Domino Principle - Alternative View

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Domino Principle - Alternative View
Domino Principle - Alternative View

Video: Domino Principle - Alternative View

Video: Domino Principle - Alternative View
Video: The Domino Principle - 1977 2024, July

The dramatic thriller Domino Principle was released 40 years ago. In it, Hollywood director Stanley Kramer told an intriguing story about a mysterious organization that controls the political world of the United States. Thus, the audience got acquainted with an amazing geopolitical principle, traces of which can be found not only in social, but also in natural phenomena. In Russia, an original vision of the climate domino problem is offered by software engineer Valery Spiridonov, the first candidate for a head transplant to another body. He shares his thoughts on methods of weather control and talks about attempts to create a variety of "climatrons" in the spirit of the novels of Daniel Granin "I'm Going into a Thunderstorm" and Ben Bova's "Lords of the Weather."

Cold War relic

For the first time, the geopolitical principle of falling dominoes was formulated in the spring of 1954 by US Secretary of State John Foster Dulles. Using this theory, he outlined his vision of the use of the Air Force and Navy in Indochina in a secret meeting with the leaders of Congress. According to his idea, the countries of Indochina will consistently, like dominoes, fall under the rule of communist regimes if the president is not given the right to use military force.

Four days later, the President of the United States, Dwight D. Eisenhower (1953-1961), himself, speaking before Congress, compared the entire Southeast Asia with a child's game of lined dominoes, where it is enough to push one and all the others will immediately fall sequentially.

The very metaphor of a falling domino is attributed by American political strategists to the once-famous journalist Joseph Alsop. The development of the plot about the domino principle, smoothly turning into "political chess", can be found in Michael Flynn's book "In the Land of the Blind". It also clearly demonstrates sequences of random and at first glance even insignificant incidents that can cause a chain reaction of events leading to irreversible catastrophic consequences.

But the most interesting is the combination of politics and ecology on the basis of the domino principle in Michael Crichton's novel "The State of Fear." There, for the first time, the topic of "environmental weapons" closely related to climate control was raised.

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Strange convention

The fact that weather control is possible not only in science fiction novels, and that the world powers are conducting some strange research on climate control, society learned in 1978. Then the USSR and the USA signed a convention banning state influence on the climate. This could only mean one thing: somewhere at secret military training grounds, methods were being developed to use hurricanes, tornadoes and lightning storms in military chains. And although since then there have been no officially proven cases of the use of climate weapons, conspiracy theorists are looking for artificial causes of natural anomalies at every opportunity.

Zmievsky radio engineering complex "Uran-1" currently belongs to the Institute of Ionosphere of the National Academy of Sciences and the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
Zmievsky radio engineering complex "Uran-1" currently belongs to the Institute of Ionosphere of the National Academy of Sciences and the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine

Zmievsky radio engineering complex "Uran-1" currently belongs to the Institute of Ionosphere of the National Academy of Sciences and the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

The climatic domino effect is very important in assessing the ability to manage the colossal energies of weather phenomena. After all, even a small hurricane in a day releases an amount of energy equal to that which all power plants in the world generate in 200 days. And the energy of a strong hurricane is equivalent to annual energy generation. Naturally, it is completely impossible to directly control such phenomena. And here the domino principle comes to the rescue with its directed point effects that trigger a chain reaction of atmospheric changes.

Combating global warming

Recently, the press center of GAZ announced another batch of projects designed to overturn the dominoes of the geoclimatic. This time, the proposed development of astroengineering and geoengineering facilities, as well as large-scale methods of seeding the atmosphere, aimed at combating global warming and other negative changes in the earth's climate.

First of all, this is the old idea of deploying giant mirrors. Here the first dominoes are completely different. In one case, it is a local heating of the atmosphere by sunbeams launched from orbit. In another case, the cooling of vast areas of the earth's surface and the adjacent atmosphere by the shadow from the cosmic screen. However, these ideas, quite real from the engineering-physical point of view, will require colossal funds, with unclear consequences of their implementation.

