Human Etheric Body. What Is It And Why Is It So Important - Alternative View

Human Etheric Body. What Is It And Why Is It So Important - Alternative View
Human Etheric Body. What Is It And Why Is It So Important - Alternative View

Video: Human Etheric Body. What Is It And Why Is It So Important - Alternative View

Video: Human Etheric Body. What Is It And Why Is It So Important - Alternative View
Video: On the Human Etheric Body - Rudolf Steiner 2024, April

- What is the significance of the human etheric body?

- The human etheric body has a very important role. If the physical body consists of organs that complement each other, then

The etheric body has the radiant nature of the combined spirits of nature, which determine all the diversity of the surrounding natural world. The spirit of Water, the spirit of Fire, the spirit of the Earth, the spirit of Air - all four natural spirits make up the human etheric body and all together create a basic intelligent-electromagnetic field that literally holds the entire cellular community of the most diverse organs all together and in full cooperative complementarity.

Natural spirits always cooperate in the natural environment and together determine the composition of Flora and Fauna of natural complexes. Living and healthy spirits of nature have the properties of living beings, but their nature is field. It has a difference in its phase manifestation, and only in the community of the four elements a multidimensional composition of field significance is created, capable of accepting and giving growth energy to physical subjects.

The ethereal spirits that make up a particular species community of plants or animals always have the ability to distribute roles among themselves and never try to prevail over each other, violating harmonious forms of mutual cooperation. But these conditions take place in conditions of untouched nature, where someone else's will does not interfere in order to gain their own benefit or dominance. Man in all natural complexes on Earth managed not only to intervene, but also to make these places defective, having lost their individuality. Therefore, the etheric layer of the Universe on Earth has ceased to be harmonious and, for some time now, is even malignant and aggressive towards the person himself.

- How is a person connected with the natural Etheric field?

- The etheric part of the human body, consisting of a community of natural spirits of the elements - Water, Air, Fire and Earth are wholly and completely connected with the spirits of the elements in nature.

If between the etheric body of a person and the etheric body of Nature there is a breakdown of communication for some reason, then the human body loses its vitality, and the etheric matrix, which dictates the unity and mutual cooperation of cellular life to the physical body, is completely lost, but before that it degrades for a long time. A person has the ability to eat food, drink water, warm by the fire, work with the earth, and this saves many urban residents from the complete degradation of their physical bodies in urban conditions.

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In big cities, the human etheric body is separated from the natural elements, and the physical body begins to ache and decay.

Diseases of big cities are known to everyone. This is the lack of fresh air, and the complete lack of communication with the living Earth. And people hardly see open fire. And the Water in the water supply taps - killed by harsh cleaning and all kinds of pollution from the water supply systems themselves. Thus, the life of a person in a big city becomes fatal for his etheric body and degradation of his physical body.

If a person changes his place of residence to a natural one, then the physical body often recovers very quickly and becomes harmonious and beneficial for the person himself and his environment.

The reason for this is the recovery of the etheric body, which falls into the native element close to each of the elemental spirits that make up the human etheric body, which means that a healing impulse also comes for all cellular systems of each of the organs.

- And how does killed Nature act on a person?

- Killing the natural spirits of the Higher Elements turns the area into a desert. Deserted places on the planet are increasing in size and it is obvious that the elemental spirits of Nature have a hard time next to the human constructions of large cities and military training grounds. Military affairs on Earth create such terrible disasters for the elemental Spirits that a separate and long conversation on this topic is required.

Let us say that the dark forces with the hands of people organize nuclear explosions: in the air, in water, in the ground and even in the vents of volcanoes. It would seem that this is an accident, but in fact it is not. The dark forces hate the Natural Spirits and know that if they disappear, humanity can fully acquire the properties of biorobots that they need in order to control the masses and demand from them those actions that are beneficial to them.

The dark do not need Nature. They live in technocratic hells, inside which there is no place for nature spirits, and man is deprived of his etheric body matrix.

- Is it possible to change the structure of a person? If he is supposed to have an etheric matrix for the formation of a physical body, then what can replace it?

- The human etheric matrix is a prefabricated conglomerate of living intelligent-electromagnetic fields that have their own glow, their own temperature, and their own composition of the cellular community in each organ. The cells of the body are fundamentally different from each other and perform very different work for the mutual coexistence of each individually, but all together in complete unity.

In a dark system, there is an aspiration to equalize all cellular structures into one common, universal kind, which is very similar to the universality possessed by biorobots - slaves of the dark world. The gray ones are gray because they have completely destroyed the field forms of etheric diversity and the entire cellular system is reduced to a gray uniformity. This is comparable to what the rulers of the system of Darkness are calling for and already being implemented in practice, forcing people to mix in marital relations, diluting their genes with alien inclusions of other races and species. The end result of such zealous mixing is bound to be a gray man who does not have his own personality, but a complete set of well-controlled slave and victim of energy vampires.

Killed nature is not an accidental result in the system of Darkness.

