A UFO - Alternative View
A Solid Beam Of Light Coming Out Of A UFO - Alternative View

Video: A Solid Beam Of Light Coming Out Of A UFO - Alternative View

Video: A Solid Beam Of Light Coming Out Of A UFO - Alternative View
Video: Scientists explain strange lights in the sky 2024, June

Often, eyewitnesses talk about strange rays of light emanating from UFOs in the night sky. They come with "ends" behind which there is no light, they can have a square or rectangular cross-section, bend and intertwine with each other.

And also these rays, called "solid light", are capable of capturing, lifting into the air and even dragging various objects inside the UFO - cars, animals, people … This is how it happens.

Car transfer

On the evening of January 6, 1976, Mona Stafford, Louise Smith and Elaine Thomas were driving along the highway near Stanford, Kentucky (USA). Suddenly, in the sky above them, a ball of fire rushed and fell somewhere in front. The women thought it was a plane crash, and Louise, who was driving, pressed the gas.

When they drove closer to the alleged accident site, they saw a disc-shaped object slightly off the road, which, as they approached, shot a bright beam of light towards the car. Two or three seconds passed, and Louise suddenly felt that the car no longer obeyed her, and its speed began to increase as if by itself. Louise took her foot off the gas pedal, but the speedometer needle stood at 130 kilometers per hour.


“At the same time, the car was shaking all over,” Mona said, “it was as if we were rushing across those grooves that are made on the motorway before the stop sign to force drivers to slow down in advance.

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Within seconds, the car was in Houstonville, several tens of kilometers from Stanford.

“It looked like this,” continues Mona, “as if some force instantly transported us from one city to another.

And on the night of September 22-23, 1978, two participants in the South American rally, Carlos Acevedo and Miguel Angel Moya, were racing in a Citroen GS-1220 west of the Argentine city of Salina de Pedro when they saw a bright light behind. They thought it was another race participant who wanted to get around them. Carlos, who was driving, decided not to interfere with the opponent and took a little to the right. Suddenly the whole car was filled with light, stopped obeying Carlos, pulled away from the road, jumped two meters and continued to climb.

“After that,” Miguel later said, “yellow fog began to envelop everything around, and I began to see the environment as if from the side, from somewhere far away. At the same time, there was complete silence, I did not hear any more sound. I looked at Carlos. He sat motionless, frozen, as if petrified. Suddenly the light grew even brighter, and I could no longer see anything in this blinding radiance.

Then both riders were “disconnected”. They came to their senses when they felt a strong jolt and realized that the car had landed on the road again.

-The yellow fog began to dissipate, the light - to dim and seem to flow out of the car, - recalls Carlos. - Through the window, I saw a column of yellow light in the form of an inverted truncated cone, above to our right, which crawled into the sky. It had an end, a cut, facing in our direction. Below his light was gone. The diameter of this end was about 2.5 meters, the diameter of the base of the cone was about 5 meters, and the length of the entire pillar was 6-7 meters, but it was shortening every moment. After a few seconds, the entire pole of light disappeared, and we saw where it was drawn. An oval object hung above us, glowing with a yellowish-white light. He began to drift westward with increasing speed and disappeared from sight.


Despite the shock experienced, Miguel and Carlos decided to continue the race and soon arrived in the town of Pedro Lu-ro. But it turned out that they were driving here from the city of Carmen de Patagones for an hour longer than planned, and at the same time the speedometer showed that they traveled 70 kilometers less than the distance between these points.

Eyewitness and participant stories

Near the Australian town of Tiaro, a few miles north of Brisbane, a winery was being built on the land of 39-year-old entrepreneur Keith Rylance. On a late summer (in Australian) evening on October 4, 2001, the entrepreneur himself, his 22-year-old wife Amy and their business partner, 35-year-old Petra Heller, were on the site in a mobile caravan.

At about 9:30 pm, Kate went to her bedroom, Petra went to the room assigned to her, and Amy in the living room sat on the sofa in front of the TV. And then, as Petra says, the following happened. Around midnight, she suddenly woke up feeling anxious, and something made the woman peer into the living room. What she saw there stunned her.

A bright rectangular beam of light entered the living room through the open window. Its end was as if cut off. Inside the beam, stretched out to her full height, lay Amy sleeping. The beam pulled her head first through the window and out. Next to her, inside the beam, lay several objects that were previously on the table by the couch, on which Amy was sitting and watching TV. Following her gaze behind the "floating" Amy, Petra saw a disc-shaped UFO outside the window, hanging nearby above the ground. After that, her consciousness clouded over, and the woman fell unconscious to the floor.


