About The Corona Glow Of The Sun - Alternative View

About The Corona Glow Of The Sun - Alternative View
About The Corona Glow Of The Sun - Alternative View

Video: About The Corona Glow Of The Sun - Alternative View

Video: About The Corona Glow Of The Sun - Alternative View
Video: Robin Schulz - Sun Goes Down feat. Jasmine Thompson (Official Video) 2024, September

Since ancient millennia, people believed that the Earth, like other planets, is a living organism with a bone structure and other organs of life. At the same time, the temperature inside the planets and stars is in the range of 300-350 ° C (see the articles "Mysteries of the Earth and the Sun", "Skeletal system of the living thinking Earth", "Mysteries of the life of the Earth").

Astronomer William Herschel in 1795 wrote that stars are large planets, but with a bright glow.

According to the legends of the East, about 40 thousand years ago, the planet Sun became a star instead of Jupiter, which, having lost the brightness of its glow, became a planet.

It is now known that the Sun has the shape of a ball with a solid surface, a multilayer atmosphere (aura), radiation and geomagnetic belts. A bright glow around the Sun is formed in the upper layers of its atmosphere - the corona. The surface of the Sun itself is protected from the temperature of the corona by the multilayer atmosphere of its atmosphere, the thickness of which is more than 40 thousand kilometers.

Our research in recent years has managed to get closer to solving the process of the formation of a high-temperature glow in the sun's corona, which is not found in other planets, including Jupiter (previously considered a star). One of the first attempts to explain the increased energy of the Sun was made in 1842 by the astronomer Mayer, who suggested that the star was replenished by unusual meteorites falling on it. This can be confirmed by the fall on the Sun in February 1994 of a giant lump of a material body, which penetrated the surface of the star without any ejection of soil. It is known from newspapers that at the end of July of the same year a huge body fell on Jupiter, also without ejection of soil. A few months later, the newspapers reported the appearance of a huge body on the surface of Saturn,which, before falling, was divided into several parts and alternately penetrated into the surface of Saturn for 4 days; as if choosing the place of the fall.

According to the legends of the East, it is known that the ships of the Great Builders of the Space Civilization ply the Space, delivering (transporting) various materials for the creation and functioning of the necessary objects on the stars and planets.

A material body that fell on the Sun in 1994 was introduced into the surface of the crust near the western ridge of famous white and black spots.

It was established long ago that white spots have a positive magnetic field and black spots have a negative magnetic field.

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This ridge is buried in the surface of the star and extends from west to east for more than 40 thousand km. It is a southern energy source participating in the formation of the star's bright corona glow. Another buried energy source is located in the northern part of the Sun in the place of visible planned geometric forms of unnatural origin. There are tunnel communications between the southern and northern energy sources. In the equatorial region, a powerful flow of energy leaves these tunnels upward (into the atmosphere), exciting the glow in the corona layers (see Fig.).

It can be assumed that a similar energy flow with energy centers was also on Jupiter. It is possible that similar structures are also found on other stars of the Universe.

A bright corona glow around the Sun occurs at the height of the inner radiation belt, divided by a disk-shaped energy layer (DES) into northern and southern parts. That is why DES are the main vital energy flows between the Sun and Space in both directions.

It turns out that earlier, ancient civilizations could create a bright external glow in small and large ball lamps. Such lamps existed before the new era in the temples of Egypt, the Roman Empire, and the Middle East.

Researcher Colonel P. H. Fawcett at the beginning of the XX century wrote that in Brazil, in the inaccessible forests of the river basin. In the Amazon there were ball lamps that illuminated the entire city. These lamps had an external glow halo, while the layered balls themselves could be opaque. Earlier on Earth, similar lamps had different design solutions, large and small.

It is curious that a similar "eternal lamp" was demonstrated in 1845 in the hall of the Free Economic Society of St. Petersburg by the inventor F. I. Borshevsky. In the application for his invention, the author reported that in a glass ball there are two sharp pieces of fluorspar (fluorite) from the granite mountains of Siberia. These pieces of fluorspar glow brightly from a galvanic battery, do not melt and last forever, consuming little current. This is reported in the book by D. Tikhoi "The Relay of the Great Discovery" (Soviet Russia, Moscow, 1971). The devices of the equatorial part of the energy channel on the Sun probably also contain fluorite materials.

I. E. Koltsov