"Time Capsule" - Alternative View

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"Time Capsule" - Alternative View
"Time Capsule" - Alternative View

Video: "Time Capsule" - Alternative View

Video: The Best Time Capsule Alternative 2024, September

If aliens were ever on our Earth, there should have been material traces of their stay. On this issue, fierce disputes have been going on between scientists for many years

However, it is quite admissible to assume that aliens from outer space not only visited our planet, but also left information about themselves for future humanity. After all, they could get to Earth when Homo sapiens had not yet appeared or already existed, but only mastered fire and made the first stone tools.

In this case, messages from space aliens - "time capsules" - had to be stored somewhere for millennia in the expectation that "homo sapiens" will someday reach a certain level of development, find these messages and use their information. If we assume that such "time capsules" are indeed on our planet, the question arises - where to look for them.

The attention of scientists has long been attracted by huge stone structures erected in time immemorial. These are the so-called megalithic structures such as the English Stonehenge or the Baalbek Terrace in Lebanon. These are the Egyptian pyramids, which still keep so many secrets.

Stonehenge, which is about four thousand years old, is located near the city of Salisbury. Giant cut stones, reaching over 8 meters in height and weighing up to 28 tons, form several huge circles. These stones had to be somehow delivered from the quarries located 200 kilometers away, and in some cases, one blocks had to be erected on top of others. Even for today's technology, this is not an easy task … The purpose of Stonehenge is still unclear. Either it is a temple, or an astronomical observatory of the Stone Age, or maybe both. Where can the "time capsule" be, if it is there at all? Logically, it should be in the very center of the structure, under the altar stone.

It can be assumed that the mysterious circles also hint at what depth the capsule is laid. To the east, outside the circles, lies the so-called Heel Stone. The distance from it to the center of the circles is 78 meters. Maybe this figure suggests that you need to dig to a depth of 78 meters?

Let's move now to Egypt, to Giza, where the Great Sphinx guards the peace of the majestic stone pyramids. The largest of them are the pyramids of the pharaohs of the IV dynasty - Khedua, Khafre and Mikerin.

So, the pyramids of Cheops and Khafre are on the same diagonal line. And the diagonal of the Mikerin pyramid at the intersection with this diagonal gives a point on the plane, the distance from which to the center of the Mikerin pyramid is also 78 meters! It is possible that at this depth it is necessary to look for another "time capsule". Why is the depth of this hypothetical capsule 78 meters? Maybe because groundwater is usually above this mark, and artesian waters below it. Other explanations are possible, of course …

On one of the slopes of the Andes in South America, a huge trident is inscribed. If le-

aunt in the direction indicated by him, then soon a strip lined with large stone slabs will be found on the top of one of the mountains. And if, having landed on this strip, you dig the soil at its end to a depth equal to the length of the strip? Maybe there is a capsule of aliens waiting for us?

Often, even very ancient terrestrial structures are located in a certain way relative to the Sun, Moon, and some stars. In a number of cases, this required considerable astronomical knowledge. The question arises: where did this knowledge come from people of the Neolithic or Bronze Age? Maybe they were helped by an alien intelligence?

We have already mentioned the Great Sphinx of Giza here. Scientists have established that it was created much earlier than the most ancient pyramids. Japanese researchers have found that a narrow underground passage begins under the left paw of the Sphinx, which slopes towards the pyramid of Khafre. Where it ends is unknown.

When they began to carefully study the head of the Sphinx, it turned out that it has a third eye, facing upward into Space. It was also found that such proportions of the face and such a facial angle (between the line of the forehead and the line extending from the ear opening) are not typical for humans. But what if the Sphinx is a sculptural portrait of an alien, the one on whose prompting the first pyramids were built?

… Several years ago, two young men, George and Mikhail, went to the mountains of Eastern Georgia. They managed to get into one small cave, on the wall of which they found an eight-pointed metal star. It was fixed on a disc with a diameter of 60 centimeters and could rotate. An eye with an oval pupil was drawn in the center of the star. Some incomprehensible signs were applied along the contour of the disc.

Although the air in the cave was saturated with dampness, there were no signs of corrosion on the star. The metal from which it was made had a silvery sheen and was unusually hard. Young people guessed to check whether it is magnetic. The north end of the compass needle was repelled from the top of the star and attracted to the bottom of it. A well with very cold water was found under this mysterious star. Above the well in the vault of the cave, there was a hole of clearly artificial origin. Daylight came through him. The young people failed to explore the well. Maybe a metal star in the mountains is an indication that there is a "time capsule" somewhere here? Unfortunately, there is no possibility to engage in a comprehensive study of this riddle in today's Georgia.

Hypotheses, assumptions, riddles … And yet no one is looking for, as far as we know, space "time capsules" even in the most intriguing places. This behavior of ours can be regarded by aliens as a sign of the weak development of earthly civilization. Is it too early for us to seek contact with extraterrestrial intelligence?


Where is the "time capsule" hidden?

