UFOs And NGOs: Irrefutable Facts - Alternative View

UFOs And NGOs: Irrefutable Facts - Alternative View
UFOs And NGOs: Irrefutable Facts - Alternative View

Video: UFOs And NGOs: Irrefutable Facts - Alternative View

Video: UFOs And NGOs: Irrefutable Facts - Alternative View
Video: Neil deGrasse Tyson Weighs in on Pentagon UFO Report and Alien Life | The View 2024, September

Millions of people around the globe have seen flying objects or phenomena in the sky at least once in their lives that defy logical explanation. You can call them UFOs, plasmoids, orbs, secret military developments of earthlings, intelligent ball lightning, whatever - the truth is that they exist and have long been a part of our daily life.

We still do not know what goals they pursue on our planet. But if humanity still exists, it is probably not their intention to destroy earthlings. Not included yet.

Along with ordinary people, unidentified objects are closely watched by the eyes of the military, astronauts, pilots, representatives of government organizations - professionals whose task is to ensure peace and security in their country and on the planet and who conducts research every day to understand the nature and intentions of the mysterious guests.

In 1960, former CIA Director Roscoe Hillencotter said that “on the sidelines of the Air Force, the UFO problem has been discussed for a long time, and high-ranking officers are focused on solving it. But due to official secrecy and ridicule, most citizens are led to believe that unidentified flying objects are absurd."

And here is part of the report from a declassified document from the US Department of Defense. It refers to a UFO sighting in Iran in 1976, when two American-made F-4 Phantom jet fighters of the Iranian Air Force were raised into the sky on alert, but as soon as they reached the target, communication with the pilots was cut off, and the aircraft's weapons systems suddenly jammed: “As soon as the F-4s approached 25 miles, their instrumentation failed and radio communications were lost. All this resumed when the F-4 turned in the direction opposite to the object and ceased to pose a threat to it."

Another extremely interesting written testimony came from Paul Hellyer, a former Canadian defense minister: “On one occasion during the Cold War, in 1961, an aircraft construction of about FIFTY UFOs flew south of Russia and crossed Europe. This caused serious concern on the part of the supreme commander, and he was ready to press the alarm button, but the objects turned around and flew towards the North Pole.

It was decided to conduct an investigation, it lasted three years. As a result, we came to the absolute certainty that over a thousand years our planet was visited by at least four types of aliens. These visits have increased in frequency over the past two decades, especially since the invention of the atomic bomb.

They are worried that we will not use it again, because space is unity, and the consequences can be dire not only for us, but also for other inhabitants of space. They are very afraid that we can start using atomic weapons anew, and it will be dangerous for both us and them."

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From a speech by General Carlos Castro Kavero (1979): “In both the United States and Spain, and throughout the world, there is ongoing investigation. While researching the UFO phenomenon, the world's nations are currently working together. International data exchange is underway."

The words uttered by such high ranks make, if not unconditionally believe them, then at least think about the fact that this phenomenon takes place and deserves the closest attention. In terms of confirmation, thousands of photographs can be found that experts believe are genuine.


This series of images was taken in March 1971 aboard the USS Trepang submarine (SSN 674). The submarine performed a standard military or scientific task - the essence of this mission will forever remain a mystery, it is not as important as the documented fact of the meeting of a submarine with an unidentified object. Military officer John Clicka was the first to spot the object through the periscope.

Many people are skeptical about these photographs, but the fact remains: the military constantly observe extraterrestrial objects, and this happens everywhere - in the sky, on earth, in space and under water.

Internet users sometimes contribute to the complex investigation. An example is the recent discovery of a UFO hunter. Examining the ocean floor on a Google Earth map, a user named Mexicogreek unexpectedly discovered an entrance to an underwater base. Unfortunately, it is not known whether this structure belongs to aliens or terrestrial military.


Some people believe that underground there is a whole network of secret tunnels with numerous exits in uninhabited areas - in the desert or at the bottom of the ocean. And if this assumption is correct, then we are dealing with another military object of terrestrial origin. Alas, the mysterious user did not report the coordinates of his find, stating only that it was located near the coast.

So we have provided you with food for thought. Bon Appetit! Let this information serve as a launching pad for new discoveries and unexpected solutions.

Elena Muravyova for neveroyatno.info