However, it is possible to reflect excess solar heat in simpler ways. This can be the creation of sulfur screens (clouds of microcrystals of sulfur, sprayed by aircraft and rockets) in the atmosphere, or painting rock massifs white. You can practice with reflective surfaces and on desert glaciers. There are also unusual proposals - like the creation of genetically modified vegetation with reflective foliage or the creation of entire seas covered with algae that absorb carbon dioxide.

Unfortunately, such large-scale projects are unlikely to help in the fight against global warming due to their high cost. It is completely unclear here where and when the last ecological domino will fall, and what the long-term consequences will be.

Nevertheless, despite the skepticism of most meteorologists, one of the richest people in the world, Bill Gates, plans to allocate several hundred million dollars in the near future for tornado neutralization projects. hurricanes and tsunamis.

Blow to heaven

Unlike climatologists, who are increasingly agreeing that the fight against global warming may not make any sense, military experts highly assess the prospects for the creation and development of "climate weapons". At the same time, conspiracy theorists have long believed that all the fundamental issues of influencing the weather and climate were resolved in the last century on the basis of the theory of weather dominoes. On conspiracy sites, there are hundreds of links to mysterious meteorological anomalies that could be linked to artificial causes.

As a matter of fact, a strange fact was noticed centuries ago - fires and clouds of powder smoke over the battlefield often caused heavy rainfall and thunderstorms. In the 1990s, due to the expiration of the statute of limitations, new details of the use of "weather weapons" by the United States in Vietnam became known. This is the burning of the jungle with drugs such as Orange, and the spraying of silver iodide to cause flood showers.

Database of long-term weather forecasts EISCAT
Database of long-term weather forecasts EISCAT

Database of long-term weather forecasts EISCAT.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, rumors began to spread about the mysterious Thor installation. Allegedly in the 1980s, a mysterious climatic testing ground was built somewhere in the steppes of Kazakhstan. It was used to test the Tor-5 military climatron, which is a giant turret of decommissioned turbojet engines. With the help of this fantastic design, kilometer-long columns of swirling hot air were allegedly created, which formed destructive tornadoes.

This is how many urban legends were born, telling about top-secret units equipped with Thor installations in the Far East and … the Caribbean. Here, the logic of the narrative of these collective conspiracy theory enthusiasts leads into such a jungle that it is just right to be speechless with amazement.

Climatic "Zone 51"

In a number of states, research centers are now officially operating, studying threatening weather anomalies and climate change from the point of view of the domino principle. The most famous of these is the Ionospheric Harp Project (HAARP) proving ground. Its popularity among ufologists is comparable only to the famous "Area 51". However, many conspiracy theorists reasonably believe that this is just a "cover action" to divert attention from secret projects.

Among the latter are usually called the Arecibo Research Center at the Puerto Rican Telescope, the HIPAS meteorological observatory in Alaska, the EISCAT base of long-term weather forecasts in Norway and the SPEAR laboratory for the study of climatic anomalies in Svalbard.

In Russia, this is the Sura ultra-long-range radar installation, and in Ukraine, the URAN-1 test site of the Kharkov Radio Astronomy Institute.


All of the above facilities are not military climatrons in the truest sense of the word. However, their activity in the form of streams of microwave radiation spreads to the uppermost layer of the earth's atmosphere - the ionosphere. This is where the least studied elements of the planetary "weather kitchen" can be found.

It is curious that at the very beginning of the last century, the famous American inventor Nikona Tesla built the amazing Wardencliff Tower near New York. Among the equipment of this conspiracy shrine, also known as the Tesla Tower, were powerful microwave emitters. Preserved unique testimonies of New York reporters about Tesla's "taming" of a hurricane storm that came from the Atlantic. Then the tower of the inventor was enveloped in a ball of lightning, and after a half-hour of thunderous cannonade, the energy of the storm began to gradually subside, and the clouds burst into an unprecedented downpour that flooded everything in the area …