Kaptar From Mount Bermamyt - Alternative View

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Kaptar From Mount Bermamyt - Alternative View
Kaptar From Mount Bermamyt - Alternative View

Video: Kaptar From Mount Bermamyt - Alternative View

Video: Kaptar From Mount Bermamyt - Alternative View
Video: Плато Бермамыт. 2024, September

Survival techniques in extreme conditions should be learned from Bigfoot

About the author: Yuri Pavlovich Suprunenko - candidate of geographical sciences, member of the Writers' Union of Russia.

The North Caucasus, like other mountains, has long been mastered by mountaineers-cattle breeders, plowmen, miners, power engineers. And in modern times, since the last century - holidaymakers, tourists, skiers, climbers. But, perhaps, meteorologists are the highest climbers of all. One of their stations is located north of Elbrus on Maly Bermamyt Mountain (2643 m) (nearby is also Bolshoy Bermamyt Mountain, 2591 m). The Bermamyt plateau, located on the Rocky ridge 35 kilometers from Kislovodsk, has long been famous among the inhabitants of the Stavropol region and Karachay-Cherkessia for its rich alpine meadows. Shepherds bring their livestock here from the most remote areas.

By the way, here in the first year of the organization of the Caucasian Mountain Society in 1901 they arranged a shelter for tourists. Later on, a plot of land was purchased for rent on the mountain, and the barrack was landscaped for quite tolerable housing. Guides from Karachais and Balkars often stayed here with groups of tourists. So the place near Kavminvod, frankly, is mastered and well-known.

Communicating with the shepherds, the head of the meteorological station Valery Koltsov and his colleagues have heard more than once about meetings with the mysterious captars who allegedly live in these places. In different parts of the world, these creatures are called differently: in the Himalayas they are called yeti, in the Pamirs - galub-yavans, in Mongolia - almas, in Yakutia - chuchuns, in Canada - sasquatches, in the USA - bigfoots, in Australia - yawis, in Japan - hibagon … In general, "Bigfoot".

Of course, these rumors were not taken seriously, but too much has been said and written about these legendary hominoids. Special search expeditions were appointed to find them. Some scholars strongly accepted the hypothesis of their existence. Opponents equally decisively demanded more weighty evidence, including the capture of Bigfoot. Be that as it may, but interest in the phenomenon over time began to fall noticeably. The special Commission under the Presidium of the USSR Academy of Sciences, which had existed since the 70s of the last century, ceased its activity. But the enthusiasts did not calm down. Almost all the tourist and mountaineering groups going to the mountains looked closely and listened …

One of the groups of Moscow tourists, during their trip, stayed at the meteorological station on Mount Bermamyt. The head of the station was worried about the long absence of the group, and went in search. Climbing the hill, I saw the tourists walking towards them. It turned out that when they returned, they noticed strange tracks in the snow aside from the path. It was impossible not to be interested in them. Their size was surprising - about 50 cm in length. They resembled traces of human feet. But strange - the footprints were weakly sunk into the snow, despite the fact that even people walking without a load fell deep into it. At the sheer cliff, the tracks ended abruptly. Even a climber was unable to climb up without the appropriate equipment.

But one more circumstance also surprised. Next to the large footprints of an adult creature, small ones were also noticed, half as small - children … So for the first time, the prints of not only an adult mysterious captain, but also his cub were witnessed. This gave reason to assume that Bigfoot not only does not disappear, does not die out, but also continues its kind.

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Tourists reported the events on Mount Bermamyt to the Darwin Museum in Moscow. Its specialists organized a permanent seminar that continued the study of questions about relict hominoids. Theoretical and expeditionary work did not stop.

Researchers have accumulated hundreds of reports and testimonies about Bigfoot, so it was possible to conduct even an initial classification by appearance and height. Three groups are distinguished. Dwarf Yeti - 90-120 cm tall, found in Nepal and Tibet. The middle group - sharp-headed, inhabitants of the mountain forests of the Pamirs and Tibet. And the third group, the tallest, from 2 to 3 meters tall - shaggy hermits of the Far East, Siberia, North Vietnam, Burma, America. These latter are flat-nosed, long-armed, with sloping foreheads, of the most imposing appearance and with display of aggression. They are all hairy, all different in appearance and habits from people. It is difficult to say which genus the creature from Mount Bermamyt belongs to.

The "sports" characteristics of Bigfoot are also determined. Although the weight of some of them reaches about 150 kg, they run quickly and easily. There are witnesses who saw how these "mohnachi" (such, they say, are found in Siberia, in the Tyumen region) deftly and easily climbed the steep cliffs. So they would probably give a head start to our trained climbers and rock climbers. In a word, these snowy, in general, peaceful and even shy guys could be quite cute. But their noses are flattened and their foreheads are sloping. But there are such people among homosapiens. And male beauty is a relative concept.

Joking aside, cryptozoologists (from the Greek kryptos - secret, hidden - an area of research dedicated to the targeted search for animals whose existence has not been proven) often visit the mountains on different continents and collect data on this topic. This is what Valentin Sapunov, Doctor of Biological Sciences, one of the leading search engines for the “relict hominoid” in Russia, says about this: “I have data that in the summer of 2002 a chain of strange footprints was found near Veliky Novgorod. In May, Bigfoot was seen in the Leningrad region, near the town of Lodeinoe Pole. In the Kirov region, residents more than once observed a humanoid creature about two meters tall, covered with brown hair and with hands below the knees. During perestroika, when collective farms were ruined and people were leaving the village, the Yeti grew bolder - he was seen more often. Since about 1995 there has been a new attack on nature, and there is less information about it."

According to Sapunov's hypothesis, there are several populations of Bigfoot in the world, several of them live in Russia. So, one of them chose the central regions of Karelia as a "base". In general, around the world, the number of populations reaches two thousand, and the yeti themselves account for thousands!

However, the more there are reports of modern encounters with the "snowmen", the more doubts are expressed about their real existence. More reliable, documentary evidence is needed. After all, it is informative and useful to learn how these representatives of the "snow-human" clan-tribe were able to survive, not die of hunger and disease, and dodge self-destructive wars. In short, maybe there would be something to learn about survival from Bigfoot ?!