The Secret Of The Incarnation Of Man On Earth - Alternative View

The Secret Of The Incarnation Of Man On Earth - Alternative View
The Secret Of The Incarnation Of Man On Earth - Alternative View

Video: The Secret Of The Incarnation Of Man On Earth - Alternative View

Video: The Secret Of The Incarnation Of Man On Earth - Alternative View
Video: НАСТОЯЩАЯ СЛАВЯНСКАЯ ЖЕНЩИНА должна быть ведической. Веды для славян 2024, September

Philosophers, esotericists and theologians at all times tried to unravel the mystery of the incarnation of man on Earth. And almost every one of us at least once in his life, but asked questions: “How does a person come to Earth? How does the soul appear in the human body? What happens at the moment of conception? Does the unborn child still have a soul?"

Today it is already difficult to imagine that our whole essence is reduced only to the physical shell, which is destroyed after death. Having replaced the vague religious term "soul" in everyday life, the concepts of "energy body", "energy field", aura and other similar terms have become firmly established.

We will also proceed from the assumption that any living organism has a protective energy field. Any! Man, animals, plants, Earth, cosmic sanctuaries, etc.

What happens when you conceive a child? When the egg and sperm merge, an energy surge is formed, which reaches other planetary levels - etheric, astral and mental (after all, the planet is exactly the same living organism as we do, which also has an energy field). The amplitude of such a surge is influenced by genetics and the level of spiritual development of parents, their emotional state at the time of conception, the geography of the place where conception took place, and the position of the luminaries. The better the human genetics, the higher the amplitude of the burst. Positive energy increases it, while negative energy decreases it.

The streams of cosmic energy can also be positive and negative, and the genetics of different people reacts to them in different ways. Drugs, alcohol, nicotine and other poisons that are present in the parents' body have a negative field: the surge appears weak, and therefore the essence of a low level of development is embodied. Very often these children are inferior.

So, at the moment of fertilization, an energy channel appears. According to it, the essence enters the egg. The zygotic cell has a simple structure and only a physical and etheric body. The astral body and several mental bodies a person accumulates during life. The growth of zygotic cells occurs until their number becomes sufficient for the entry of the etheric body of a multicellular organism - fish. Further, the development of the etheric body of fish begins in biomass, which has human genetics. Therefore, at the beginning of its development, the human embryo resembles a fish.

The rate of development of the cells of the human embryo is much greater than the rate of development of the etheric body of fish. Therefore, somewhere at the age of one month, the etheric body of a fish leaves the human embryo and the etheric body of an amphibian enters (since the rate of development of this species is greater). After entering the biomass of the embryo begins to rebuild under the etheric structure of the amphibian. In the third month of development, the etheric body of the reptile enters the body, and the biomass of the embryo is rearranged again.

In the fourth month of development, instead of the etheric body of the reptile, the etheric body of the mammal begins to function. In the fifth month, the qualitative structure of the embryo is such that the etheric body of the human essence enters into it.

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Thus, the human embryo, akin to the planet, goes through all the stages of the evolution of living matter.