Kings Park Clinic. USA - Alternative View

Kings Park Clinic. USA - Alternative View
Kings Park Clinic. USA - Alternative View

Video: Kings Park Clinic. USA - Alternative View

Video: Kings Park Clinic. USA - Alternative View
Video: Technical Architectural Meeting of the Royal African Institute 2024, September

In our time, stories about buildings in which ghosts have settled are very popular. The mystical events in the hospital are a great plot for a horror movie. Especially if this hospital is psychiatric. However, not all ghost stories are fiction. The abandoned Kings Park clinic phenomenon proves that ghosts exist. This abandoned mental institution is located in New York, on Long Island.

The building of this clinic is very large. It was built at the beginning of the nineteenth century. The hospital for the mentally ill was opened by a local bishop in 1855. About ten thousand patients were treated at the clinic at the same time. The people called this institution "The Lunatic Refuge".

The strange name is explained quite simply. During the work of the clinic, in order to get into it, it was enough only to have small mental deviations, one of which is sleepwalking. Later, such conditions were no longer considered a pathology that requires treatment in psychiatric clinics. But when the hospital flourished, it used the innovative methods of the day - lobotomy, electric charge therapy and occupational therapy to treat such disorders.


There are many scary legends about Kings Pakr hospital, listening to which it is difficult to keep calm. It is said that unfortunate patients who could not tolerate aggressive staff and "new" therapies often ran away from the hospital. All of them were lost in the forests that surrounded the hospital and died from hypothermia. The escaped patients, whose bodies were not found, were officially recognized as drowned in the local river. The violent patients often killed the calmer ones, and for some reason the clinic staff could not prevent this. But the hospital was able to keep these facts secret for a long time. Some active patients (who could well have been healthy) were kept in underground punishment cells so that they would not bring revolutionary moods into the circle of patients and would not see the faces of the staff. In 1996, the hospital was closed, and now it is considered abandoned.

There is an opinion that the building that is empty to this day is cursed. They say that it contains a lot of ghosts of former patients who yearn for revenge for the mental trauma received during treatment, which only aggravates their situation. The ghosts are concentrated mainly in the main hospital building, which has 13 floors. According to eyewitnesses, ghostly heads with a suffering expression often peep out of the windows of the building. The daredevils who enter there cannot find a way out for a long time. Once a guy who entered the main building of an abandoned hospital heard human crying and saw many terrible faces. He was not far from a mental disorder, but fortunately, he found a way out. Running out of the building, he turned around and saw another face, next to which was the inscription "Evil inside." Another group of teenagers was less fortunate. They wandered for a long time in search of a way out and, in the end, decided to call the police. Law enforcers dragged the guys out, and their parents were fined for entering the forbidden territory.


Once entering the hospital, the man somehow managed to fall into the elevator shaft. Fans of mystical stories immediately decided that this was the handiwork of a ghost. And there was also a daredevil who, after a successful visit to the clinic, told his friends about this and disappeared. According to him, he climbed into a dark dungeon, where patients were kept in punishment cells. While wandering there, the guy thought that his feet were in the water. However, when he stepped out into the light, the boots were covered in blood. True or false is unknown, but in the photo of one of the stalkers, a really similar substance is visible.

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Local authorities have long been trying to attract investors to this place, but for some reason there are no willing ones.