This is the goal achieved by that parasitic part of the earth's inhabitants who wants to enslave this world completely and completely. The killed planets can serve as an example of such targeted destruction of natural complexes, led by the main elements - the spirits of Water, Earth, Air, Fire.

- Currently there is a purposeful separation of man from the natural complex. People live in big cities. Food is produced by huge corporations that predatory use the natural forces of the planet, growing GMO products and animals, and then a person eats all this and becomes sick and weak. Is there a link between pharmaceutical production and the predatory use of natural resources?

- The direct connection is obvious.

If a person completely breaks away from the natural complex, or cannot visit a healthy nature, then his etheric body is depleted and ceases to serve as a binding and forming healthy relationships of cellular communities in his body with each other.

The person starts to get sick! Diseases are very different, but they all also have to do with the elements, depending on which organ is sick. For normal treatment, it would be necessary to send a person into conditions of dominance of one element or another in order for his weakened organ to receive the necessary dose of elemental energy, and such treatment would be sufficient. But in the human environment, everything is done completely differently.

A person becomes ill, and they begin to feed him with all kinds of drugs that have a complex chemical composition, which, once and for all, completely and completely changes the conditions of metabolic processes in the intercellular environment and completely isolates the effect of the etheric matrix influence on organs, replacing this effect with artificial interference with chemical elements. They also, to some extent, have natural properties in origin, but being artificially created, synthesized in laboratory conditions, they create conditions for the same artificial field composition.

In other words, if a person is treated with pills, then he radically changes his human nature to the nature of a biorobot. Such a person can no longer live in nature, he suffers from clean air, he is deeply indifferent to the Sun, and he can no longer understand another person who lives in nature and feels his kinship with natural elements. Such a rebirth has become ubiquitous on Earth, and people who were once considered as such have already become non-humans, biochemical conglomerates of artificial field structures that feed on refined food, dietary supplements, drink alcohol as the main energetic of life, and use all kinds of means to satisfy their intimate needs.

These kind of people no longer have problems with high emotions, which include Love and compassion for others. Egocentrism becomes the only form of existence in the environment of the same egocentric individuals. And all this happens in one or two generations of people.

The world is reborn from a natural to an artificial human community, which cannot live in the New era due to the impossibility of adapting to new energies that not only come to the surface of the Earth, like a new reality, but also dictate the conditions of a new life for both nature itself and man in her.

- What should people do who cannot themselves influence the realities of life. They live in the conditions that statehood provides them. And statehood is ruled by those who are not dear to nature and its natural elements - the Higher Spirits. Nobody even thinks about it. And the result was that the Earth becomes barren, Water - poisonous, Air - poisonous, and Fire - hostile to man and nature! How can this situation be changed?

- Without changing the system of Darkness to the system of Light, such changes will only grow like an avalanche. The death of all living things on the planet can happen spontaneously, and no one can stop an avalanche of destructive changes, inside which a person will simply become that grain of sand or a splinter that will be carried by a stream to a deserted coast where there are no conditions for life. Man was created as a part of nature, and if he destroys this nature with his own hands, then he himself has nothing else to do on this planet.

The ugly caricature that a person can become is reflected in many UFO filming. These are the descendants of the same people who once destroyed their planets, turned into freaks of biorobots, capable only of carrying out other people's commands. They prowl the Universal Bottom and fly to planets such as Earth to take part in the predatory analysis of human souls after the next planetary Great Transition.

They can gather a harvest of souls who have not passed the evolutionary exams, profit from the psychic energy of negative content and arrange a couple or three provocations for the fastest destruction of the planet - they know how, because they are taught by their entire demonic anti-hierarchy to act only this way and not otherwise.

The earthly humanity currently faces a choice, and it has not yet been made on the main points by the majority of the inhabitants of the Earth.

The announcement of the need for such a choice is slow and not widespread. And according to this, people go in orderly ranks to the final demonization of their world, to the complete degradation and death of their nature and its higher Spirits: Water, Earth, Fire and Air. This will be followed by a massive death of animals, the destruction of flora and fauna, which is already happening rapidly. But a person will begin to live without nature exclusively on pills, which will make him a biorobot - a freak without feelings and soul. The sad outcome is that the world is developing in a dead-end direction, which is invisible and unaware of each and every one within the vast scale of the Universe. Only very rare people can now realize all the tragic consequences of mass indifference to everything that happens.

The world faces a choice between Light and Darkness, and this is not a speculative choice, but a life-giving one.

We cannot lose another planet in the Solar System, because its death will entail a violation of the Cosmochemistry of the Galaxy itself, and after it the Universe. Therefore, we give people some more time to think, and then we will have to stop the growing chaos on the planet by our own methods, which in ancient times were called the wrath of God.

I believe that it will not reach the wrath of God! The people wake up and take action. He needs a little more to understand how important it is for everyone to participate in the choice, on the Great Transition, of the direction of life on the Planet. A little more and the people will wake up completely and begin to participate in the affairs of the Light. I am sure of this!

Irina Nilova
