Someone's Structures Have Been Seen On Venus - Alternative View

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Someone's Structures Have Been Seen On Venus - Alternative View
Someone's Structures Have Been Seen On Venus - Alternative View

Video: Someone's Structures Have Been Seen On Venus - Alternative View

Video: Someone's Structures Have Been Seen On Venus - Alternative View
Video: Venus Shows Signs of Never Before Seen Geologic Activity 2024, July

Objects of the correct geometric shape are visible in the images, which were transmitted to Earth by NASA's Magellan probe

Virtual archaeologists made it to Venus. And immediately we saw objects of regular geometric shapes on its surface. The author of the discovery is a certain Mundodesconocido, a ufologist. He believes that the objects were erected by aliens. Not otherwise.

Mundodesconocido produced a very long video to illustrate his findings. He showed the places where the objects are - buildings or bunkers, as he believes. The video, by the way, is in high demand on the Internet. More than a million people have already watched it. Praised.

A virtual archaeologist (photo on the right) has built 3D models of structures found on Venus


Some buildings look like towers


A virtual archaeologist found structures using a map of Venus. It was made by NASA specialists on the basis of images taken from orbit by the Magellan probe. He flew around Venus from 1989 to 1994. And until it burned out in its atmosphere, photographed 98 percent of the planet's surface. Mundodesconocido has identified many objects. On the map, they look very suspicious, albeit vaguely. But the enthusiast figured out their real form - he made 3D models. And he received amazing structures that stand in whole complexes.

Promotional video:

Talking about the finds in the video, Mundodesconocido does not hide the coordinates of the objects. That is, anyone can independently go through the path of the discoverer. To do this, you need to open the map of Venus, find the XY mark at the top and on the right, click on it and enter the coordinates indicated by the "archaeologist" in the appeared plate. The desired place will appear on the screen in an enlarged form. I tried. It worked.

Map of Venus based on images from NASA's Magellan probe. On it, the "archaeologist" and found the structures


You can understand why the aliens are building bases on Mars - the conditions there are more or less bearable, we are going there ourselves. It is convenient to observe earthlings from the moon. But what to do on Venus? The planet is a living hell: the heat is almost 450 degrees Celsius, the monstrous pressure is a hundred times higher than that of the earth, stuffiness - the atmosphere is almost 95 percent carbon dioxide, and it rains from the sky from sulfuric acid. Aliens need to be fireproof and chemically resistant in order not to perish in this hell.

Or are the buildings left from the old days? It is not excluded. Scientists suspect Venus was once habitable. Moreover, life could first arise on it - on the first. And then on Earth. This hypothesis is supported by both NASA and the European Space Agency. And it is believed that the previously flourishing planet was destroyed by global warming and volcanoes.

In the past, Venus may have been inhabited. Pictured: this is how she could look


The plateau on which Mundodesconocido discovered structures is formed by lava flows. And according to the most reasonable version, these "alien bases" are lava and "erected" - while cooling it took such bizarre forms.


At the Space Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, they saw living beings on Venus

Not only ufologists are engaged in virtual research, but serious scientists. For example, Leonid Ksanfomaliti, chief researcher at the Space Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Honored Scientist of Science, saw in the photographs taken by the Soviet automatic station Venera-13 in 1982, several unusual objects with sizes from decimeter to almost two tens of centimeters.

“They betrayed their presence by appearing on some frames and disappearing on others, and some even changed their form,” the researcher said.

Lander "Venus-13" landed in the equatorial zone of the planet near the Phoebus region on March 1, 1982 at 10 am Venus time. The surface was filmed by two scanning photometric cameras of the optical-mechanical type with a single-channel receiver. Scanning cameras were installed on opposite sides of the module and located 0.9 meters above the surface. Unlike conventional television systems, the images transmitted by each of the cameras were panoramic. The descent vehicle worked for a record long time - 2 hours 6 minutes.

In the panoramas shot with both cameras, Leonid Vasilyevich discovered three objects, which he gave conventionally names: "disc" changing its shape, "black flap" and "scorpion".

"Scorpion" was absent from the pictures in the 87th minute. Appeared in the 93rd minute. On the 119th - crawled away


