Evidence From Scientists That Thought Is Material - Alternative View

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Evidence From Scientists That Thought Is Material - Alternative View
Evidence From Scientists That Thought Is Material - Alternative View

Video: Evidence From Scientists That Thought Is Material - Alternative View

Video: Evidence From Scientists That Thought Is Material - Alternative View
Video: Your brain hallucinates your conscious reality | Anil Seth 2024, September

In this article, I have collected the opinions and evidence of scientists that thought is material. Scientists from all over the world have long been interested in the topic of thought energy, some even managed to take a photo of thought! Thought control is such an important topic that it worries not only venerable scientists, but has already reached the minds of ordinary people. My 9-year-old nephew recently told me: "What are you suggesting that I introduce the necessary program into the brain ?!" This is already from the field of computer science, but after all, our brain is the on-board computer that controls our body and the events that take place around us. And my brother, a hard-core techie, shared that if he thinks something bad, then this bad will happen to him. So, let's move on to the evidence …

Photo of thought

In the recent past, the topic of materialization of thought was “closed” in our country. Only the luminaries of science, in particular Peter Kapitsa and others, were engaged in it. Since the 70s, Kira Valentinovna Asipova, a physician by training, has conducted experiments with microlepton fields in the laboratory at the Popov Society of Radio Electronics and Communications. It is known that the microlepton theory of biofield allows for the existence of a gas that fills space and penetrates into all bodies. The gas consists of very light microlepton particles with a mass 5-12 orders of magnitude less than the mass of an electron. By the way, this explains such phenomena as telekinesis and telepathy. And this is also a kind of thought control. Surrounding the body, the gas forms a multilayered shell, otherwise called an aura. As a result of a series of experiments in 1975 (so long ago!) Asipova received the first successful results - a photo of a thought!


She managed to photograph the radiation of her fingers on aerial film (with a sensitivity of 30 units). The images were processed at the Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubna. Only in April 1988 (!), The scientist managed to get unique photos of the thought.

Tune in to a certain thought, Kira Valentinovna clearly and clearly formed a mental image. At the same time, the aerial film was located 10-15 centimeters from it at the level of about 3-4 thoracic vertebrae. This area is now called the heart chakra. As a result of the experiment on some photographic films, the thought resembled an arrow or a bird, where sometimes wings were visible. This thought is like a leading one. Other films recorded particles with their clusters in the photo, somewhat resembling a vortex flow. When working with color film, it was possible to notice that the process of movement of thought is similar to throwing a fiery spark into space. There were even cases when the thought energy was so strong that it tore the film. In other words, when we clearly imagine the goal, that is, we control our thoughts, they are like an arrow or a bird. And since any thought is material,then in the first case it easily takes shape in space. If we begin to doubt something, are not sure of our actions, then such a thought is just a cloud that does not have a clear form and is not directed anywhere. In this case, materialization of thought occurs slowly or does not occur at all. Today it is no longer a secret for anyone that one can heal with the energy of thought. The energy of thought is the strongest! For his more than 20 years of practice, K. V. Asipova worked a lot with irradiated patients. Acting with her thought energy on the affected areas, which the scientist could easily identify on the patient's body, she reduced the severity of the disease. Everyone can control their thoughts. Thought can heal and destroy. The term "Hygiene of thought" has long appeared in the literature. Why not? We keep our bodies cleanso that it does not get sick and look beautiful, but how to take care of the purity of your inner world? About purity of thoughts?


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Scientists from many countries have come to the discovery that the energy of the thoughts of most people, directed towards a single goal, is combined into an energy-informational field, and then on Earth, in society, in the world around us, what is inherent in the thoughts of most people happens. It has been known since ancient times that thought contains a colossal force capable of directly creating or destroying. ("In the beginning there was a word …" "What are the thoughts of a person, such is he himself …"). Human thought is material. She is a bundle of energy. (see on the left a photo of A. F. Okhatrin's thoughts). This was proved by Academician A. F. Okhatrin, the American doctor Teutsch, and so on. “The human brain directly affects reality. A person's thought, his consciousness is energy in the subtlest form”- these discoveries were published by the dean of Princeton University RJ Jan and his assistants. The founder of wave genetics P. Goryaev asserts that “people can influence their own and other people's DNA molecules with their thoughts, in a word, their feelings”.