And here is what Amy Rylance later told in the presence of a lawyer and police officers about what happened to her from the moment she was left alone in the living room in front of the TV.

At first she sat on the couch, then lay down and dozed off. She does not remember what Petra told about, but she does remember that, suddenly waking up, she saw herself lying on the table in a brightly lit unfamiliar room. Light streamed from the walls and ceiling. There was no one in the room except her. At first, she felt no fear and shouted loudly:

- Hey, is there anyone here?

No one showed up, but in response, as it were, a pleasant male voice sounded in her head, asking her not to worry and assuring her that no one would harm her and that everything would be fine with her.

Soon there was an opening in the wall, and a "guy with a height of more than two meters" entered the room. He was slim, well built, dressed in a tight-fitting jumpsuit. His face was covered with a black mask with slits in front of his eyes, nose and lips. Approaching the table, he again spoke words of comfort. Then a few more people or humanoids who looked like humans came up to the table. Their clothing consisted of either tight-fitting overalls or suits worn by medical operating room personnel, and their faces were covered with gray masks. Two were of normal human height, the rest resembled dwarfs.

Further, only isolated episodes emerged in Amy's memory. She remembers that she was told about the structure of the spacecraft she got on, and that, according to the humanoids, it was all built on the principles of nanotechnology. Amy also calculated that she had been on the alien ship for seven days. However, according to "earth time" from the moment it was removed from the caravan and until it was discovered 700 kilometers away, at a gas station in the city of McKay, no more than three hours passed.

Painting "The Baptism of Christ". Cambridge, England. The painting was painted in 1710 by the Flemish artist Art de Gelder. Above is a UFO hovering over people. A ray of light emanates from the flying saucer directly at John the Baptist and Jesus.


The abduction of the deer

In the winter of 1999, a team of 14 workers prepared an area near Mount St. Helens in Washington state for reforestation. On the morning of February 25, workers on the slope noticed a herd of grazing deer below, in a snow-free valley. Around noon, a foreman working at the very top of the mountain saw a strange-looking object in the sky about a quarter of a mile to the north.

At first he thought it was a parachute or hang glider hovering over a nearby mountain range. However, looking at the bizarre shape of the approaching object and its complex maneuvers, the foreman realized that it was a UFO. He shouted to his workers to also look at the mysterious aircraft.

UFO with rays, filmed in China


And at this time, the UFO had already approached the foot of the slope on which the workers were. They were surprised by the unusual shape and strange coloring of the aircraft. It resembled "the heel of a man's boot with a small notch in the back," and on the top it had two rectangular, brightly colored platforms: white on one side and red on the other.

It soon became clear that the UFO was flying directly towards the deer. When he approached the herd, the animals ran up the slope, towards the dense thickets. All ran, except for one old female, who had lagged behind the herd and was slowly trotting along the abandoned forest road.

And then the incredible happened. The UFO flew up to the female, hovered over her, and after a moment the deer began to rise upward with its legs dangling helplessly in the air. Surely the same ray of “solid light” grabbed her, only on a clear, fine day it was not visible.

Later, the workers said that it was at this moment that their curiosity and surprise were replaced by anxiety and even fear. And they all thought then that, as it rose, the animal was already either dead or unconscious. A UFO with a deer "suspended" under it now turned towards the forest thickets, where the rest of the herd disappeared. But, having reached the tall trees, the apparatus hit the tops of some of them and stopped moving.

After hanging for some time over the trees, he turned sharply to the west and found himself above a deep valley, where, moving in a spiral, he began to steeply gain height. At this time, according to eyewitnesses, the deer under him were no longer visible. According to their assumption, the UFO pulled her inward. Then, having gained considerable altitude, the apparatus rushed to the north with great speed and soon disappeared from sight.

The next day, about two miles from the site of the mysterious events, the corpse of a deer was discovered. The people who found him knew about what had happened the day before, so they did not touch the corpse. It was decided to watch him. And for good reason.

The corpse, which should have become a tasty find for foxes and coyotes, was not touched by the animals for several days, although their tracks were visible around. Of course, there is no direct evidence that this particular female was abducted by the UFO, however, most likely, the “marks” preserved on her corpse from contact with the abductor and scared away the fans falling.

Vadim Ilyin