Scientists are looking for traces of highly developed civilizations on Earth

The myths and legends that have come down to us suggest that the current civilization is not the only one that has reached a high level. And before on Earth there were as many as six of them, who knew technical progress. But they died. Allegedly for various reasons: the flood, glaciation, extreme heat, the fall of an asteroid, the movement of the continents, the shift of the poles. Some even believe that these people could not help but leave messages to subsequent generations - with information about their existence. Or some secret knowledge - in the so-called "time capsule". Where could she have hidden it?

Vasily MITSUROV, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Erich von DENIKEN, a Swiss archaeologist, and Vladimir PAKHOMOV, a former deputy director of the Institute of Physical and Technical Problems in Dubna, proposed their versions.

Behind seven seals

- The Bible (Revelation 5: 1-3) says: “And I saw in the right hand of the One sitting on the throne a book sealed with seven seals. And I saw a strong angel, proclaiming with a loud voice: who is worthy to open this book and remove its seals? And no one could, neither in heaven, nor on earth, nor under the earth, open this book, nor look into it, "the mathematician Pakhomov quoted. - As is clear from this passage, the book was clearly not created by the current generation of people. However, they learned that such a book exists and belongs to the "gods". So why not consider them as representatives of other civilizations? And the mysterious tome with the "time capsule"? By the way, history has preserved many different titles for this still unrecognized book:

"Emerald Tablets of Thoth" or "Books of Thoth / Hermes".

Promotional video:

"Tablets of destinies" of Babylon and Sumer.

Biblical "Two tables of revelation."

Egyptian "Sacred Calendar of the Ancients".

"Me tablets" or "Divine Tiles" of the god Enki.

Enoch's "Celestial Tiles".

Chinese book of changes "Yi Ching".

Popol Vuh is a Mayan book.

Need to go to South America

But besides the text, the "gods" could have left something more substantial. For example, fundamentally new means of communication, power generators, vehicles. Or at least evidence that the Earth was visited by aliens.

Pakhomov, the author of the book "The Secret of the Calendar - Message to the Unborn", is sure that the coordinates of the "package" are hidden in the calendar. The scientist mathematically analyzed the strict sequence according to which the calendar dates are distributed over weeks, months and years. And I came to the conclusion that they are grouped into a matrix containing a gigantic array of digitized information. People, without knowing it, carried it through the centuries.

“I know the coordinates of some places on Earth where the Time Capsule can be located,” says Vladimir Leonidovich. “I got them by decrypting a calendar message.

But Pakhomov still refuses to indicate the exact location of the "storage facilities".

“Further deciphering will help me find out what exactly is stored, and determine how it threatens humanity,” the scientist explains. - We must remember the ancient myth about Pandora's box, from which all sorts of troubles poured onto people.

And nevertheless, Pakhomov is negotiating with one group of scientists from South America, which without hindrance and even without permission from the authorities can conduct excavations in any country on this continent.

- "Komsomolskaya Pravda" is the first to know about the find, - the mathematician promises.

But if Pakhomov turns out to be right, will he find in South America the message of one civilization? Where are the others? With the help of experts, we have mapped the proposed locations.

Where the ancestors could hide their knowledge


If the "time capsule" is hidden in Stonehenge, then it should be in the very center of the structure, under the altar stone. Other stones located here in a circle suggest at what depth the "capsule" is laid. To the east, outside the circles, lies the so-called Heel Stone. The distance from it to the center of the circles is 78 meters. Maybe this figure suggests that you need to dig to a depth of 78 meters?


The pyramids of the pharaohs Cheops and Khafre are on the same diagonal line. And the diagonal of the pyramid of Mikerin is slightly turned and at the intersection with the diagonal of the pyramids of Cheops and Khafre gives a point, the distance from which to the center of the pyramid of Mikerin is also 78 meters. It is possible that at this depth it is necessary to look for another "time capsule". Usually, groundwater is located above 78 meters, and below it is artesian water. In addition, Japanese researchers found a narrow underground passage under the left paw of the Sphinx, which slopes towards the pyramid of Khafre. Where it ends is unknown.



On one of the slopes of the Andes in South America, a huge trident is inscribed. If you fly in the direction he indicated, then soon on the top of one of the mountains you will find a strip lined with large stone slabs. It is necessary to dig at its end to a depth equal to the length of the strip.


There is a labyrinth city near Ecuador, where there is an ancient library with texts on metal plates with a format of 96 x 48 cm. The entrance to the underground labyrinth begins in a triangle between the cities of Gualakiza, San Antonio and Yaupi. And strictly guarded by the Indians. Daniken was allowed to go down into these caves, but he was forbidden to take pictures.


Lama Lopsang Rampa described in his books some underground caves in Lhasa, the capital of Tibet. And he assured that in the 20s of the last century, with a group of Tibetan lamas, he visited three dungeons, where only initiates descend. In a huge niche with a gold mirror, he saw a black house sparkling with a polished surface, inside which stood three sarcophagi of black stone. They say that there are bodies of "gods" who lived in this country when "there were no mountains yet, but only the sea, and other stars were burning in the heavens." These are the bodies of one woman and two men three meters high.


A large number of ancient pyramids, which are carefully hidden by the authorities. Excavations are prohibited.


Easter Island and Nan Madol.