Any word spoken or read is a wave genetic program that can change our life and the lives of other people. Human thought is capable of creating any program for the DNA molecule, which underlies all life on Earth. According to R. Gerard from the USA, "the DNA program can be changed by the volitional efforts of the person himself and the cultural traditions of the people around him." Academician V. Vernadsky wrote that “at a certain stage of development, man will be forced to take responsibility for the further evolution of the planet, otherwise he will have no future. It is impossible to go against the principle of the unity of all people, as the law of Nature, with impunity … A great future will open before humanity if it understands this and does not use its mind and labor for self-destruction. " At one time, a group of scientists led by I. Yanitskogov Institute of Mineral Resources SNIO especially emphasized the connection of social cataclysms with natural disasters and catastrophes on Earth.

Yanitsky argues that the negative energy of thought provokes destructive natural phenomena. Just remember this year - how many floods, how many tsunamis, and terrible forest fires? Moreover, every year there are more and more cataclysms. You will say that this is due to the destruction of the ozone layer, deforestation and other activities. What does the energy of thought have to do with it?

But first THOUGHT, and then ACTION. Thought always precedes! Materialization of thought works! Now many understand that life is also being destroyed by evil thoughts, by the thirst for revenge, by constant enmity caused by lack of spirituality. “The unkind thoughts of people are adequate to the geological elements,” Academician I. Vernadsky noted precisely. Everything that happens to us is a consequence of the materialization of thoughts and feelings. When we master the art of intelligently controlling thoughts, we gain the ability to create life the way we want it to be. Everything that happens to us is determined by our inner state, our mood. How often do you feel good? In good spirits? In high spirits? How often do you say to yourself: "Everything is fine, everything is fine, everything will work out without fail."How often do you try to control your thoughts? Scarlett O'Hara's ingenious line from Gone With the Wind: "I'll think about it tomorrow." Do you remember what trials fell on her head - hunger, devastation, loss of loved ones … How could she have known several centuries ago that one should not think about the bad, otherwise it would be even worse? It's like a snowball - one thought clings to another, and now we are already falling down with a nervous breakdown. The materialization of our bad thought has taken place. You need to be able to control yourself. This is a colossal work - every day to win over oneself, to control the energy of thought. When people really change their attitude towards the past and the present, without blaming anyone, then the present and future of themselves and their children are really changing! The key to creating the desired future in our present thoughts, feelings, beliefs."I will think about it tomorrow". Do you remember what trials fell on her head - hunger, devastation, loss of loved ones … How could she have known several centuries ago that one should not think about the bad, otherwise it would be even worse? It's like a snowball - one thought clings to another, and now we are already falling down with a nervous breakdown. The materialization of our bad thought has taken place. You need to be able to control yourself. This is a colossal work - every day to win over oneself, to control the energy of thought. When people really change their attitude towards the past and the present, without blaming anyone, then the present and future of themselves and their children are really changing! The key to creating the desired future in our present thoughts, feelings, beliefs."I will think about it tomorrow". Do you remember what trials fell on her head - hunger, devastation, loss of loved ones … How could she have known several centuries ago that one cannot think about the bad, otherwise it will be even worse? It's like a snowball - one thought clings to another, and now we are already falling down with a nervous breakdown. The materialization of our bad thought has taken place. You need to be able to control yourself. This is a colossal work - every day to win over oneself, to control the energy of thought. When people really change their attitude towards the past and the present, without blaming anyone, then the present and future of themselves and their children are really changing! The key to creating the desired future in our present thoughts, feelings, beliefs.loss of loved ones … How could she have known several centuries ago that one should not think about the bad, otherwise it would be even worse? It's like a snowball - one thought clings to another, and now we are already falling down with a nervous breakdown. The materialization of our bad thought has taken place. You need to be able to control yourself. This is a colossal work - every day to win over oneself, to control the energy of thought. When people really change their attitude towards the past and the present, without blaming anyone, then the present and future of themselves and their children are really changing! The key to creating the desired future in our present thoughts, feelings, beliefs.loss of loved ones … How could she have known several centuries ago that one cannot think about bad things, otherwise it will be even worse? It's like a snowball - one thought clings to another, and now we are already falling down with a nervous breakdown. The materialization of our bad thought has taken place. You need to be able to control yourself. This is a colossal work - every day to win over oneself, to control the energy of thought. When people really change their attitude to the past and present, without blaming anyone, then the present and the future of themselves and their children are really changing! The key to creating the desired future in our present thoughts, feelings, beliefs. This is a colossal work - every day to win over oneself, to control the energy of thought. When people really change their attitude to the past and present, without blaming anyone, then the present and the future of themselves and their children are really changing! The key to creating the desired future in our present thoughts, feelings, beliefs. This is a colossal work - every day to win over oneself, to control the energy of thought. When people really change their attitude to the past and present, without blaming anyone, then the present and the future of themselves and their children are really changing! The key to creating the desired future in our present thoughts, feelings, beliefs.


So how do you materialize your desire? Asserting that we cannot do something, we immediately lose the real opportunity to have it. We materialize with thought in our life everything that we talk and think about. The writer, researcher of the human brain J. Kehoe claims that a person can change anything he wants to change, just by learning to control his thoughts and feelings. A person begins to change reality when he stops constantly reacting to it.

The Russian nugget researcher P. Ivanov, in the course of his unique 50-year experiment, to which he devoted his life, proved that "everything in Nature is done at the thought of man, through his request." Our world is anthropocentric and it is human ideas that give it forms and laws. This radically changes the prevailing opinion that ideas are changing in accordance with new knowledge of truth, with new geographical, scientific and other discoveries. Man opens the world and creates it. It's simple: the world is like that, because we believe that it is like that. People have yet to fully realize the true power of the energy of their words and feelings. When ideas about life change, life itself changes. A number of researchers in different countries independently from each other experimentally proved that the space of the Universe has the property of a hologram. This means that each point (cell) of the Universe contains information about the entire Universe. Therefore, everything: from the atom to the galaxies, including man, are interconnected "cells" of a single organism (as much as frost on the skin, how can you imagine how small you are in comparison with the entire Universe, and that you are just a tiny cell). If the "cell" is in harmony with the whole organism, then it receives from it everything it needs for development. The "cell" has the opportunity to be healthy and happy, to improve and develop endlessly. If the "cell" breaks the harmony, that is, it begins to live not according to uniform laws, then it breaks the connection with the organism of the Universe and loses support. This "cell" is doomed to illness and misfortune, the process of degradation begins, leading to its decay and death. Therefore, the systemic crisis,encompassing technocratic-industrial society is an indicator of the discrepancy between the laws of this society and the laws of the development of life in the Universe. You can read more about how the hologram effect is related to our brain in the article "Our way of thinking shapes our reality."

Psychophysiologist G. Shichko discovered and substantiated the socio-psychological programming of all people. All habits, both good and bad, are programmed by the technocratic social environment in the human subconscious. Breaking the protective biological barriers originally laid by Nature, people fight, drink, smoke, under the influence of their environment, being slaves to false programs. But a person always has a choice: either he develops, or he degrades. According to the physiologist I. Pavlov, "man is the only system in terms of the highest self-regulation, recovering, heading … improving." Neurophysiologist Karl Pribram of Stanford University coined the term "achievement image." That is, people's lives change when they evoke "images of achievement" - positive images of what they would like to receive in the future.

True harmony of Man with Nature presupposes renunciation of consumerism, that is, renunciation of murder in any form. This will open up opportunities for humanity never before seen. Russian cosmists: N. Fedorov, V. Soloviev, V. Vernadsky, K. Tsiolkovsky dreamed (thought) about a free man who will learn to live without needs. And such people have already appeared on Earth !!! You can read about them in the article "How to live without food and water?"

Human possibilities are endless.